Yuzhou, Zhongyu.

Yuan Tianjie,

The dark gloomy wind swept across the sky and the earth, making a whirring sound, and the dark clouds above the sky dimmed the light.

"Master the courtyard, be careful."

On the barren ground,

Liu Zhouwu's face was pale, his breath was disturbed, and the corners of his mouth were with a trace of blood. Suddenly he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Zhao Yuanyang hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Liu Zhouwu waved his hand slightly, a slightly hoarse voice squeezed out of his pale lips.

"Yuanyang, and Hongzhou, now you have also entered the inner door, you are also the leader of the inner door, you can call me brother in the future, you don't have to be too polite."

Although Liu Zhouwu served as the head of the outer courtyard where Zhao Yuanyang was located more than 30 years ago and taught him for a period of time, it was only a sect mission.

And now so many years have passed,

In the past, Zhao Yuanyang, who was still a disciple of Lingyuan's outer sect, had already entered the inner sect and became a monk of the true origin level.

In this way,

It's even more suitable to call a brother.

Seeing Liu Zhangyuan's insistence again and again, Zhao Yuanyang had no choice but to follow his words and call his senior brother.

Liu Zhangyuan nodded.

Looking at the gloomy and gloomy sky ahead, as if the sky is rushing like a hundred ghosts, worry can't help but grow up in his eyes.

"This trip is because I am overconfident, senior, and I have taken you into such a dangerous situation, Yuanyang, Hongzhou. If there are any more attacks in the future, I will stop it for you and you will leave first."

"Pa...Brother, this is impossible, I can't let you take this risk, brother!"

Zhao Yuanyang shook his head and refused.

"Yes, brother, the kindness of teaching is nothing in return. If you leave you alone to face such danger, how am I to wait for that kind of person?!"

Shen Hongzhou on the side also looked serious.

Although the time spent in the Outer Gate Seventeen Courtyard more than 30 years ago was not long,

However, both of them have deep memories of Liu Zhangyuan, who is the "teaching teacher".

If the two are the kind of selfish and indifferent people, they naturally agree to this suggestion without hesitation, but obviously neither of them.

Faced with two determined men,

Liu Zhouwu sighed,

"You guys, why bother!"

"The Yuantian realm is in a special position. Now, even if I am facing a life and death crisis, the sect cannot risk the collapse of the covenant and send people to rescue him. With my strength, how long can I sustain under the attack of those guys? If I block behind, you will escape separately, at least there is still a possibility of escape. Wouldn't you be buried here with me in this way?!"

Looking at the young faces of the two,

Liu Zhouwu couldn't help but feel a trace of guilt in his heart.

A few years ago,

After Liu Zhangyuan broke through to the Seventh Layer of Zhenyuan and became a true disciple, he took a step forward in his cultivation. Zhao Yuanyang and Shen Hongzhou, two disciples who had been taught when he was the head of the Seventeenth Institute, came to visit and congratulations.

Seeing that both of them have already been promoted to the True Origin Realm,

Liu Zhangyuan was also delighted in his heart. There was a great sense of satisfaction in seeing his students grow up and embark on a career.

During the conversation,

Liu Zhangyuan accidentally learned of a certain news about a famous public secret realm in Yuzhou, Yuantian Realm, and suddenly moved in his heart. After leaving the customs, he was confident that his strength had grown and he was about to go to explore, and then invited two people. Be regarded as carrying the following juniors.

But who knows,

After that, something like that happened, and he fell into such a situation.

Liu Zhangyuan sighed again, feeling low.

"Senior brother, don't have to worry too much. In fact, I may not be in desperation. Before that, I had already sent out the help talisman. As long as I waited here to resist for a period of time, I would be able to get out alive!"

"It's useless, such a change happening here will definitely attract the attention of the entire Jade Island practice world. Unless the peak powerhouse of the Ninth Layer of True Essence enters, it will be extremely dangerous."

Liu Zhangyuan sighed and shook his head.

"No, there is someone who came back, and he has the ability to protect himself in this Yuantian secret realm today!"

Zhao Yuanyang's tone is extremely affirmative~www.readwn.com~ You mean...that person? "

Originally, Liu Zhangyuan hadn't thought of it, but he quickly reacted and hesitated.

"Based on my understanding of Junior Brother Zhang as a person, if the letter of appeal arrives, he will definitely come. Brother, the key is whether I can support it until Junior Brother Zhang arrives."

Speaking of that name,

Shen Hongzhou's expression is also extremely complicated.

Many years ago, in a certain battle at the outer door, after losing to that person, I still felt uneasy, thinking that one day I would win it back.

But what I didn't expect is,

Not only did I fail to win back, but the gap between them was increasing, and until the end it was hard to see that person's back!

This feeling is mixed with five flavors,

Even he couldn't tell.


Although the gap between them has been drawn further and further, the relationship has not diminished. The person still insists on calling himself a brother and letting himself call him a brother.


It is also the reason why Shen Hongzhou is sure that when the person receives the letter for help, he will come over as soon as possible!

"Is it him..."

Liu Zhangyuan's words were somewhat silent.

From the tone of the two, he had obviously guessed who they were talking about.

The one who had been in the other courtyard where he had taught was originally unremarkable, but in the end he showed a very dazzling brilliance.

The legendary experience that person experienced, the light and achievements that bloomed out, had already surpassed himself.

Become the most prestigious genius in Yuzhou!


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