
Zhang Qingyuan's face changed slightly.

This Inheritance Cave Mansion is located in the pinnacles, and the actual space opened up is not as big as we can see.

Rather, the formation mage used the principle of space expansion similar to the storage bag, and used the formation method to expand an originally small space ten times or even more than a hundred times to form this inherited cave house space.

Now the core of the expansion array in this inheritance space was pierced by the spear from the outside, and the entire array collapsed.

The power of this kind of space collapse is simply not something that the little cultivator of the early True Element Realm can withstand!

The ruin of the inheritance space is just around the corner!

However, his inheritance has not yet been accepted. Once he accepts Qian Yuanzi's inheritance, it will be impossible to complete it in a short time, that is, before this inheritance space is completely destroyed!

"Damn it, do you want to give up this inheritance opportunity?"

At the time of crisis, Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts turned rapidly.

The high-altitude space on the top collapsed in large chunks, and the force of the sharp space tore the rock formations of the Dongfu, as lightly as tearing apart sheets of paper!

Such a terrible power, at any time, may tear him into minced meat!


"Huh, **** Yunshuizong thief!"

"I didn't expect you to escape the siege of the Golden Bee, but what about it? You will die here after all!"

Inheritance outside the core Dongfu.

After the black robe monk surnamed Wang swung his spear, he gathered his body's true essence and sneered, but he was still a little bit angry in his heart.

He thought he was moving fast enough.

But unexpectedly, it was still a step late after all.

When the black-robed monk surnamed Wang came to the inheritance cave, he saw Zhang Qingyuan and the two challenge in the inheritance core cave.

Originally, the black robe monk surnamed Wang was still thinking about being able to hide in the dark, preparing to make a surprise attack, seeing that he could secretly behead the two and **** the opportunity.


He saw Zhang Qingyuan's sword.

Sweat coldly.

He was almost drenched all over.

"Fortunately, there is no blind shot!"

The black robe monk surnamed Wang was grateful in his heart, and his heart was lingering.

An opponent of this level is simply not something he can handle.

He acted rashly, saying that he couldn't be killed by a single sword.

Fortunately, the problem is not big.

He is an array mage, and the space within the inheritance space is expanded based on the array method.

The monk surnamed Wang, who was hiding by the side, quickly found the core of this inheritance space, and at the moment Zhang Qingyuan accepted the inheritance, he brazenly shot and shattered the formation of the formation.

Triggered the collapse of this inheritance space.

"Huh! I don't believe that you can still get away with it!"

Wang Xinhei's roar was a sneer. As a Array Mage, he knew best about the power of space shrinking.

This is simply not something that ordinary True Element Realm cultivators can escape.

"It's a pity that inheritance, this position is one of the most core inheritance of the sect!"

A sigh.

The black robe monk surnamed Wang didn't take another look at the collapsed space in front of him.

Turned and left.

Ready to go to other well-preserved inheritance stone chambers to find the inheritance of the sect.


"Brother Niu, if I control this space, can you arrange a formation to support it?"

The space collapsed quickly.

As the crisis was approaching, Zhang Qingyuan did not panic, his calm voice remembered in the void, and it merged into the ears of the panicked Niu Jingru.


Niu Jingru was a little surprised.

"The power of the space collapse is too fast and too strong, even if you want to go back the same way, it is difficult to guarantee that you can retreat!"

Zhang Qingyuan spoke quickly.

But the words are clear.

"If I can suppress this collapsed space for a moment, I don't know if Brother Niu can take the opportunity to remedy it and support one or two?"

Under the crisis.

Niu Jingru's thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning.

Seeing that the retreat path at the back has collapsed as the space collapses, it is difficult to return, and then look at the core stone platform, the stone platform base that has been cracked but still gleams slightly.

Nodded solemnly.

"If Brother Zhang can do it, this will definitely happen!"

"it is good!"

"Brother Niu prepare!"

The voice fell off.

Boom! ! !

Zhang Qingyuan's vigorous aura broke out completely, the clothes all over his body were windless, and Ling Xu was in the air. The exuding aura caused the surrounding heaven's aura to be violent like tides, sweeping hundreds of feet of land!

At the same moment.

That rising momentum turned him into a giant rising up.

The vigorous air machine oscillated.

It actually made the space around it collapsed a bit slower.

"Sihai Zhentian!"

A sharp roar.

If you are talking about Tianxian, it is like a **** of the world, slaps a palm toward the collapsed and void space!

With one palm out,

The majestic and boundless mighty force, it is as if the boundless waves have been born out of thin air, transformed into the mighty and mighty seas and projected onto the world.

The vast ocean, born out of the void of different degrees.

The majestic power is projected from the sky, with terrifying power, suppressed and landed in the air!




Town sentient beings!

Boundless power, straight into the world!

Inheritance Sihaizhen Tianzhang~www.readwn.com~, which was received in the Inheritance Stone Chamber not long ago, integrates the true meaning of Zhenzi from the traces of Taoism that we have seen before.

At the same time, under the pressure of the life and death crisis, Zhang Qingyuan has already surpassed himself and exerted the boundless power of this palm!

This palm.

It is not just the inherited Tianzhang of Sihaizhen.

It also contains the true meaning of Taoism that has not been dissipated for 300 years!

It is the most splendid flower that Zhang Qingyuan broke out from the extreme sublimation of Zhang Qingyuan!



It seemed to solidify layer by layer.

If a wave of invisible power swept across, all the swept areas would turn into indestructible barriers and be suppressed by the mighty power.

The momentum of collapse was directly suppressed.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.



Niu Jingru's eyes widened, he stared at the sky in a daze, his mouth opened wide, and he could almost squeeze a goose egg, his face was incredible!

All the previous surprises are inferior to the one-tenth or even one-hundredth of the shock at this moment!

The mere real elementary realm double perfection.

How could it be possible to impose such a mighty power to the sky? ! ! !

"Brother Niu, do it!"

Just when he was stunned in place.

A thunderous voice rang in his ears, awakening him, seeing Zhang Qingyuan's breath in the high altitude receding quickly, he quickly took a breath, and quickly flew towards the broken stone platform.


This trick is also extremely costly to Zhang Qingyuan.

Whether the collapse of the space can be stopped within this period of time has become the only way for them to survive!

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