half year later,

Somewhere in the vast sea, a terrible black storm swept across the world,

There was a wall-like tsunami on the sea. The waves were swept by the storm and rolled up to the sky. The black clouds on the top sky roared past like a thousand horses, and the thick clouds covered the sky.

Occasionally, a dazzling electric light exploded, the electric snake tore through the sky, and the dazzling thunder light shone between the heaven and the earth.

Not far away, a strong cyclone from high above seemed to have swallowed the sky and turned into a huge inverted funnel, sucking a large amount of seawater into the sky.



It's like **** has come to the world!

This is the deep sea area!

A place where the weather is moody.

Maybe the sun was shining in the first moment, and the next second was the dark clouds and negative pressure natural gas that covered the sky and swept a terrifying thunderstorm!

Even a monk in the True Element Realm, once caught in such a bad weather at sea, it is very likely that there will be no bones left!

In this world, because of the aura that exists between the heavens and the earth, the power generated between the storms and the thunder is even more terrifying,

The monk is also hard to resist such a majesty,

Nothing can be compared to the wind and thunder of the ordinary changes in Zhang Qing's pre-yuan Dynasty!

And in the world filled with terrible storms,

not far away,

An island with a radius of hundreds of miles is standing on the surface of the sea. There are hundreds of years of ancient trees growing on the island. It is verdant and lonely and bears the impact of violent storms from all directions.

If it’s an ordinary island,

Under such terrible wind and thunderstorms, I am afraid that the entire island will be lifted off even with its dirt!

But at the moment,

In the center of the island, an alien force spreads over the entire island, covering the entire island to protect it from the impact of violent storms from the outside world.

The terrifying storm that was enough to lift the mud of a mundane island, after being resisted by layers of different forces, although it still suppressed the hundred-year-old trees on the island, and many tree branches, it was unable to cause more. broken.

Beyond the island,

The lightning burst in the gloomy sky more and more rapidly.

The light shines through the world.

As if there was something terrifying and unpredictable being angry.

"Sure enough, the black storm here is stronger than the previous black storm, but with the protection of the **** of Azu, the problem should not be too big. The children have already adapted to the life here. When the newborn is born next year, we The family will gradually recover..."

"However, this is already the limit. Since humans have pressed on step by step, we have continued to retreat, and now there is no way to retreat..."

"After stepping back, we can't resist the black storm in there anyway."

On the island,

In the huge hollow cave, dim lights illuminate the dark space like ghost fire.

A group of sea races with blue bodies, an average height of more than two meters, long gills at the corners of their mouths, and fine scales on their skins, are gathering here.

Headed by an old man of the sea clan, his face was covered with dense wrinkles, and his face was deeply folds like the bark of an old locust tree. He held a pillar of emerald green scepter high, and said with a hoarse voice like a broken bellows.

And the hall below,

Hundreds of young people from the Hai Clan are kneeling on the ground, listening to the teachings of the old priest above.

"Ten days ago, the messengers of the three princes came to summon the warriors of all ministries and return to their homeland."

"According to His Royal Highness, they caught a few humans who broke into here, and learned from them that the ancestors of the human race have begun to retreat. This is the best opportunity for our sea race to return to their homeland!"

"It has been a thousand years. It has been a thousand years since our family was driven out of the homeland, but until now, I have always sensed the babble of the **** Azu wanting to return to the homeland..."

"Arguna, you are the most powerful warrior of our family. Go, go to His Royal Highness, and fight for the royal family. You must make those human races pay the price of blood!"


"Ten days ago, the messengers of the three princes came to summon the warriors of all ministries and return to their homeland."

"According to His Royal Highness, they caught a few humans who broke into here, and learned from them that the ancestors of the human race have begun to retreat. This is the best opportunity for our sea race to return to their homeland!"

"It has been a thousand years. It has been a thousand years since our family was driven out of the homeland, but until now, I have always sensed the babble of the **** Azu wanting to return to the homeland..."

"Arguna, you are the most powerful warrior of our family. Go, go to His Royal Highness, and fight for the royal family. You must make those human races pay the price of blood!" "Ten days ago, the messenger of the three princes came. , To summon the warriors of all ministries and return to their homeland."

"According to His Royal Highness, they caught a few humans who broke into here, and learned from them that the ancestors of the human race have begun to retreat. This is the best opportunity for our sea race to return to their homeland!"

"It has been a thousand years. It has been a thousand years since our family was driven out of the homeland, but until now, I have always sensed the babble of the **** Azu wanting to return to the homeland..."

"Arguna, you are the most powerful warrior of our family. Go, go to His Royal Highness, and fight for the royal family. You must make those human races pay the price of blood!" "Ten days ago, the messenger of the three princes came. , To summon the warriors of all ministries and return to their homeland."

"According to His Royal Highness, they caught a few humans who broke into here, and learned from them that ~www.readwn.com~ the ancestors of the human race have begun to retreat. good chance!"

"It has been a thousand years. It has been a thousand years since our family was driven out of the homeland, but until now, I have always sensed the babble of the **** Azu wanting to return to the homeland..."

"Arguna, you are the most powerful warrior of our family. Go, go to His Royal Highness, and fight for the royal family. You must make those human races pay the price of blood!" "Ten days ago, the messenger of the three princes came. , To summon the warriors of all ministries and return to their homeland."

"According to His Royal Highness, they caught a few humans who broke into here, and learned from them that the ancestors of the human race have begun to retreat. This is the best opportunity for our sea race to return to their homeland!"

"It has been a thousand years. It has been a thousand years since our family was driven out of the homeland, but until now, I have always sensed the babble of the **** Azu wanting to return to the homeland..."

"Arguna, you are the most powerful warrior of our family. Go, go to His Royal Highness, and fight for the royal family. You must make those human races pay the price of blood!" "Ten days ago, the messenger of the three princes came. , To summon the warriors of all ministries and return to their homeland."

"According to His Royal Highness, they caught a few humans who broke into here, and learned from them that the ancestors of the human race have begun to retreat. This is the best opportunity for our sea race to return to their homeland!"

"It has been a thousand years. It has been a thousand years since our family was driven out of the homeland, but until now, I have always sensed the babble of the **** Azu wanting to return to the homeland..."

"Arguna, you are the most powerful warrior of our family. Go, go to His Royal Highness, and fight for the royal family. You must make those human races pay the price of blood!"

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