When Zhang Qingyuan left the space channel, the sea water behind him collapsed drastically.

You can see as if there is a huge vortex swallowing a huge amount of sea water.

This is because the Linghai Sword Sect ruins that had formed a space secret originally collapsed, causing a large amount of seawater to influx, causing a huge cavity to be formed around the deep sea, which triggered an anomaly.

Although I don't know the final result.

But it was inevitable that the secret realm space of the Linghai Sword Sect suffered heavy damage.

The remaining part,

Perhaps after thousands of years have passed, one day, with the impact of the submarine ocean currents, it will be suspended in the vast sea and be discovered, once again becoming a secret place full of opportunities for comprehension.

Only now,

Is completely stuck in the abyss of the sea.

Even if the eight Linghai Sword Tokens were collected again, they couldn't continue to open the space channel and enter the space that was on the verge of collapse.

Zhang Qingyuan sighed.

But I didn't miss it much.

Just like the monks around him, he fled in all directions quickly.

do not know either,

Where did the great figures of the real realm on the top fight against each other, but just like the dragon king roaring in the surroundings, stirring up the turbulence of the heavens and the earth, you can know that the battle is not over!

Except for the three Dongzhen realm experts who stood at the top of the current cultivation world.

before that,

Zhang Qingyuan also saw a figure not inferior to Ouyang Shihong's breath joining the battle.

This level of melee,

Ordinary real element middle and low-level cultivators, I'm afraid that the aftermath can't resist it.

It's serious to escape this neighborhood as much as possible.

"No wonder.... It seems that in addition to Ouyang Qianqiu's hands, Zongmen also dispatched people!"

"I was previously wondering why there were only a few middle True Primal Stages that reached Yangjin Peak. It turned out that the Yun Shui Sect blocked all those who came in the later stage and others!"

When Zhang Qingyuan was about to return to his home, Yuelian Islands.

From time to time, I saw the blocked checkpoints set up by the Yunshui Sect, secretly in my heart.

At the same time on the way,

Zhang Qingyuan also saw a group of cultivators from the True Origin Realm of Yunshuizong flying frequently toward the Linghai Sword Sect ruins.

Once someone stopped himself,

Ask about the situation.

Fortunately, Zhang Qingyuan was an inner disciple of the sect. After showing the inner door token, the other party was not embarrassed, but simply asked about the basic situation that occurred in the Linghai Sword Sect ruins and left.

But before the other party leaves.

He also told Zhang Qingyuan that he should not leave so fast for now.

First go to the Yunshuizong to stop near the station established here.

Because their trip was an order for a gathering of missions issued by the big figures of the Nanhai Zongmen Resident Branch, they must coordinate the contribution points of the Zongmen at that time, and the first batch of them who entered may still be received by the big figures of the Zongmen.

Maybe you can mix some merit points or merit points.

Of course.

You can leave directly if you don't want to.

This is just a kind suggestion from the other party.

Wait until the other party leaves.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Qingyuan decided to follow the advice and stay.

Go to the temporary stationing location of Zongmen.


After all, the base camp of the Zongmen is safer than the outside world.

I don't know what the final result of the Dongzhen war will be, although the big figures of the sect have been prepared for this, and by the way, Ouyang Qianqiu was caught off guard.

But who knows if there is an accident?

Being in the Zongmen base camp, after all, it is more stable.

Came to the small island where the camp is stationed.

Zhang Qingyuan revealed his Yunshui Sect Inner Sect disciple token, and roughly explained the situation when he just came out of the Linghai Sword Sect ruins.

The disciples of Morishima didn't feel embarrassed, so they simply registered.

He took Zhang Qingyuan to a newly built house inn to rest.

Stay here for now.

Waiting for the result of the war over there.

And under Zhang Qingyuan's inquiries.

I also know roughly what happened in the outside world recently.

Just about seven or eight days after the Linghai Sword Sect site was opened, all the monks above the sixth level of the True Element Realm who entered the realm of God Abandonment, silently lost all traces.

Even if it is the four or five layers of True Yuan, only very few can overcome this heavy fog.

Successfully entered the secret realm of the Linghai Sword Sect.

It is as if there is a big hand hidden in the darkness in this chaotic God-forsaken realm, deliberately manipulating the cultivation of the monks who entered the secret realm of the ruins!

This is not only because Ouyang Qianqiu personally sits in the waters of God Abandoned Land.

Take the shot personally to kill.

At the same time, there are many Hanhaizong monks who have accepted Ouyang Qianqiu's orders and gathered in this **** abandoned land to hide their hunting with the help of the chaotic weather.

After the two wars.

Those monks from the Boundary Sea Sect's True Origin Realm who sneaked into the South China Sea basically gathered here.

have to say,

For his own plan, Ouyang Qianqiu has almost gambled on everything.

And the reason why these cultivators of the Yunshui Sect are here.

It was because he accepted the command of the great sect to block the blockade of the nearby waters, and clear out the monks of the Hanhaizong who were hidden in the waters of the Abandoned Land.

The results of the past few days,

It's also really good.

As a part of Yuzhou in the South China Sea, Yunshuizong's home battlefield occupies an absolute advantage.

Coupled with the fact that Ouyang Qianqiu, as the leader, was personally besieged by two Yunshuizong experts in the realm of the cave. Those monks of the Hanhaizong hidden in the waters of the God Abandoned Land have become the turtles in the urn~www.readwn.com~ They were successively cleared by the monks of the Yunshui Sect.

Understand the general situation.

Zhang Qingyuan did not accept the invitation of those fellow sects to besiege and kill the monks of Hanhaizong to obtain merit points.

It was nearly a month after entering the Linghai Sword Sect site.

His gains are already great.

The main thing we need to do now is to count our own gains.

There is no need to take risks anymore.


The sun rises eastward.

The gorgeous morning sun suppressed the clouds and mist in the horizon ahead, and the overwhelming light shone on the darkness tearing through the dawn, covering the whole body of Zhang Qingyuan, who was sitting on the white jade futon on the peak of the island and meditating.


Take a long breath.

The majestic true essence in the body brought him a sense of peace of mind.

The middle stage of the true yuan triplet,

At least in the category of cultivators of the same age, it is definitely at the top level.

Look at Yunshuizong.

The disciple of the inner sect of the same era, I am afraid that only the Yan lunatic who has already broken through the powerful statement can compare with him.

Even if you look at Yuzhou, he is among the top class among the younger generation.

Although the reputation has not yet appeared much.

His reputation as a fanatic is simply not worth mentioning.

But in terms of strength alone.

He is not bad at all.


Zhang Qingyuan is not proud of this.

Perhaps before the Linghai Sword Sect ruins, he would have some self-satisfaction in his own promotion.


I have seen the divine power of the cave realm,

After the force that can suppress itself and immobilize only by aura.

Zhang Qingyuan knew incomparably that he was just an ant in front of a real powerhouse in the realm of cultivation.

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