"It seems that the results of the retreat in the past few years are not bad."

Zhang Qingyuan simply calculated the various methods he possessed, and secretly said in his heart.

This battle with Diplodocus,

Let him also know something about his own strength.

Although the other party has hidden.

But why didn't I hide it?

The displayed martial art of passing the time is only a bonus for the failure to develop the great magical powers of the Buddha Kingdom during the several years of retreat.

Over the past few years,

He studied the methods that can be used as a killer, but it's more than that.

"Today, I can't compete with the late eightfold or even eightfold consummation. Even in the face of the ninefold true essence, if I want to escape, it may not be able to deal with me."

After a simple calculation, Zhang Qingyuan had a sense of self-confidence in his heart.

"In the past few years, the foundation at this stage has been close to the limit. It is impossible to make a big improvement in a short time."

The many classics of cultivation knowledge obtained at the beginning have been absorbed and used for their own use.

Coupled with the deduction function of Dayan Shu, the relic has been studied and absorbed for several years.

He was able to reach the current state in the Seventh Layer of True Essence, possessing a combat power that greatly surpassed his own class, and he was already comparable to the apex among the monks of the same realm.

But as a firearm,

When the wood burns out, the amount of light and heat that can be produced is also reduced.

If you want to continue to practice hard, the gain is not big.

The gains from this battle with Diplodocus also proved the same.

Throughout the first half of his life, it was hard practice, and then went out to practice, and then returned to learn from experience, and his strength grew rapidly.

Although he is cautious,

But never afraid of challenges.

That's why we have today's achievements.

It is not advisable to keep one's head in retreat and practice hard.

"Then next, let's explore the treasure-storage place of the Thick Earth Sect first. The more resources I need in the later stage, I hope that the secret place will have the resources that will allow me to quickly improve."

Closed for a few years,

The cultivation base has only been promoted from the Seventh Layer of True Essence to the Middle Seventh Layer.

This speed is really too slow.

Although this is due to the fact that his own practice is not focused on improving the level of cultivation, but with the development of the Yuelian Islands for several years, his cultivation resources are basically indispensable.

Even better than many monks of the same rank!

This is because of the relationship between Zhen Yuan Ding, Zhang Qingyuan also sorted out from the huge cultivation knowledge classics from the previous harvests a few of the elixir that can be used in the seven-fold practice of the real yuan realm, plus the use of the essence of Guishui on the Yuelian Islands. The various rare and rare elixir that have been ripened have been successfully refined into many elixir needed for cultivation.

Self-produced and self-sold, so that he does not need to be frugal at all.

The result is just this point of improvement!

And further back,

The realm of the eight layers of true essence and the nine layers of true essence, the resources needed may be even more massive!

"Resources are one problem, and another problem is the lack of Danfang."

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing as he recalled his practice over the years.

The jade slips he possessed mainly come from four aspects.

The first is the legacy of the Nanhai Linghai Sword Sect, the second is the yellow rank and the lower jade slips that the disciples of the sect can obtain for free, and the third is the adventure of Sanchuan County, which was owned by the Sanchuan County Cultivation Alliance more than a hundred years ago. Legacy, fourth is the inheritance of the jade slips carved from the secret realm of the thick soil sect when the troubles of the Huashan County family were solved.

But among these four,

Among the first thousands of jade slips, less than a dozen were pill prescriptions, or pill pills used by spiritual yuan realm cultivators such as refining pill, among which there was no inheritance of high-level pill prescriptions.

The second one is similar to the first one. Among the jade slips that have been burned down, even if there is an elixir, it is a low-level elixir.

Even if Zhang Qingyuan is a direct disciple of the high-ranking alchemy, he still needs to spend a lot of money to go to the sect in exchange for a large number of sect merit points.

Zhang Qingyuan's pill pill formula used in the past few years,

Basically comes from the third and fourth.

It's just that the former Sanchuan County's Cultivation Alliance itself is a group of bereaved dogs, and Sanchuan County is a remote and bottom existence in the Yuzhou cultivation world. There are very few true essence eightfolds, and high-level pills can't think about it.

And the fourth secret land of the Hou Tu Sect is only one of the backs of the Hou Tu Sect. It is not the place where all the heritage secrets are located. Moreover, the alchemy is basically a monk who assists in the practice of the soil attribute exercises. Lord, not much can be useful to Zhang Qingyuan.

Also because of this,

Over the past few years,

Zhang Qingyuan can use only three kinds of alchemy.

And it still doesn't have much effect, it's just an auxiliary pill that can accelerate the speed of practice by one or two times.

Even so, these three types have developed drug resistance after he used them to practice for a few years, and the effect is basically not great.

"I hope I can find enough gains in the treasure map. After all, it is a large sect that was once comparable to the Yunshui Sect. It is a pill that directly enhances the realm. It is similar to Tianyi Shenshui, the secret treasure city of Xiyang. There should be a few copies, otherwise, how can you afford the reputation of a large sect?"

A series of thoughts flashed in my heart.

Zhang Qingyuan returned to Yuelian Islands after bidding farewell to Peng Li.

Now that he had enough strength and motivation, Zhang Qingyuan naturally started his plan to explore.

But he did not set off immediately.

Instead, he issued an order ~www.readwn.com~ to let his subordinates first collect information about the deep sea, and sent people to Tianheng Island where the sect was stationed in the South China Sea to find information related to the sea clan.

This is not only because of the need to be vigilant against the sea clan,

It is because the final destination of the treasure map is somewhere in the deep sea!

If it was before Peng Li and others came,

He might go into battle lightly and set off directly to the deep sea.

But with the uncovering of the Sea Clan incident, he wouldn't be so reckless to go deep behind the enemy, at least he had completed the intelligence work first.

"Isn't this Hou Tu Zong practiced with soil attributes, and it belongs to a large sect in Yuzhou? Why is the treasure hidden place outside the deep sea?"

Things are troublesome,

Even Zhang Qingyuan,

I couldn't help but complain about the authenticity.

My heart is also puzzling.

In addition, in the treasure map, Liu Daoyan deliberately missed a part of the recording, which made Zhang Qingyuan a little worried.

Time flickered in Zhang Qingyuan's preparations, and another three months passed in the blink of an eye.

Within these three months,

The forces under his command were quite powerful, and they quickly sorted out the diaries of their ancestors' experiences in the deep sea, etc., into effective information, and passed them to Zhang Qingyuan.

At the same time, the people who photographed the place where the Zongmen resided on the island also returned.

Successfully brought a variety of records about the sea clan, analysis of influence and other related jade slips.

This is not surprising,

After all, these are beneficial to dealing with the Sea Clan, and they are not such things as magic and martial arts. It is necessary to rely on others to guard and provide intelligence and information.


Zhang Qingyuan flipped through the information compiled and fell into silence.

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