outside world,

The inner gate of the Yunshui Sect is in full swing.

At the end of the preliminary round, many disciples used their hole cards to advance to the next round of finals. After all, the rewards for being able to enter the semi-finals and not being able to enter are completely two concepts.

However, those who came to this point were all sect disciples who had won three games in a row.

Most of them are geniuses who rank in the forefront of the inner gate at the cultivation level, and are particularly powerful in combat.

Each has its own hole cards,

The battle was splendid for a time, and the fierce battle was more than the previous three games combined, so that the Yuzhou monks who came to watch opened their eyes.

Some extremely powerful tricks, the means to shock everyone, and even the dark horse that broke through.

Following the words of the audience, they continued to circulate among the people, detonating the eager atmosphere in advance.

For a while,

The entire inner door is full of hustle and bustle.

Many people can't wait for the person who shines in the ring to be themselves, instead, enjoy the attention of the people.

Compared with the eager atmosphere outside.

At this moment, the cultivation cave house leased by Zongmen seemed extremely depressed.

This is because all the disciples in the door went to the square to watch the battle, and this place was naturally free.

And in this depressed cave house,

Zhang Qingyuan sat on the white jade futon with his eyes closed, his muscles and bones surging like waves, and every time he oscillated, there was a clattering sound like the impact of a torrent.

This is the embodiment of the practice of cultivating the body refining in the wild, and refining one's own body inside!

A huge sense of God,

And Zhang Qingyuan has always paid great attention to the fine control of the power of divine consciousness, so that he can keenly perceive every inch of muscle changes in his body.

At the same time, the majestic true essence also provides a steady stream of support for practice.

Supported by many factors,

Zhang Qingyuan's body is getting bigger and bigger.

In just seven or eight days of work, the weight of the entire body has heavier by a few points than before!

Majestic qi and blood,

Shock the surrounding void.

It's just the escaping vigor, that is, the surrounding space seems to have set off hot air currents and waves.

It's hard to imagine what kind of scene would be inside that body!

【You have made progress through arduous practice, your mastery of the Huangtian Body Refining Technique is +1, your physical strength has increased, and your physical defense, strength, speed, etc. have been slightly improved. 】

【Body Refining Technique: Huangtian Body Refining Secret Art (fragment): Introduction (2/10)】

After some practice,

The proficiency panel in the depths of his mind is still showing the handwriting, showing Zhang Qingyuan's gains from the hard practice of the past few days.

Although Zhang Qingyuan has developed a determined mind, the proficiency panel shows that the incentive for him to improve has been reduced a lot.

It is still silently displaying and recording all this.

"Is proficiency only increased by 1 point..."

I don't know when,

Zhang Qingyuan on the white jade futon had already opened his eyes, feeling the display of the proficiency panel deep in his mind, secretly in his heart.

At the beginning, he retreats to practice the Huangtian Body Refining Technique, and then stabilizes for a period of time. When he defeated Le Wengang in the fourth round of the preliminary round, the display on the proficiency panel was just one point.

Today's seven or eight days of penance has only reached two.

In other words, during this period of retreat, the improvement of this body training exercise is only a little more proficiency.

"Is the practice wrong?"

For a moment,

Such a thought flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

But soon,

He denied this idea.

"No, it's impossible to practice wrong!"

Due to the practice of Taiyi refining divine art, coupled with the reason of crossing, Zhang Qingyuan's divine consciousness itself is more than ten times stronger than the ordinary monks in the true origin realm!

Coupled with the practice of alchemy, as well as the fragments of ancient alchemy he had obtained, and in the past he deliberately practiced every bit of power to master the divine consciousness.

Under these various factors,

This makes Zhang Qingyuan extremely sensitive, able to clearly feel every muscle change in his body.

In the process of cultivation,

Zhang Qingyuan can clearly perceive that every time he completes his practice, his body has the improvement that his spiritual consciousness can perceive!

If you practice wrong,

There can be no such improvement!

"The only possibility is that the rank of this Wild Heaven Body Refining Art is far beyond my own knowledge, so in my opinion, when the harvest has been good, the proficiency has only increased a little!"

Compared to the possibility of practicing wrong,

Zhang Qingyuan is more inclined to the latter.

"Such a big improvement is just a little increase in proficiency. If you reach a small achievement, or even a great achievement, you don't know what kind of level it is!"

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help taking a breath.

Make a big profit!

I don't know who the old man who was in the Western Desolate Land that day was, and he has such a powerful inheritance.

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

But soon, he suppressed all these thoughts.

The strength is not enough, and there is no need to think too much.

Compared to these,

Practice hard is the first priority.

Although Huangtian Body Refining Art is powerful, it is also extremely difficult to practice at the same time. Until now, Zhang Qingyuan was only stuck in the initial entry stage, but it still took several days to improve his proficiency.

The difficulty can be imagined.

The more you get to the back, the more difficult it is to improve your proficiency.

All of this requires the work of water milling.


Fortunately, many years of practice ~www.readwn.com~ As early as the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan developed a persevering and persevering character in this world. Even if the proficiency panel display function is weakened due to the powerful exercises, he can still be Practice as hard as in the past.

Time passed little by little.

One month passed in the blink of an eye.

During this month, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to be isolated from the world, retreating in the cave house leased by the Zongmen, and did not have any contact with anyone.

The ups and downs of the outside world did not even affect Zhang Qingyuan, who is now working hard to practice the Wild Body Refining Art.

This month,

The preliminary rounds of the Inner Gate Competition had already been completed half a month ago, and all the places for promotion to the semi-finals have been created.

But to be fair,

In order to cultivate a period of time for the sect disciples who were promoted to the semi-finals and prepare for the semi-finals, I had to relax for half a month before holding the next semi-finals.

Taking advantage of this month's practice, as Zhang Qingyuan became more proficient in the cultivation of Huangtian Body Refining Jue, the speed of his practice has also accelerated, increasing his proficiency by 4 points.

【Body Refining Technique: Huangtian Body Refining Technique (Fragment): Introduction (6/10)】

Four-point proficiency improvement,

Let Zhang Qingyuan gain a lot during this period of time, and his strength has been further improved a lot.

But the benefits are about to end here.

Because I just started, I was able to speed up my cultivation of the Huangtian Body Refining Art with my proficiency at the beginning.

At that time, it is estimated that one month to improve a little proficiency is not known.


These improvements are enough for Zhang Qingyuan now!

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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