Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Chapter 374: The value of Mingshui Dao people

Between Shi Feng,

The green bamboo stands upright.

The clouds are misty.

The weather flow of Zhou Dynasty was transpiring and running, and the enveloping air enveloped the whole world, making Zhang Qingyuan only feel as if he had walked into the other side of the world!

Zhang Qingyuan knew,

This is because the main air force ahead is too vast, just like the sun shining on the sun.

Just stand there casually,

Those qi that radiate at will,

It is enough to reflect the heaven and earth Qi machine, encompass the space, and cover all the surrounding heaven and earth into the scope of their own domain!


Follow behind the waiter.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was walking through a quiet and mysterious path, exhaled a little nervously.

The cave is really a fairyland!

It is worthy of being called a fairy!

Although at the Linghai Sword Sect site that day, I saw a glimpse of the battle between the real strong in the cave, and it was still shocking to see this scene at this moment.

I don't know why the other party wants to summon myself.

Zhang Qingyuan thought secretly in his heart.

Recall related memories.

Zhang Qingyuan also knows something about Mingshui Dao people.

The previous peak master of Xuanshui Peak.

When Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to Inner Sect,

The opponent is the peak master of Xuanshui Peak, but he doesn't know how many years he has served.

Soon afterwards,

It seems that the transfer of positions is not known for other reasons. The Mingshui Daoist came to Nanhai and served as the principal of the branch.

Before Zhang Qingyuan was relegated to the South China Sea, he had also accepted the guidance of Senior Brother Wang Yuenian who instructed them when Zhang Qingyuan was at that time.

When he came to Nanhai, please come to visit the Daoist Mingshui.

It's just a pity that at that time, the people of Mingshui Dao had something to go out and were not there. Zhang Qingyuan stayed for two or three months and never saw one.

Then Zhang Qingyuan went to the Yuelian Islands to be stationed.

After that, there was no chance to see each other, and an opportunity to hold his thigh was lost.

But after that, Zhang Qingyuan was fortunate enough to meet the other party's true disciple Peng Li during the Fei Ling Island League, and received a lot of guidance from the other party.

Not only did he get a Condensed True Pill later, but on the way home, he assisted in the attack by Ouyang Shihong and saved his life.

Calculating, there are still some connections that can barely be involved.

"This call should be Ouyang Qianqiu's matter, and I don't know what the final result will be."

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

Not long after,

Under the leadership of the waiter, Zhang Qingyuan came to a quiet bamboo house in the mountain stream.

The waiter retreated and left.

Zhang Qingyuan looked up.

I saw in the front, a pavilion like a canopy, under the huge ancient pine winding for hundreds of meters, there was a forest of boulders, and a group of people were sitting on the boulders.

Under the chin, the long beard fluttering, the feather robe is high and the fairy robe flutters.

One pair was slightly narrow and long, but revealed that these deep, wise and shiny eyes were staring at a chessboard on the stone platform in front.

The chessboard is like a deep starry sky.

Black and white chess pieces dot it.

The depth is difficult to measure.

Zhang Qingyuan's gaze just touched there, and immediately there was a feeling of being attracted, and his mind being sucked into the endless starry sky!


Zhang Qingyuan, who has practiced the fragments of Taiyi Refining Techniques, is far more condensed in spiritual consciousness than ordinary monks.

At the moment when something is wrong.

Sober up in the guest room.

Just behind, a whole cold sweat came out.


A clear light, a little surprised, as if seeing something that made his eyes shine, and an admiring voice came.

Zhang Qingyuan looked up in a cold sweat. city

I saw not far away,

The Taoist sitting on the boulder has moved his gaze away from the chessboard on the boulder.

The scrutiny gaze fell on him.

In an instant,

Zhang Qingyuan only felt that the world was vast, and under that profound and boundless gaze, it seemed as if all the secrets in his heart had been spied cleanly!

The whole person stood there blankly.

Time seemed to freeze.



A slightly relieved voice sounded in my ears, and the frozen time seemed to be restored.

Zhang Qingyuan recovered,

Hastily saluted.

"The younger disciple Zhang Qingyuan, pay respects to senior."

"It doesn't need to be like that, the old way doesn't like those vulgar courtesies, you just have to be casual."

Mingshui Daoist casually brushed.

The space seemed to be shaken, rippling like water waves, and an invisible force oscillated to straighten Zhang Qingyuan's body.

Zhang Qingyuan's heart is one of Lin.

Did not insist on saluting.

But he did not act too casually.

Stand upright in place.

Daoist Mingshui didn't care, and looked at Zhang Qingyuan up and down.

Some sighs authentic:

"When you were at the Outer Sect Competition, I was also there. At that time, I saw that you had a solid foundation and a stable cultivation base, so I exchanged with other peak masters and asked for a spot, and I chose you."

"I still remember the outer disciples of that session, they all performed well, but unfortunately, few fit my Xuanshuifeng practice."

"Although I originally had expectations of you, I only regarded it as an excellent disciple in the line of Xuanshui Peak, and one of the backbones of Xuanshui Peak decades later."

"But I really didn't expect that your improvement could be so fast that you reached where you are today in the blink of an eye!"

Between the words of Mingshui Dao people,

Full of sorrow.

"With your strength today, the seniors who entered the door 20 or 30 years before you are not bad at all!"

"In just ten years, reaching this are really good!"

Speaking of it,

On that day, the people of Mingshui Dao exchanged the number of selections, and got Zhang Qingyuan’s inner gate Xuanshui Peak, although he valued what Zhang Qingyuan showed.

But in truth, it is not too important.

It's just that the top ten of the year either had their own affiliations, or the cultivation techniques, character, etc., did not have much compatibility with Xuanshuifeng.

In the end, he could only be taller among the dwarfs, and put Zhang Qingyuan, a disciple with great potential and extremely suitable for Xuanshuifeng, into the gate wall, and supplement Xuanshuifeng's background.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

The past casual actions,

Such a talented genius has been brought to Xuan Shuifeng's line!

Even with the mind of Mingshui Dao people who have cultivated for hundreds of years.

At this moment, I couldn't help but feel the waves.

"The predecessors are absurd, and the juniors are just so lucky."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hands in salute.

But there was a wave of waves in my heart.

There are ups and downs.

"Do you think that the sect is unfair to you?"

Daoist Mingshui showed a gentle smile.

But it directly interrupted Zhang Qingyuan's next words that he wanted to speak.

"Don't worry, I used to feel the same way when I was young, and that's nothing, because the sect's cultivation of disciples is like this. And this matter, there is indeed a part of my negligence..."

Looking at Zhang Qingyuan in front of him, Daoist Mingshui sighed.

When this kid came to the South China Sea that day,

If he were in Tiannan City, he would definitely be able to meet him and give him some advice by the way. While pointing him to the next path of cultivation, he would also draw the feelings between the other party and Xuan Shui Peak.

After all, he was a genius who brought him to Xuanshui Peak.

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