Yuan Tianjie,

It was a mysterious realm that suddenly appeared in a mountain range in the middle of Yuzhou ten years ago, and only allowed monks under the real yuan realm to enter.

Since it appeared,

It attracted the attention of almost the entire Yuzhou cultivation world.

All kinds of people followed one after another.

Including some hidden real Dongzhen.

However, as a certain cave realm majestic prepares to forcibly enter, he is hit hard at the first moment he enters, and feels an unprecedented crisis. After finally escaping in a hurry, the shadows of those majestic concealed in the clouds are Disappeared.

What does the existence of the higher level say about the mysterious Yuantian realm that suddenly appeared? The real Yuan realm and the stratum below it are not clear.

But what is certain is that

This Yuantian Secret Realm restricts the entry of the power of the Dongzhen series.

The frustrations of big shots,

Did not affect the greed of the middle and low-level monks in the slightest.

Soon afterwards, with the exploration of the monks, the various treasures of heaven and earth, the inheritance of practice, the magic weapon of the seal, the pill, etc., made people crazy.

Some people who have been trapped on the peak of the Sixth Layer of True Essence for decades have gone through untold hardships, and luckily obtained a pill from it, and reached the Seventh Layer of True Essence in one fell swoop.

Someone who was originally inexperienced, through experience, obtained a powerful spell and a magic weapon, greatly increased his strength, and beheaded an enemy who was once on the Yuzhou Wind and Cloud Ranking.

The various deeds circulated are like the myth of getting rich in the same night,

Attracted more people poured into it.

Countless monks cast aside their happy vigilance, and began to scramble to break into this Yuantian secret realm and begin to explore.

But until now,

No one knows the origin of this Yuantian realm,

All I know is that there is a certain trial rule in this mysterious realm. As long as you set foot on a certain place, or do something unintentionally, or touch any rule, the trial will automatically start.

The opening of this trial is completely random,

And the number of trials is also limited.

But once the trial is passed, then all kinds of gains can be obtained.

Whether this kind of trial rule is an ancient big sect or some powerful handwriting, no one knows, but every harvest in the trial stirs everyone's heartstrings.


The harvest is also dangerous.

Someone brought back an unknown black worm from Yuantian mystery, and died in the cave the next day. The body was covered with black worms, and holes were drilled between the skin and muscles. They were terrified. Those who dealt with it had to use raging fire to melt the entire cave, but the insects still did not respond. It was not until a mysterious power appeared that destroyed the area and the space, and then the things were completely crushed. .

Someone entered an area filled with white mist, and only after walking out of it for a while, the whole body was aging for hundreds of years.

From a young adult to a gray-haired, old-fashioned appearance, his life expectancy is about to come to an end.

Danger and opportunity coexist.

This is the Yuantian Realm!

Moreover, this realm is vast. Even if it was opened to the present, it has been ten years, and it has not been explored, and there are still many areas that have not been stepped on.

For ten years,

There are continuous monks entering it, exploring its secrets.


A lot of monks,

Once again gathered together.

"Yuantian Realm..."

Zhang Qingyuan held the collected information in his hand, secretly in his heart, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment,

Zheng turned into a ray of light and quickly flew through the sky.

In the mountains and forests below, occasionally passing by small villages, there are curious children pointing to the sky, but the escape light quickly disappears into the sky, and may be able to bring these isolated small villages to these isolated small villages in many years. There are endless myths and legends.

It's just that these are not what Zhang Qingyuan cares about.

Now his mind,

It's basically all on the letter of help.

An old servant of Zhao Yuanyang hurriedly found the letter for help.

The main reason is that they and Liu Zhangyuan were trapped in a dangerous place during their adventure in the Yuantian realm. They couldn't find other suitable people. I hope Zhang Qingyuan can lend a helping hand.

Zhao Yuanyang and Shen Hongzhou were the same students in the same year when they were in the Seventeenth Courtyard. They had a good relationship between them and helped them a lot.

Especially back then, Liu Zhangyuan gave a lot of guidance on his own care.

Now, with the ability,

Zhang Qingyuan is not a person of cold temperament, so naturally he will not stand by.

"Although there are a lot of unreasonable dangers in the Yuantian Realm, if you act carefully, you don’t need to worry too much. Ten years later, the change in the Yuantian realm did not know if the strange treasure was born..."

Flying in the sky like a gallop~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Qingyuan looked at the distant sky, revealing a trace of worry.


Compared to the treacherous environment of the Yuantian Realm, the monks who are also humans are obviously more difficult to guard against.

Between thinking,

The cage mountains are already in sight.

Zhang Qingyuan then pressed the escape light, and walked away from the forest below in a low-key manner.

With his deepening,

From time to time in the sky flew over the light, and from time to time in the mountains and forests, I met the spirit yuan realm monks who formed a team and prepared to go on an adventure together. Sneak attack by beasts, uneven distribution of treasures, and big fights.

A mixed look.

With the emergence of Yuan Tianjie ten years ago,

This piece of forest of monsters and beasts was originally a forbidden area for humans, but during this time it has become a paradise for human activities.

Zhang Qingyuan hides his figure,

When passing through the mountains and forests, no fluctuations were caused. Some guys who did not have eyes dared to block the way to kill him were directly thrown into dust in his hands.

At the same time, the divine consciousness spread during this period, so pay attention to collecting all kinds of information and intelligence.

Two days later,

When he approached the entrance of the Yuantian Secret Realm, he already had a rough outline in his heart for this change in the Yuantian Realm.

It’s just that when he was about to enter the Yuantian realm,

A great battle has hindered the road ahead.

"Ye Han! Take your life!"

A thunderous roar resounded throughout the world. At the entrance of the Yuantian Realm, a middle-aged monk was furious, exuding a tyrannical aura from all over his body. With one palm shot, the mighty wind and cloud power of hundreds of meters was engulfed. Majestic and mighty shot a figure with a firm face not far away!

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