Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the sky.

I could only see the sky above the sky, and the three air bodies that rose up like a big river in the last day fought against each other, like a phantom clashing across another space.

The blur is like an afterimage of lost color.

Even with wide eyes, it is impossible to see the essence of the three figures clearly through the reflected void.

Bang! ! !

The space was disillusioned, and the pitch-black cracks spread like a spider web in the nine sky of the sky, and the next moment they were impacted and dissipated by the terrifying annihilation energy.

The aura of destruction permeated, shattering the void.

Three stalwart silhouettes fought against each other.

It's like being in another space interface.

There has been a great battle that the cultivators of the True Element Realm can't understand!

Very gorgeous!

Mortals cannot look directly!

Even Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but look away, feeling a sensation of eyes tingling.

And at this moment,

The invisible and intangible destructive power wave spread, and the terror wave swept across the entire ruins in an instant, affecting the entire Linghai Sword Sect ruins!

next moment,

Click, click...

A crack suddenly opened from the ground, gravel and soil fell, and there was magma and sea water surging up from the cracks!

"No, the ground is cracked!"

A huge crack suddenly opened up and swallowed the mountains and rivers.

The monks all around took off in horror.

His face was shocked.

"what happened?!"

And at this time,

With the silhouette of the unseen sky on top of the sky, the real ruin space, including the earth and sky, shook violently at this moment.

The violent shaking almost turned the world upside down.

The cultivator of the Lingyuan realm who could not take off was directly overturned to the ground under the shaking, and some of the unlucky ones were even directly swallowed by the huge cracks.

Together with the huge surrounding rocks, the earth and wood fell into the abyss.

Only had time to make a scream.

Even the cultivators of the True Origin Realm who soared into the sky felt a sense of upside-down and chaos.

The entire secret realm of the ruins is like a lone boat in a storm.

Shake vigorously.

The trembling space earth,

The soil layers on the ground were cracked and criss-crossed, with large cracks that were ten miles long and dozens of miles long, destroying the entire relic island piece by piece!

"Oops! This secret space is about to be shattered!"

Under the big Luojin pond.

The lake was tumbling violently, and the earth was undulating like waves.

Pentium endlessly.

Zhang Qingyuan clung to his figure,

The pupils shrink slightly.

At this time, the entire Linghai Sword Sect ruins still existed at an unknown depth under the ocean floor. Once the space of the ruins was destroyed, the immeasurable seawater impact and the lava fire veins gushing from the depths of the earth would swallow everything.

Everything will be destroyed!

This is simply a nightmare of destruction!

"You must leave quickly!"

At this time the great destruction of the Linghai Sword Sect ruins had begun.

If you look down from above the Linghai Sword Sect ruins.

You can see that huge cracks are spreading on the island, constantly collapsing the land of the island,

And just when Zhang Qingyuan was about to fly away.

Boom! ! !

Unreachable, there is a length and breadth of unknown kilometers, as if a huge crack in the abyss that runs through the entire island suddenly spreads, and the ground under Zhang Qingyuan's feet is left in an instant!

Wow! ! !

The crack instantly tore the earth, splitting a crack tens of meters wide, and the lake water of tens of millions of tons crashed down, making a loud and deafening noise.

Even Zhang Qingyuan couldn't react to this sudden change.

The whole person is like weightlessness.

Almost fell.

Fortunately, when he fell tens of meters, Zhang Qingyuan barely maintained his body shape, while Zhang Qingyuan controlled his true essence and barely maintained his body shape at high altitude.


"This kind of power, I'm afraid that not the entire ruins will be shattered in the aftermath of this fight!"

Under the huge crack.

Within the cracks in the unimaginable abyss, the dark red light rolled and boiled, exuding a hot breath!

Through the cracks at the bottom,

Can see the vast lava sea below the earth!

This is the veins of fire emerging from the torn soil layer under Yangjin Peak!

at the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan also saw that beside the vast fire vein, there was also a golden Gengjin ground vein winding for an unknown number of miles, blending with the fire vein.

Like two entangled snakes with no end in sight!

"Even the ground veins are torn and revealed, this ruin is about to be shattered, leave as soon as possible!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face changed wildly.

at this time,

Boom! ! !

Another earth-shattering tremor, a greater destruction than the previous moment, arrived. On the island of the Linghai Sword Sect's ruins, large tracts of soil broke apart, and under the tyrannical impact, it was like losing gravity. Generally, they were directly flew first, and soared into the sky in large chunks.

Cover the sky!

The weather changes between heaven and earth, flying sand and rocks.

The entire island is ushered in the abyss of doomsday!

Around Zhang Qingyuan is no exception.

Even this shock oscillation is even more violent.

The surrounding layers of soil were lifted up layer by layer, blocking the sky and dimming the field of vision.

Under this kind of scene, there is even an illusion that oneself is constantly falling toward the abyss of the earth!

"Dong Zhenjing!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the sky shockingly.

Although the sight is obscured by the heavy soil and rocks,

See nothing.

But no matter who it is, he can feel the horror of this mighty force.

Zhang Qingyuan turned into a rainbow light,

Like a foot shot in the void, like thunder and lightning flying between the chaotic world and the earth, showing the fastest speed, flying in the direction of the exit in the memory.

However, ~www.readwn.com~ was when Zhang Qingyuan was traveling through the collapsed rock formations.

Suddenly, his gaze reached the abyss, the big crack that was still tearing the earth continuously, where the underground fire vein and the Gengjin ground vein intersect, the two groups are like the eyes of a dragon, exuding unknown light groups with dazzling aura.

"what is that?"

at this time,

Because of the changes that occurred at the beginning, all the true essence realms on Yangjin Peak had already escaped.

Zhang Qingyuan is the only one.

"I'm afraid that this kind of Qi is not a great treasure!"

Thoughts flashed through his mind like a sparkle.

next moment,

Zhang Qingyuan's body is like lightning, the surrounding water waves are rippling, and his steps seem to have crossed the space, and fell on top of your two light clusters in a flash.


A feeling of scorching heat and sharpness like a knife cut across the surface.

It even made Zhang Qingyuan feel the feeling of an angry dragon rushing over his face!

There is no hesitation.

Zhang Qingyuan directly took out two jade boxes with the size of a grinding plate from the storage bag, sealed them into the jade box according to the method of collecting spiritual materials, and put them in the storage bag.


Turned into an electric light, quickly fled away.

Only a series of afterimages were left in the same place.

From here to the end,

It only took three or four breaths.

Previously, under the terrible pressure of Ouyang Qianqiu, Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation realm broke through to the middle stage of the True Yuan triple stage in one fell swoop.

Although it is a small stage of improvement.

But this also allowed Zhang Qingyuan’s strength to be further enhanced.

The speed is even faster than before.

This made Zhang Qingyuan finally escaped the island of the Linghai Sword Sect ruins from the space channel before the ruins were completely destroyed, and escaped safely.

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