In a one-strike lore confrontation, the force of the collision burst is comparable!

this moment,

Above the firmament swept by the fierce true essence storm, squally winds and waves swept across, as if a natural disaster in the end, it seemed that the entire sky would be overturned.

Nangong Batian kept his body steady in the storm.

Under the calm face, there was a stormy sea deep in my heart!

This is unbelievable!

Obviously one day before, this kid's cultivation base was nothing more than True Yuan Dual Consummation.

In less than a day, he has already been promoted to Zhenyuan Triple!

Moreover, the realm of cultivation is extremely stable, without the slightest instability!

Break through in one day,

The realm is solid,

What a genius!

But this was not what shocked him the most. What was even more frightening was that this little demon actually relied on the strength of the True Essence Triple Layer to compete with the True Essence Six Layers, and was on par!

How can this be! ! !

"I do not believe!"

Nangong Batian roared and stepped on the sky, and the terrifying momentum shook the entire sky!

The sword made a violent vibrato.

As if the thunderous heaven is tearing through the space, the sword light that spreads through the sky bursts out, crossing the void, and slashing towards Zhang Qingyuan fiercely!

The terrifying aura, as if the entire world in front of it was going to be split in half!

Face the sword of Nangong Batian.

Zhang Qingyuan's complexion didn't change much, and the long sword in his hand let out a soft moan that shook the world.

A sword broke through the air.

The sword light across the sky is tit-for-tat, and the sky full of sword intent envelops a radius of hundreds of meters, as if a big river has descended on the world.


The fierce sword light collided with the mighty sword light in an instant.

There was a harsh roar.

Layers of the surrounding void seemed to have thousands of swords and swords colliding and fighting, and a continuous roar erupted, oscillating and sweeping in all directions!

The sharp vigor covered every corner between the void.

The earth is cut layer by layer.

It was cut into pieces by crisscrossing sword intent and sword intent, and there were interlaced sword marks and sword marks everywhere!


Numerous cultivators in the True Primal Realm around them all stood up and retreated, so as not to be affected by this terrifying aftermath of the battle.

"What a terrifying strength! Crazy Sabre deserves to be the overlord who has almost reached the top in the South China Sea. Under this knife, I am afraid that the unusual Sixth Layer of True Essence will not be able to resist it!"

A passer-by in the True Yuan Realm couldn't help but utter a horror.

Staring at the two fighting fiercely above the sky.

"It's true, Senior Crazy Sword's cultivation strength is definitely not weak, but who is the opposite person, who is able to fight Senior Crazy Sword, not letting go!"

The man hesitated.

Some speak uncertainly.

"I don't know if I felt wrong, why do you feel that the young man's cultivation level is not the true triple level?"

This statement came out.

Everyone present was astonished, and quickly gathered their spiritual knowledge on Zhang Qingyuan.

The look on the face is even more incredible!

Have spoken words one after another.

It was just the reaction of others around him, and it had no effect on the two fighting in the sky.


Nangong Batian roared with no success.

The sound is like thunder that stuns Jiu Xiao.

It was another slash, and its blade was more powerful than the one above. The terrifying aura gathered on the blade, like a real dragon struck by thunderstorms, strangling the sky, and an endless majesty and oppression of people!

Crazy knife,

This is how crazy knives fight!

A knife is more ruthless than a knife, and a knife is more vigorous than a knife.

Until the end,

The momentum accumulated by the knife in front of the sword merged into the extreme, like a madman, the momentum of the sword that broke out far exceeded the limit of power controlled by oneself!


Void oscillation.

Faced with this massive attack, Zhang Qingyuan's expression remained unchanged.

Holding the Heitian Longsword.

Cut down with a sword.

The same vast tearing sky.

The power of the top-grade magic weapon, combined with Dahe swordsmanship, integrates its own martial arts, and exerts an unprecedented power.

Like an endless river of vast seas, it has come to the world.

The terrifying true element vibration shock.

The vacuum flickered.

There was a stormy sea on the sky!


The sword light and the sword light pierced the void again and again, colliding like lightning, bursting out powerful forces.

At the same time, the two figures flickered in the void like lightning.

Every flicker appears,

It must be an earth-shattering collision.

The terrifying force exploded, and the true essence storm that was set off was like a doomsday disaster that lifted off sand and rocks in the entire world!

The hill was swept and shattered by the aftermath of a sword, and all of them were cut off. The huge rock that collapsed soared into the sky as if it had lost gravity, and was instantly shattered by the terrifying true essence.

Pieces of knife light swept across, and the earth resembled tofu dregs.

Split a huge crisscross gully.

Under the terrifying collision and confrontation,

The whole world seems to be broken!


The cultivators of the True Origin Realm who watched this scene not far away all took a breath.

Looking at the sky above, the two silhouettes that have almost surpassed the limit that the naked eye can capture are flickering and colliding.

Everyone retreated and then retreated.

So as not to be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

The great fighting momentum.

Like a huge boulder hitting the surface of a calm lake, the waves oscillated in all directions.

There are a lot of True Yuan realm monks who are searching for treasures in the distance.

All attracted by this huge movement.

Come together one after another.


boom! ! !

The blades that gather the vast wind and thunder collide with the swords that gather the mighty rivers and seas to make a deafening explosion, and the terrifying true essence erupts.

The terrible vibrating power came from the broad sword, causing Nangong Batian's arms to numb slightly.

"Damn, why! Why can this little beast last so long!"

"This is impossible!"

Nangong Batian mastered the sword, the wind, thunder and lightning snake danced wildly all over his body, and the terrifying power of wind and thunder surrendered to the void of his body.

Must be angry.

If the Emperor Feng Lei came to this world, the most terrifying power of Feng Lei would be seen in charge of the world!

It's just that the arrogant Nangong Ba Tianxin on the outside.

But there is no reason to have a fear!


It's fear!

Until now, he has swung thirty-six knives.

A knife is better than a knife, and a knife is more vigorous than a knife!


Regardless of its sword momentum or strength, he has already reached the pinnacle that he can reach!

Compared to the state where one started,

At least twice as strong!


None of this has the slightest effect!

He is improving, and the kid on the opposite side is also strangely improving!

Even with the passage of time, Nangong Batian unexpectedly discovered that he was able to suppress the opponent with the sword light from the beginning, and now he is faintly countered!

Regardless of whether it was his sword power or his power, he was actually suppressed by the opposing kid who only had the triple true essence!

Nangong Batian couldn't believe it.

There was even more fear in my heart!

Before breaking through to the sixth layer, he defeated the previous generation of Crazy Sword with the pinnacle of True Yuan's five layers, and took away the name of this Crazy Sword.

The previous generation of mad knives,

It is the realm of the Sixth Layer of True Yuan!

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