A few days later,

The semi-finals opened.

Before the start of the game, Zhang Qingyuan ended the retreat that had not made much progress, and walked out of the door of the secret chamber of the cave that had been sealed for more than a month.

How much has Zhang Qingyuan's strength improved during this more than a month of practice.

I'm afraid he doesn't even know it.

Perhaps only with real swords and guns against the previous top ten, can they clearly define their own strength.


Yunshuizong Square.

On a huge field,

At this time it has accommodated hundreds of thousands of people.

Noisy and noisy.

There was a lot of uproar.

Not only the monks of the sect, but also the cultivators of other powers from all over Yuzhou, come here to watch the grand competition of the Yunshui Sect Inner Sect once every 50 years.

Makes the inner door bigger than the semi-finals.

Anyone who can perform well in this one will accompany this huge stage and become famous all over the world!

Every inner disciple who has been promoted to this step is gearing up, looking eager to try.

Even Zhang Qingyuan felt a sense of excitement in this huge and enthusiastic venue.

At the beginning of the semi-final, the head of Yun Shuizong spoke some encouraging words on the stage as usual, and then announced the official opening of the semi-final.

At this time, more than 300 people who have been promoted to the semi-finals have gathered in the square.

The semi-final competition system is not complicated, mainly the points system.

Divide all the participants into three groups, each with 30 people, and then the monks in the group will compete in pairs.

One point for a win, zero points for a loss.

In this way, each group is arranged according to the number of points.

In the end, the top three of each group were selected and promoted to the finals of the inner gate competition!

This points system is not much different from the procedures in the annual outer gate competition semi-finals, and it can be regarded as the same line of Yunshuizong competition system.

Not much gossip.

After a series of operations, the area was quickly divided.

Ten groups of 30 people, Zhang Qingyuan was divided into the D group area.

Each glanced at each other's opponent.

Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes and rested, his expression on his face did not change much.

In contrast, the other members of the Ding group either smiled bitterly, or nervously, or were indifferent, with different expressions.

But regardless of the reaction of the participating monks.

Everything has been determined and cannot be changed.

Grouping, drawing lots to determine the schedule, and then to Zhang Qingyuan standing in the ring, more than a day has passed.

I don't know if it was deliberately arranged, and Zhang Qingyuan played in the first game.

Standing across from him was a true Yuan Wuzhong inner disciple named Zhou Qingshan. He was also one of the most influential figures among the outer disciples of their class decades ago.

It's just that in front of Zhang Qingyuan, it's somewhat inferior.

Cheers were everywhere off the court.

"Zhang Qingyuan, the newly promoted inner sect disciple who only entered the inner sect more than ten years ago, surpassed many middle sect predecessors in just a few ten years, and entered the ninth in the inner list in one fell swoop."

Zhou Qingshan looked at Zhang Qingyuan on the opposite side with a solemn gaze.

Obviously, he has done a certain amount of homework and has a certain understanding of his opponent.

"You are very strong, but I will not give up easily!"

The huge cheers from the wind down the ring were deafening, but they did not affect the two people on the ring at the moment.


Zhang Qingyuan's complexion didn't change much, and he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of asking.


At this moment, Zhou Qingshan stepped out of the majestic True Essence on the opposite side, and suddenly swept away with a rolling coercion, and the air on the ring seemed to be dissipated by the spreading coercion at this moment.

The strength of the Five Layers of True Primordial Realm broke out completely.

The whole ring seemed to tremble at this moment.

Zhou Qingshan shook his palm. A rusty, old-fashioned metal ball appeared in the palm of his hand. The metal iron ball burst out and burst out with a flick of his finger. The overwhelming aura swept across the world, and at the same time the body shape was rapidly expanding!


The metal iron ball in the extreme mid-air has expanded like a hill, covering half of the sky in the ring!

The whole sky shook at this moment!

The original rust stains around the metal iron ball also disappeared, and the mellow luster on the surface bloomed, like a golden mountain, slammed toward Zhang Qingyuan!

At the same time, an unprecedented pressure is permeating the sky.

Faced with this round of huge metal balls, Zhang Qingyuan felt that there was a mountain-like pressure on his shoulders, pressing down from the sky on the top, making it difficult for people to move their hands and feet.

"Friend Zhang, please advise!"

Zhou Qingshan looked solemn and authentic.

At the same time, the slender fingers quickly turned into a series of afterimages in the air, and the space where the majestic true essence died was rippling like wrinkles when the fingers were swiped!

The many seals were finally condensed into the size of a palm, extremely dark, like a pitch-black palm print swallowed by the surrounding light.

The terrible palm print exudes a terrifying and devastating wave!

After that, the dark palm prints instantly crossed the void and merged into the metal earth that covered half of the sky in the ring!

The golden light that was originally emitted suddenly shrank at that moment, and the light seemed to be swallowed by all the attraction!

The ring was dark ~www.readwn.com~ but the fluctuations brought about by the huge pitch-black metal sphere were even more terrifying, and the surrounding space seemed to be solidified under the irradiation of the pitch-black light.

Even Zhang Qingyuan felt that the surrounding space seemed as thick as water, and it was generally difficult to move.

"not bad."

The expression on Zhang Qingyuan's face changed for the first time.

This is obviously Zhou Qingshan's trick at the bottom of the box.

In the face of an enemy of Zhang Qingyuan's level, he has no reservations at all, and he does his best to shoot!

Faced with such a magic weapon, even Zhang Qingyuan may not have the confidence to be able to escape under such a powerful suppression!

However, he doesn't have to run away.


Zhang Qingyuan bent slightly, his center of gravity shifted downwards, every bit of the strength of his body continued to condense, and at the same time he let out a breath, a white mist spit out like a sharp sword, as if in winter.

next moment,


Both feet were stomped heavily, and the arm of the ankle exploded with incomparable strength in a moment, and the hard ring was ejected into cobweb-like cracks visible to the naked eye!

Then the whole person turned into an afterimage, talking and shooting like a cannonball!

"The universe breaks the sky!"

Raise your hand and make a fist.

Throw a punch, hit the void!

In an instant,

Fist out!

It seemed that at that moment, all the strength of Zhang Qingyuan's life was concentrated on that punch, and suddenly burst out!

The space seemed to be affected under this fist, bright and extinguished, layers upon layers of waves visible to the naked eye were rolled up, dull and uncertain!

Boom! ! !

A punch that gathered all the strength of Zhang Qingyuan, and hit the black metal balloon that fell from the top!

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