
Things are unexpected.

At that time, he was venturing in a dangerous secret realm and was trapped for several years.

As a result, this kid was missed.

This was nothing at all. After all, a few years was just a blink of an eye. Many spiritual yuan realm cultivators were trapped in front of the bottleneck of the true yuan, and it took ten or twenty years to make a breakthrough.

Don't worry.

When the time comes to deal with the matter at hand, I will meet again and give some encouragement.

What's more, when he escaped from the secret realm and was retreating in Tiannan City, he also asked his disciple Peng Li to take care of him.

Just who knows,

This kid has improved his cultivation so fast,

In the blink of an eye, you rushed to such a situation? !

While happy that Yu Xuanshuifeng's line had picked up a genius, Mingshui Daoists couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

after all,

Basically, this kid’s cultivation was based on his own adventures and cultivation. The sect or their Xuanshuifeng line didn’t play a big role in this process at all!

Mingshui Dao people who have been cultivating the Tao for hundreds of years and have thoroughly studied people's hearts.

Naturally, it is not naive to think that a disciple who joins the sect will definitely be born and die for the sect.

But it’s okay,

There is still room for recovery.

"Qingyuan, do you know Zongmen's cultivating philosophy for disciples?"

In the narrative of Mingshui Daoists, the sect’s idea of ​​cultivating disciples under the sect gradually emerged in front of Zhang Qingyuan.


Not a family.

It is an orderly inheritance collective.

If this collective wants to be passed down, and even grow, it has certain requirements for the next generation of monks. The entire sect also needs to be cleaned up, and the disciples within the sect are promoted in an orderly manner and maintain good vitality.

In this context.

Although the sect has a certain degree of inclined protection for talented disciples, it will never spend a lot of resources and energy to protect.

The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the ravages of the storm, and this truth is also true in this world.

So in the growth process of the descendants of the sect.

The sect has a certain tempering bias in the cultivation of disciples under the sect.

For example, the inner disciples who are in the inner sect practice,

Although he enjoys a lot of benefits, he also has to complete one sect assignment every year.

These tasks,

In fact, it is nothing to the huge Yunshui Sect. Its real purpose is to allow the disciples under the sect to have enough experience to face the test of this comprehension world.

For the vast number of internal and external disciples.

Zongmen is a platform that can obtain inheritance guidance and training resources.

And in this huge platform of free range,

Only by standing out from the crowd and becoming a true disciple, the core class of the sect, will be more protected.

However, even true disciples,

The sect does not encourage over-protection of his disciples.

Unless it is deliberately aimed at the attack, otherwise, if you are killed in the normal battle for treasure, the Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall will not issue any killing order specifically for this matter.

Yunshuizong's cultivation of disciples,

Although it can't be said that the disciple was deliberately placed in the place of life and death, and the real Gu King was cultivated from the breeding and killing of Gu, but it was not too gentle to prevent the disciples from experiencing any danger.

According to Mingshuidao people.

Before he reached the cave realm in his youth, he also experienced several life and death crises.

The true secret secret disciples in the gate have also experienced various fights and battles, experienced various tempers given by the sect, and stood out among many contemporaries, and finally reached this point. 020

"Qingyuan, you were sent to Nanhai for ten years because of a mistake."

"Although it is a punishment, it is also a trial and test given to you by the sect. Now you have done a very good job. Not only have you completed the task of guarding the Yuelian Islands, but you have also performed very well in the South China Sea."

"After such tempering, not only is there no decadence, but on the contrary, it is working hard, and the progress of cultivation is far beyond ordinary people."

"As long as you have a sufficient level of cultivation, you will definitely be able to be cultivated as an introductory disciple by the Dongzhen Realm of the Inner Sect."

A word from the Taoist Mingshui.

Whether it was comforting or not, Zhang Qingyuan felt more comfortable after all.

After all, according to what the other party said.

In the past, even the people from Mingshui Dao himself had experienced this kind of hardship.

And actually,

When I came to this South China Sea, I didn't feel wronged. Instead, I got a great opportunity that was hard to get by staying in the sect.

This performance also allowed him to get a ticket to enter the core of the sect.

Get more cultivation resources.

What is unsatisfactory?


There must be a lot of things that have not been said. The reason why the Yunshui Sect can gradually develop into the top sect in the Yuzhou cultivation world is about the cultivation and education of the disciples of the sect, and how to keep the disciples of the sect after reaching a high position. The centripetal force of the door and many other issues are a great learning.

At least it's not only the aspect of training the sect disciples.

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan doesn't have so much interest in learning about all these things.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's heart relieved.

Daoist Mingshui also nodded secretly.

Since Yunshuizong chose to sharpen the sect, but the human heart is separated from the belly, and some people's xinxing is the second in the sky and the underground, and there are some bad places that have resentment against the sect.

Naturally, it is impossible for the sect to choose the inheritor who has a grudge against the sect~www.readwn.com~ There must be a selection process among them.

And at least,

Zhang Qingyuan's performance is okay.

After listening to the sect's concept of disciple training, at least express understanding.

This is enough.

"Your cultivation level has skyrocketed recently. Ten years of self-exploration has also worked hard for you. Find something to sit down and listen to it. Let me sort out your cultivation level for you."

I am satisfied with Zhang Qingyuan's performance.

Mingshuidao people are naturally not stingy.

Started to preach to Zhang Qingyuan alone.

Zhang Qingyuan quickly thanked.

He took out the white jade futon from the storage bag, and began to listen carefully to the preaching of a strong man in Dongzhen Wonderland.

Zhang Qingyuan is no stranger to preaching.

I also got preaching from Liu Zhangyuan when I was at the outer door.

But in front of you,

However, a strong man in the real world explained in person, for his own practice, the significance is extremely significant.

Although there is no vision of the golden lotus springing from the ground, its sound is like the rhyme of heaven, with a kind of linking the heaven and the earth, which makes Zhang Qingyuan feel like traveling in the nine heavens and overlooking the world.

The people of Mingshui Taoist preached in the realm of Dongzheng, and taught Zhang Qingyuan a lot with various profound and simple practice experiences.

All the doubts that were unclear in the past are suddenly clear.

While listening carefully.

Time flies by.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

And in the process of hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation realm was not only completely stabilized, but the foundation of vain became extremely solid again.

And also faintly,

The true essence surged with joy, and there was a feeling that it was about to break through to the late stage of the true essence triple!

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