God's mighty prison, boundless!

Even Luo Wenmu, whose cultivation level was in the early stage of the Ninth Layer, had at this moment a feeling of a lone boat in a storm. The wind and rain were swaying, and the next moment would be covered by a tsunami that swept through the earth!


Changes happened suddenly, but Luo Wenmu was also a genuine nine-fold monk.

With a roar, the power of the early stage of the nine layers did not retain the full power to explode!

A strong momentum broke out,

The space is like a tide that rolls up visible to the naked eye.


The collision of the two auras produced a substantial impact. The entire hall seemed to be crushed by an invisible force. The floor of the house collapsed and cracked, and the walls and roofs all instantly turned into powder shocks. dissipate!


Under this terrible impact and confrontation, Luo Wenmu's powerful vitality aura only resisted for a moment, and then completely defeated in an instant!


But this moment of delay is enough!

I saw Luo Wenmu's whole body surging with true essence. I don't know when a long sword appeared in his hand. The light reflected on the blade, gathering a powerful force, tore out a lightning beam in the void, and headed straight towards Zhang Qingyuan. Stabbed!

The sharp sword energy escaped, causing the space to be torn at this moment!

Zhang Qingyuan's roaring momentum like a tsunami seemed to be torn apart at this moment!

But at this moment,

The angry Luo Wenmu met Zhang Qingyuan’s eyes, which were as deep as the starry sky.

Dark pupils,

There seem to be four dazzling long swords blooming,

In an instant,

As if the whole world is turning backwards,

Time and space seem to be intertwined and chaotic,

In Luo Wenmu's perception, a layer of space seemed to be revolving and crushing, and the earth, fire and feng shui that made up the world repeated itself in the chaos!

Bang bang bang!

Luo Wenmu’s sword aura seemed to be reversed by an incomprehensible force and collapsed layer by layer, and his whole body was stupefied at this moment, and the whole body was swept by the substantive powerful aura that hit the middle of his chest, overwhelming. With such a powerful impact, the whole person was suddenly smashed and flew out like a cannonball!

The doors, floors, and walls of the entire hall were shattered in the violent confrontation.

Within tens of feet in front of Zhang Qingyuan,

It's empty,

I can see the blue sky outside, and the breeze is blowing from the outside.

Zhang Qingyuan looked coldly at Luo Wenmu who was struggling to stand up not far away, and said indifferently:

"Do I need to say it a second time?"

From here to the end,

Zhang Qingyuan has been sitting in the first seat without any movement.


Luo Wenmu, whose breath was disordered and embarrassed, was initially blank, with a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth. Hearing this, the anger in his heart was burning and it was about to break out.

At this moment, the thin man on the side grabbed him.

"Brother forget it."

"Since Junior Brother Zhang is unwilling, then I wait until I don't bother, and then leave first!"

The man arched his hand towards Zhang Qingyuan,

Then he hurriedly pulled Luo Wenmu to leave, turned into a ray of light and quickly flew away from Yuelian Islands.

"Qingyuan, there will be nothing wrong with this, right."

Zhang Changyang on the side stared blankly at the hall that seemed to have been wiped away by an invisible big hand, swallowed hard, and barely squeezed out his voice to ask.

Although he is also a cultivator of the True Origin Realm,

However, he couldn't understand this conflict between electric light and flint at all.

Conflict and battle between these levels,

Just the conflict between the auras is enough to kill him!

The power of the Nine Layers of True Essence is so terrifying!

This level,

He couldn't understand it anymore.

It's just shocking, but also can't help but feel relieved from the heart of the most outstanding existence in the history of this family beside him.

No matter how,

These are all descendants of their Zhang family, a member of the Zhang family.

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful the so-called big brothers are, they can't control me. Everyone is a true disciple. Now I have also been promoted to the 9th True Yuan~www.readwn.com~ The strength is not much different."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly.

Looking at the sky outside, there was a sneer.

"If that guy dared to come over or make any small actions, then don't blame me for killing the mountain gate to challenge him, huh, then defeat him in the face of other true stories, I will see what face he has for others to find a flag for him Shout and impact secret!"

In Zhang Qingyuan’s words,

Exuding an unprecedented confidence.

This is not his arrogance, but the self-confidence brought by the many gains in the war three years ago!

Just borrowing from the jade slips of the exercises obtained from the non-local Jiuzhou Continent, and integrating the true essence and spiritual consciousness, his strength has almost doubled.

Coupled with the three years of retreat near the intercontinental teleportation array, it broke through to the mid-ninth layer.

The gains in this are improved,

In addition, he himself is beyond the foundation of the nine-fold true essence,

Let him be confident that even the cultivator who is about to break through to the next step and embark on the path of cave truth can defeat the behead!

It would be okay if Zhang Qingyuan didn't provoke him so far.

But if it provokes him,

He is not a great saint who can retaliate with virtue!

"That's good, I always feel that these two people are a little weird, just the look of Luo Wenmu who looks arrogant and looks down on people. Who sent this, and where is the wooing person, I think it's completely intended to offend people!"

Zhang Changyang sighed and shook his head.

Obviously, Luo Wenmu's impression of him has been very bad this month.

All have disrupted the production order of Yuelian Islands.


There are still three hundred words here, wait ten minutes to finish writing.

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