Nangong Batian naturally recognized Zhang Qingyuan's face.

Not long ago, the conflict in front of the Linghai Sword Sect Mountain Gate First Line Sky Canyon had just passed.

Naturally, he will not forget to such a degree.

Especially during the conflict at that time, Zhang Qingyuan left a deep impression on him!

How could it not be profound? !

This is the biggest humiliation in front of others since he left customs!

In fact, it's okay to be ashamed.

Before becoming the True Origin Realm, there were too many shameless things.

But the problem is,

He Nangong Batian defeated the previous generation of Crazy Sword, obtained the name of this Crazy Sword, and became a new generation of overlord level character.

This series of achievements also made him proud.

Let him have the pride of a big man.

What's more, this realm of the Sixth Layer of True Yuan.

In the late Zhenyuan period, he is a well-deserved overlord in the South China Sea.

Full of self-satisfaction.

I think he has become famous and admired.

But he didn't expect to fall in front of a mere double-bodied boy, and it was still so miserable.

Although Nangong Batian was restrained at that time.

Did not show anything.

But in his heart, it has already set off a rich murderous intent.

It's just because of Zhang Qingyuan's status as a genius disciple of Yunshuizong, it's not good and unreasonable to rely on the realm to bully and kill.


When entering the gate of the mountain, Nangong Batian took advantage of some short search opportunities to also ask the surrounding Taoist friends about Zhang Qingyuan's situation.

Upon learning that the other party had cut the real yuan with Lingyuan a few years ago, and had been promoted to the dual real yuan with only a few years of merit, Nangong Batian didn’t show anything on his face, but the killing intent in his heart was even greater. Violent!

Enmity has now been forged.

Can not be easily lifted.

Then you must not let the other person grow up, otherwise it will inevitably become your own nightmare!

At that time,

Nangong Batian has already made up his mind, and must take advantage of the chaos in this mountain gate ruins to kill the kid here, otherwise, there will be endless troubles in the future!

"God helps me too!"

Seeing the violent wind lift the black robe, Zhang Qingyuan's face was revealed.

In the sky full of murderous intent,

Nangong Ba Tian's heart was full of ecstasy.

Can't help but he is not happy!

There were not a few Zhenyuan realms who had broken into this Linghai Sword Sect's gate, like a handful of sand spilling into the lake, it was not easy to find that kid.

In the end, I didn't expect that it was such good luck that the other party would send it to the door so easily!

"There is a way to heaven, don't go, **** has no way to break in!"

"Boy, today next year will be your anniversary!"

Nangong Batian grinned,

He almost laughed wildly.

Not only did he encounter this little demon who wanted to cut the grass and roots, but the other party also sent the handle to the door. Even if the little demon was killed in this kind of treasure battle, Yun Shui Sect might not be able to say anything.

After all, as the overlord force of the Yuzhou cultivation world, it has its own tolerance.

Opportunity contention.

That's life and death from heaven.

Otherwise, rely on the prestige of the Yunshui Sect. When the disciple of the sect sees a treasure, he will say that I am interested in this treasure. I am a disciple of the sect of Yunshui. I.

Is this okay?

In a normal fight, as long as it is not bullying others, Yun Shui Sect has not yet reached the level of covering the sky with one hand and being overbearing!

No one will say anything about the life-and-death struggle for opportunities!

"Boy, die for this seat!"

Nangong Batian roared wildly.

The eyes are like sharp and boundless blades, tearing the sky apart.


The sword in the palm trembled and screamed, causing a violent vibration in the void, and the trembling sound went straight into the clouds!

Take a step back.

The terrifying aura is like the vast ocean, as if the void has been shaken down.

Nangong Batian is like a mad dragon soaring into the sky, his swords screamed, and the sky was oscillated in a clear tone, turning into a vast stream of light that split the sky and fell from the sky.

It was a hanging Tianhe falling, and the overwhelming light illuminates half of the sky!

One shot,

It's a killer move!

Nangong Batian didn't keep the slightest hand, and went all out.

All the strengths of the Sixth Layer of True Yuan were completely liberated.

The mighty true essence swept across the sky, and the surrounding space was dim and indeterminate, as if it had been affected by this terrifying aura.

Under the momentum of terror.

An unprecedented bright knife light lit up.

As if the entire sky had been split apart, that sharp and boundless sword aura swept across the area for several miles, causing the monks in this range to feel like a glow!

"Is this the strength of Zhenyuan Sixth Layer?!"

Zhang Qingyuan was concentrating.

The reflection of the sword light falling from the nine heavens with a terrifying aura on the pupils, his face was full of dignity.

Although he is not afraid,

But not arrogant.

In any case, his current state of truth is nothing more than the triple level of the true element.

With many advantages, it may be able to contend with the six true elements, but this does not mean that it can ignore the other party.

"Drawing the sword, cut the universe with one sword!"

Draw the sword,

Out of the sheath!

As the long sword leaves its sheath, you can see that above the sheath, there is like an eternal and indestructible circle of divine glory, blooming with unprecedented terrifying light.

Jianguang turned into the supreme horror that divides the universe.

With Zhang Qingyuan as the center, the world within a radius of hundreds of miles seems to be turned upside down!

The vast power hits the sky directly.

It seems to turn the world upside down!

"what is that?!!!"

at this time,

The monks who gathered around because of this movement saw this scene. The sword light and the sword light separated the like splitting the whole world into two halves!

The infinite sword intent is intended to collide in the void.

It made the eyes of the monks around me sore, as if a sword was piercing directly!

This is not entirely an illusion!

Because within a hundred feet of a radius around the two of them, a series of subtle cracks appeared on the ground silently, and they flashed away, splitting a series of weak but actual sword marks and sword marks!

not far away,

The blue-faced ghost who saw everything in front of him, there was boundless fear in his heart.

A thought suddenly came up.

"How can I lose my heart and provoke such a terrifying existence?!!!"

The horror and fear of the surrounding monks had no effect on the two in the battle.

The monstrous sword light and sword light rolled up the mighty torrent of the sky, one up and down, the majestic whistling across the sky, and then slammed together in the air!

Rumble! ! !

The unprecedented big collision has begun to erupt!

Just like Mars hitting the earth, under the impact of a huge and vast force, layers of earth are crushed one after another under the pressure of invisible force, squeezed and collapsed suddenly, turning into a huge round crater and spreading in all directions.

The earth's soil layers collapsed.

The forest of towering trees was shattered like dust and turned into fly ash.

The spectators who watched the game not far away saw the horror scene, their complexion changed abruptly, and they flew back quickly, like flies fleeing in panic.


After all, some slow runners were caught up in the shock wave visible to the naked eye.

Directly spit out a big mouthful of blood under the bombardment and vibration, and the whole person was squeezed into the mud layer by layer by the vast force!

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