With the conclusion of the Inner Gate Competition of the Yunshui Sect, within a few days of work, many ups and downs about this battle also left with the Yuzhou monks who came to observe the ceremony, and took the Yuzhou cultivation world. Every corner.

Still invincible, You Xiaosheng who stands on the pinnacle, the domineering Zuo Qingtian, the new generation of Tianjiao Zhang Qingyuan who has emerged from the dark horse, etc., all the internal disciples of the Yunshui Sect who have performed well from the Inner Sect Grand Competition, are all in this scene. After the big competition, the reputation became huge.

Famous throughout Yuzhou and become the representative of the new generation of young talents in Yuzhou.

Once became famous all over the world.

This is the grand occasion.


Among them, I am afraid that Yunshuizong's contribution is indispensable.

After all, the 50-year Inner Sect Competition, in addition to selecting and motivating the fighting spirit of the disciples, also has the function of showing Yuzhou the genius of the descendants of the sect.

A sect, only when it is passed down in an orderly manner from generation to generation, and when geniuses come forth in large numbers, will the prestige be inherited.

Great reputation,

It also helps the sect to absorb more fresh blood.

During this time,

As one of the leaders of the younger generation, Zhang Qingyuan, who was originally unknown in Yuzhou, has begun to rank in the rookie list of Yuzhou cultivation world.

This list is for the ranking of young talents under the age of 100 in the entire Yuzhou cultivation world.

He made the list for the first time and was directly placed in the 43rd place.

The inner door of the Yunshui Sect was ranked third, but Yuzhou's rookie list ranked forty-three.

The gap is huge,

But in fact, this is not surprising,

The Yunshui Sect is the first sect in Yuzhou, but not all talents are in the Yunshui Sect. The entire Yuzhou includes more than hundreds of millions of people. There are always large and small sects. So few talented people shocked the world.

What's more, the Yunshui Sect Inner Sect Grand Bi is once every fifty years, and the cultivation base is also attended by disciples below the late True Yuan period.

Within the sect, certain geniuses and evildoers broke through to the Seventh Layer of True Essence before they were a hundred years old, and were directly promoted to True Disciple, and naturally they couldn't participate in this inner sect competition.

And such evildoers, there are also several in the entire Yunshui Sect.

Not to mention the entire Yuzhou cultivation world.

So it is not surprising that Zhang Qingyuan is ranked 43rd in the Yuzhou rookie list.

But for Zhang Qingyuan,

It doesn't make much sense.

Fame or something, although it will be a little happy to hear others admire oneself, but these do not have much effect on strength.

Zhang Qing [5200] Yuan would not deliberately pursue these.


Due to the popularity of the Inner Gate Competition, Zhang Qingyuan often attracted attention when he walked in the inner gate area of ​​the Zongmen.

It was fine at first, but after a long time I felt a little bored.

So Zhang Qingyuan stayed directly in the secret room rented by the inner door, simply recovered from his injury, and refined the remaining Yuwen Shaochuan's sword power in his body.

In this way, Zhang Qingyuan was much cleaner.


Time flies by.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Qingyuan stayed in the cave house for a long time, and while refining all the injuries in his body, he also completely wiped out the sword power left by Yuwen Shaochuan in the meridians, and the whole person was completely restored to its peak state.

Do not,

Not only is it restored to its peak.

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation strength was all diligent.

After a series of battles, Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation level has improved a lot. He has already raised the five real yuan to the level of consummation, and he can be promoted to the sixth real yuan in just one step.

Moreover, in the process of obliterating Yuwen Shaochuan's White Dragon sword power, Zhang Qingyuan had some insights.

Let him glimpse some of the mysteries of sword power,

This gain in sword power, coupled with the profound accumulation of sword intent, made Zhang Qingyuan half-footed the threshold of sword power.

Just go to the Enlightenment Hall and the group to experience it,

In all likelihood, the mind can be raised to the point of potential.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

If he hadn't had that full fight against Yuwen Shaochuan, he might not have been able to achieve such a gain.

Strength is improved again,

Obviously Zhang Qingyuan was in a good mood.

"Very good, now that all aspects have reached the goal, it is time to go to the Enlightenment Hall and maximize the utility!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes shone brightly.

He stood up from the futon and walked out of the cave.

The sunlight outside the cave was a bit dazzling.

But after all, it was the cultivator~www.readwn.com~ who adjusted it in just one or two breaths, and the sunlight did not cause much damage to the eyes.

"Huh, half a year has passed, and the heat of the Inner Gate Competition should have passed."

Seeing the lonely peace around him, Zhang Qingyuan also took a long breath.

During the first period of time,

You have to face gazes from all directions when you walk, which really makes Zhang Qingyuan, who is used to acting secretly and low-key, feel a little bit stressed.

Fortunately, he didn't have too many things, so he turned his head and went into retreat and cultivated, and he was isolated from the world.

In half a year,

Because Zhang Qingyuan didn't make many friends in the inner door, so after winning the third place in the inner door, he didn't have too much troubles such as entertainment.

In addition to Zhao Yuanyang and Shen Hongzhou, there are occasionally two or three of the same students who had practiced together for a period of time in the Seventeenth Courtyard.

Congratulations from fellow students like Qian Sen on Tianmu Peak who once had such a joint adventure and friendship, congratulations from Hu Junshan, who pointed out in the past,

And besides a guy named You Xiaosheng who came to the door to harass him a few times when he was familiar with it,

There is basically no socializing.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan was able to cultivate and rejuvenate quietly, not only to recover his injuries, but also to take advantage of this opportunity to absorb all his previous combat experience and further enhance his strength.


During this period,

Peak Master Xuanshuifeng also came to summon him twice.

This makes Zhang Qingyuan a little headache.

One time it was preaching and pointing, and the other time it was a complete small talk, as if to draw up feelings.

This undoubtedly makes Zhang Qingyuan feel a little uneasy.

"Hey, what does the peak master mean?"


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