This sword, like a meteor from outside the sky, hits the atmosphere, and hits the Void Roulette with boundless power!

Boom! ! !

The unparalleled explosion burst open in an instant, and the entire secret space at this moment seemed to be like a glass mirror, collapsed by the shock and vibration, and a heavy shock of terrifying energy swept in all directions.

The hard soil underneath collapsed, and the invisible force caused by the tyrannical impact collision oscillated to burst, causing the floor that was sufficient to withstand the attack of the True Essence Realm to be shattered every inch.

The air current set off was violent.

The broken stones on the ground were stirred and rolled up, soaring to the sky, shooting out like bullets in the surroundings.

There are terrible storms all around, flooding and spreading every corner of the surroundings.

Niu Jingru's eyes were shocked as he watched the impact space that was folded and wrinkled like paper.

Under the powerful impact, even the remaining prestige that escaped, still flew him first, his stature kicked and kicked back, backing to a few tens of feet away!

At the same time.


With a crisp sound like glass shattering, the Qiankun grinding disc that Qian Yuanzi transformed into shattered at this instant, breaking into pieces in the sky!

The space is shattered like a mirror.

Turned into streamers flying scattered all over the sky.


Under the sword Zhang Qingyuan fully displayed, the terrifying power finally broke the defensive test launched by Qian Yuanzi!

The remaining Jian Qi power swept even more.

It seems to have collapsed the layers of the void, with an unstoppable sharpness, penetrated the void with a substantive laser, and shot towards Qian Yuanzi's light and shadow!

"it is good!"

At this moment, a smile appeared on Qian Yuanzi's face.

But he didn't have the slightest fear of the aftermath of the sword in front of him.

I didn't see any actions.


The whole body was disturbed by the void, suddenly metamorphosing into a dark vortex that could not see any light, like a black hole that swallowed all the light, swallowing the aura of heaven and earth!

When Zhang Qingyuan's billowing sword energy swept across to him, it was like ice and snow melted in an instant, collapsed layer by layer, and the power gradually dissipated under the pull of the void vortex!

In just a few breaths of effort, the sword light swept by the violent and domineering force disappeared and lost all the power.


Although Zhang Qingyuan didn't want to kill the ghost of Qian Yuanzi.

But seeing the other party so easily dissipated this power and swept away silently, Zhang Qingyuan was also shocked, with a look of horror on his face.

Niu Jingru in the distance was even more stunned.

Whether it is the majestic and majestic aura of Zhang Qingyuan's sword, or the mysterious and strange methods used by Qian Yuanzi afterwards, it undoubtedly did not have a great impact on him!

"Some small tricks are not worth mentioning."

Qian Yuanzi's phantom said indifferently.

But that's the case,

But you can still see the proud posture that belongs to the superior from the other person's demeanor.

Although this inheritance stele only left the inheritance of the idea of ​​self-mutation.

But once as a powerful means,

The light and shadow of Qian Yuanzi's thoughts were not understandable by the little True Element Realm.

"Junior boy, your sword is very good."

"Although there is still a long way to go from kendo to the gods, but at this age, at this level of cultivation, even if it is placed in this age, it is also one of the ranks of the pride of heaven... ."

"Even though you didn't understand the meaning of this seat, but with your talents, my inheritance fell into your hands, and it is not buried."

"Your test, passed!"

"Come on, come and accept your reward."

Qian Yuanzi's words fell.

Zhang Qingyuan was also relieved in his heart.

At the same time, there was a slight wave in my heart.

After the previous test, there is no doubt that the afterimage of the self-proclaimed Qian Yuanzi in front of him must have been a great power in the world of earth-shattering cultivation.

Otherwise, there will be no subjective consciousness, which is very different from the spiritual shadow of other heritage steles.

not to mention.

Whether it is the opponent who easily deploys a defense that he needs to go all out to break, or the means that can eliminate his own attack in just a few breaths.

Absolutely powerful!

What level of inheritance will be left by such a great power in the cultivation world?

In this regard,

Zhang Qingyuan is looking forward to it.

"Thanks senior!"

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hands in salute.

His face also showed joy.

Now, after going through many opportunities, his cultivation realm is in the double perfection, and he can reach the real yuan triple realm only by a ray.

The inheritance of Qian Yuanzi in front of him may be the opportunity for his breakthrough!

Coupled with the inheritance of this unknown level.

His strength,

Will be greatly improved again!

With Zhang Qingyuan's temperament, Rao couldn't help feeling a little excited at this moment.

"This Qingyuan is already extremely powerful in its original strength, and then accepting this powerful inheritance of the Linghai Sword Sect, the increase in strength will probably be even more terrifying!"

"Among the new generation of disciples, who will be his opponent?!"

not far away,

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan, Niu Jingru had some expectations and some complexity in his I looked forward to seeing the rise of Tianjiao, a descendant of the sect.

Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward.

Saw it was a few steps before Qian Yuanzi.

Qian Yuanzi's phantom raised his hand and was about to pass on the inheritance to Zhang Qingyuan.

But at this moment.

The accident happened suddenly.

boom! ! !

A spear suddenly came from a corner that no one had noticed like a meteor bombarding it. The hot brilliance burned the void along the way, setting off huge waves and shaking.


A sudden attack,

Grasping the moment when Zhang Qingyuan and the others slack off, even Zhang Qingyuan himself was unprepared, and he saw the sharp spear that pierced the void and plunged into this space of inheritance.

The powerful true essence light shining on the spear made the surrounding space faintly distorted.

Sharp and boundless.


Penetrating through layers of barriers, it crashed into an ancient stone platform at the end of the space!


The stone platform collapsed, and the powerful true essence attached to the spear erupted, completely breaking and destroying the stone platform, and the broken boulders were torn apart!

Within the broken stone, you can vaguely see the light runes gleaming inside.

"No! That's the base of this inheritance space."

Niu Jingru was taken aback first.

And the back color changed drastically.

"This heritage cave is about to collapse, Brother Zhang, leave quickly!"

No need for him to remind.

The vision around is already the beginning.

The space is like a deflated balloon, constantly shrinking and collapsing, and huge cracks are opened in the high-altitude rock layer above, and large chunks of rock collapse.

The entire inheritance space is collapsing!

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