Zhang Qingyuan didn't know which faction the peak master of Xuanshui Peak was standing in, and what calculations were in it.

But think about it, if you encounter any trouble, it should be possible to run away from the vortex by yourself.

After all, anyway,

After all, he is the third place in this Inner Sect Grand Competition, and he is already a reserve who is about to become a true disciple. The struggle between the two factions within the Zong Sect will never reach the point of life and death, or even strangling the next generation of geniuses in the Zong Sect.

This should not be possible.

After all, the Yunshui Sect was able to gradually grow from a small sect back then to the status of Yuzhou hegemony now. If such a fierce internal fight occurs inside, I am afraid that the entire sect has already fallen into the abyss.

But having said that,

But after all, Zhang Qingyuan is unwilling to put his own destiny in the hands of others.

"Strength, I need stronger strength!"

"At the beginning, I promised Master Lu to help take care of his younger generations outside the door. Taking advantage of these three years, I will use these three enlightenment opportunities from the Enlightenment Hall to enhance my foundation in all aspects!"

"When the three-year period expires, I will bring Master Lu’s junior into the inner gate. These three years are enough time for me to digest the opportunity of Wudaotang. Then I will leave the sect directly or return to the Zhangjia family in Huainan. Or return directly to the South China Sea."

"Anyway, it's better to forget about the inner door."

If it weren't for the promise of Master Lu, if it weren't for the three chances of Enlightenment Hall, it would be of extraordinary significance to me.

I am afraid Zhang Qingyuan has already withdrawn and left the inner door.

"Forget it, it's a big deal to keep a low profile during this time, but it's only three years."

With all kinds of thoughts in my heart,

Zhang Qingyuan spent most of a day's effort to drive the escape light to reach the Tongtian Juyue where the Yunshui Zongshan Gate is located.

This is the most tightly guarded forbidden area for the inner gate, and it is also the core of the entire Zongmen Mountain Gate and the place where the entire guardian formation is shrouded.

Trees lined with shade, and a curtain of light rises up, enclosing this entire area, surrounded by tightly guarded, from time to time, there are vigorous real-element realm law enforcement disciples patrolling around.

Zhang Qingyuan had already lowered his escape an hour ago.

There is a no-flying space within a radius of tens of miles around, unless it is a fairy in the realm of the cave, no one is allowed to fly in this space.

Take out the identity token and pass the inspection of the gatekeeper and the formation.

After another half an hour,

Zhang Qingyuan finally came to the tightly guarded stone room area, surrounded by rich spiritual energy, condensed into a white mist visible to the naked eye, and the clear water was surging. The moment he stepped into this range, Zhang Qingyuan keenly felt that the heavens, the earth and the Taoism were flooded here. In the void, with an inexplicable charm.

Enlightenment Hall...

Looking at the iron painted silver hook on the top plaque, with a touch of incomprehensible charm, Zhang Qingyuan lowered his head, his eyes flickering in his heart.

"Zhang Qingyuan, this year's Inner Sect is more than the top three, and has the qualifications to enter the Enlightenment Hall three times..."

A slightly old voice came from the front, it was a strange old man who was sitting on the front counter and was registered in the clothes of a deacon of the sect.

The breath is strong, Yuan Zhen Yue Zhi.

Obviously a powerful existence in the late True Yuan period.

But at the same time, his face was old and tired, and his messy white hair was already invisible to any color. You don't need to look at it, you can feel the aging energy in the other party's body.

This is a dying old man.

"Yes, come with me."

After confirming Zhang Qingyuan's identity, he saw that he had input something into the luminous jade charm on a certain side, the light flickered, and he took Zhang Qingyuan into the cave entrance stone room.

"Senior for work."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hands in a salute from the rear.

"You are welcome, this is the old man's duty."

"Like the old man, those who are going to die, they only have to guard the door to give the sect the last light and heat. On the contrary, you, you have reached this point at a young age, and you will work hard in the future, and you will work hard in the future. The old man is just around the corner, and the future belongs to your young people..."

Or maybe it's been bored here for a long time, just want to talk.

But to Zhang Qingyuan,

The other party's old tone was like rotten wood about to decay.


This is an old repair that is about to come to an end.

If there are no accidents, there is a high probability that his path will end here, and it has been a few years to live.

The lamp was dry, and half of his foot stepped into the coffin.

"Don't dare, the seniors have a profound cultivation base. He will have a chance in the future. It may not be like the ancestors of the ancestors of the past.

"Forget it, my path is over. I took one step wrong in the past, but in the end I regretted most of my life."

"Don't follow me, be patient in practice..."

The old deacon sighed, as if recalling something, his face seemed to be even more gray, like a lamp about to go out.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

The aging, decayed breath that radiated from the opponent's spirit became heavier, as if the person in front was about to step into the coffin to rot and die in the next moment~www.readwn.com~Zhang Qingyuan was also a little silent.

For a moment, he suddenly thought, if one day he could not reach the pinnacle of this world and step into the realm of immortality, would one day be like this and become an old man who is about to die, full of decay Woolen cloth?

Do not,

Will not!

Life will not end, struggle endlessly!

Even if the future fails, and he really has the day to step into death, at least he has struggled, worked hard, and has been wonderful in this life, and he will never regret it in this life!

In this heavy atmosphere,

The moods of the old and the young are indeed completely different.

One after the other, the two walked through a long white jade passage, and finally came to a gate made of white jade that was several feet high.

On the white jade gate, inscribed with mysterious runes.

Just looking at it, Zhang Qingyuan felt tingling in his eyes!

"That's it. The Enlightenment Hall is based on a strange stone found from the outside world by the Supreme Elder thousands of years ago that can inspire monks to enter a state of epiphany similar to the interaction between heaven and man."

"This stone can resonate with heaven, earth, and Taoism, and has the effect of increasing people's comprehension by more than ten times."

"Although there is a certain gap in the interaction with the real world, but it is also extremely extraordinary..."

While speaking,

The old deacon took out a jade talisman, and immediately a light was born in the void, right in the middle of the white jade gate.

Immediately afterwards, as if some mechanism had been activated, the white jade gate rumblingly opened to both sides.

"Go, you only have ten days. After ten days, I will wake you up."

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