"what happened?"

Originally, Yang Yuyan, who had been talking to Yuzhou's recent short-term news, couldn't help but ask about Zhang Qingyuan's strange reaction.

"It's nothing, it's just something happening inside the sect that makes me a little bit concerned."

Zhang Qingyuan touched his nose and gave a wry smile.

The news from his brother,

It really shocked him.

There really were some changes between the true disciples of the sect, and the changes did involve that senior brother.

This incident has nothing to do with Zhang Qingyuan.

But he was particularly concerned about it.

About twenty years ago,

Back then, that big brother was only a relatively outstanding genius among the sect's direct disciples, and he was only supported by a small person.

At that time, one of his followers provoked an ordinary Zhenyuan Sixth Inner Sect disciple named Ye Han, but he was defeated by the opponent and taught him a lesson.

At that time, the elder brother was so energetic, his younger brother was beaten, and he naturally wanted to retaliate.

So when he led a team to explore the secret realm, he took action to suppress and teach the inner disciple named Ye Han, which made Ye Han suffer a lot of humiliation.

But Ye Han is not a person who is obedient.

He left the words of Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years on the spot, saying that thirty years later, he will repay today's humiliation.

After that, Ye Han was naturally beaten severely, and at the same time, after the exploration of the secret realm, he was repeatedly suppressed and targeted by the power of the big brother.

Ye Han is also a hard-spirited person,

He directly reported the name of an outing and left the sect, and went out to travel.

This walk is more than 20 years,

This matter may not be worth mentioning to the big brother, it is estimated that it has long been left behind.

However, not long ago,

That Ye Han returned to the sect,

I don’t know what opportunity he got during these years, his cultivation base rose rapidly, and he reached the realm of the nine layers of true essence.

At the same time, the combat power was extremely astonishing, and there were few opponents in the same rank, and finally he went under the main gate of the Zongmen Tianleifeng Peak and became a direct disciple recorded in the Zongmen.

Since that Ye Han returned, he had caused some trouble in the inner door.

The followers who came to challenge the master’s sect in succession will be hurt by some people, causing the strength of the master’s family to continue to suffer, and the reputation is damaged. Recently, they have been a little rushed.

But this is only a small problem,

The biggest trouble is the thirty-year agreement made that year.

Senior Brother, as the leader of his line of mountain power, if the bitter fruit of the year is not taken over, it will surely lead to distractions.

And if he takes it but is defeated by Ye Han, his great momentum will also be lost and become a stepping stone to the opponent’s rise. Even if he wins, it’s not likely that the deeds of bullying and bullying will be spread. Brilliance.

So today's big brother is in a dilemma.

This matter was widely circulated during this period of time between the true stories of the sect, and many people’s gossip souls were burning, even Zhang Qingyuan’s fellow brother, who not only explained the whole story in detail, but also dug out the leaves. The origin of cold.

It turned out that Ye Han was originally a farmer's son, and his mother was very sick and could not be cured. So he walked barefoot across the mountain with great perseverance, and wanted to worship the sect and become a fairy master to obtain the elixir to save his mother.

However, the outer door of the sect was not accessible to everyone, and Ye Han was of course rejected.

It’s just that Ye Han was also a ruthless person. He knelt directly in front of the outer courtyard of the outer gate. He knelt for seven days and seven nights. He almost died outside the gate. A kind-hearted inner-sect senior sister who passed by saw him pitifully and gave it to him. An opportunity allowed him to succeed in enlightening spirits, and then the senior sister asked the head of the outer courtyard for personal affection and let him in.

After getting started, Ye Han's qualifications were not high, and coupled with such a means of entering the outer door, he was ridiculed and looked down upon by all kinds of people.

No one knows what happened afterwards.

Because at the same time as him, he was already dead in the passing of years, and those who were despised and mocked at that time had already become high-level figures.

In the past few decades,

Ye Han is just a transparent, inconspicuous among the many Yunshui sect cultivators.

When he re-entered people’s sight, it was already decades later. He was able to enter the inner gate by breaking through to the true essence, but there were very few people paying attention. After all, there were hundreds of thousands of disciples in the outer gate. After leaving the hospital, many got the chance to be promoted to the existence of true essence.

In this way, Ye Han continued to practice silently in the inner sect, until the Sixth Layer of True Essence.

Then came the conflict more than 20 years ago, and the strong return with extremely powerful force 20 years later, which made him completely famous.

The legend of his experience, the rise of ordinary deeds, let people talk about it.

Especially the storms that have been set off in the sect over the years,

This made him directly overshadowed Zhang Qingyuan, attracted the attention of almost everyone, and became the future star of Yunshuizong.

Zhang Qingyuan doesn't care much about the reputation of being unfamiliar.

His focus is also not here~www.readwn.com~ Someone can stand in front of him and attract firepower, which is a good thing.

What really makes him care,

It's Ye Han's name, and the legendary experience of rising from the ordinary!

This alive and out is simply the protagonist in the fantasy of the previous life!

Just looking at the first half of his life, you can see the next plot. It is roughly the arrival of the thirty-year appointment. Ye Han struggled hard, defeated the big brother, became a secret, and finally took over as the head, and so on.

During this period,

Yunshuizong may be used as the background function of the tool man, and it is almost impossible to encounter the crisis of extinction. The various factions are targeted, the world is besieged and so on. In the end, Ye Han appears to turn the tide, and then Balabala...Zhang Qingyuan is a cool writer in this world The founder of the mountain was able to write a follow-up of millions of words.

Zhang Qingyuan sweats a little on his forehead,

If this world is not so simple, but a certain fantasy background world,

so what should I do now?

Although he was an ordinary reader who read hundreds of millions of words in his previous life, he may not be able to say that he could finish reading the vast sea of ​​works in his previous life.

Anyway, Ye Han has a lot of fantasy as the protagonist, and he has no impression of Yuzhou Yunshuizong and the like.


Some of the move concepts in the previous life can be achieved in this world, and those illusions can be realized in this world. Does that mean that the world itself has certain problems?

For a while,

Thousands of thoughts linger in Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

"Maybe it's a certain plot, or it may be some kind of world fate that I still can't understand, but no matter what, various conflicts will inevitably occur around the "protagonist", and Yunshuizong may not be so stable anymore. ....."

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