The huge momentum made the entire sky tremble!

Under the pressure of that powerful aura, within the entire entrance radius of several hundred feet, the low-level Lingyuan realm cultivators felt that a great terror enveloped their hearts, and they retreated in amazement!

And at this time,

Facing this palm, Ye Han's expression remained unchanged, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Facing the enemy's attack, Ye Han faced him straight up, without the slightest evasion, and blasted his fist in full swing.

Boom! ! !

This punch seemed to contain the supreme power, causing the mountains and rivers to be broken, and the sky collapsed!

The vast fist power seemed to have smashed the void out of a huge hole, and killed the figure in the sky like a sun-extinguishing meteor!

Two terrifying moves collide,

Immediately there was an earth-shattering momentum.

The world shook violently in the big explosion,

The impact visible to the naked eye swept across,

At this moment, the earth with a radius of several hundred meters seemed to collapse and press down under the action of invisible gravity. The wind swept up, and a heavy tree was cut off its branches and rolled up into the sky!

The powerful impact swept the Quartet,

The people watching around were all swept away by the shock wave.

One after another backed up a long distance.

"That is the full chapter of Yingyue Zhangma ranked 92 on the Fengyun List! The other is Ye Han, the Yunshui Zong who became famous during this period of time and became the ninety-ninth in the Fengyun List!"

"What's going on, how did the big guys on the Billboard fight?!"

Thousands of feet away, someone stabilized his embarrassed figure, watched the battle fluctuations in the distance, and said in amazement.


It can be said that it is the list with the largest gold content in the Yuzhou cultivation world.

Because no one dared to place the hole in a real way.

In other words, the "immortals" of the Dongzhen Realm are already detached from all beings.

Their existence has even passed more ordinary people, ordinary monks, from grandfather to grandchildren.

When you were born, those people were already immortals aloft,

When you grow up and gain a small reputation near your hometown, until the end of your life, those who have spanned your life will still exist. For them, this is just a retreat for a while.

The worlds of mortals and immortals are completely different.

It is precisely because of this,

The rankings of Yuzhou Cultivation World are only among the figures below Zhenyuan.

As the Heavenly Secret Palace promulgated, the ranking of the Quan Yuzhou Zhenyuan cultivators ranked by the strength of the real yuan realm is the list with the highest gold content in the entire Yuzhou.

Unlike the rookie list, which only allows the young generation to live under one hundred years old,

The rankings are based entirely on strength.

There are even some who have lived for three hundred years. Although there is no breakthrough to Dongzhen, the strength of cultivation is all horrible old-fashioned existences reaching the pinnacle!

There are hundreds of people on the list

Each one is a real-element realm powerhouse who absolutely relies on record and strength.

And the cultivation base is above the 9th layer of True Yuan!

Even Zhang Qingyuan,

Even as the Yuzhou rookie list steadily occupy the first place, surpassing his contemporaries, until now he has not had any challenger, he has not been able to rank in the list!

To know,

A few years ago, during the invasion of the Sea Clan in the South China Sea, news of Zhang Qingyuan's leapfrog challenge to kill the opponents of the Sea Clan at the 9th realm of True Yuan had already spread.

But it still failed to be included in this list.

One can imagine how much gold this list contains!

It is precisely because of this,

For many monks, anyone on the Yuzhou Wind and Cloud Ranking list is beyond reach for them, just a big figure circulating in the legend!

In their impression,

These big shots spend more time hiding in Dongtianfudi to retreat and impact Dongzhen.

And each of them will cause a huge storm in the realm of comprehension every time they go out and walk!

A well-deserved man of the world!

"According to rumors, during a conflict more than 20 years ago, Yingyuezhang's son died in Ye Han's hands. I am afraid that this conflict was not because Yingyuezhang came to seek revenge!"

"I've heard about this before. I heard that Ma Quanzhang's son was arrogant and domineering with his own identity. He hit Ye Han's hands and killed him. I thought it was just a rumor, but now it looks like it's not true. !"

"The battle between the big names on the list, it seems that there is a good show this time!"

Just as passersby were talking,

The battle situation in the field suddenly changed,

Ma Quanzhang, who was originally killed by the power of his identity and force, was unable to take down this junior for a while, and his face showed an expression of anger. For a while, he did not measure the power to display, and the majestic power poured out was affected by Ye. Han avoided, and at the same time revealed a fatal flaw.

Ye Han's combat experience was also extremely rich, and he quickly grasped the flaw that had passed away in the blink of an eye.

A blink of an eye,

Ye Han hit the void with a fist, and the bright golden light filled the space, tearing through the space of hundreds of meters, and hit Ma Quanzhang's chest fiercely.

Accompanied by the screams resounding through the world,

Ma Quanzhang was hit hard in an instant,

Ye Han gains power and does not forgive people, and then he pursues and displays powerful spells. The majestic true essence is transformed into a substantive streamer spear in his The power is extremely astonishing, facing down. The flying out Ma Quanzhang shot out!

Burst of light,

The light of the True Essence spear was like a train of horses, tearing through the sky, abruptly piercing the entire chapter of the horse, and the whole person was nailed to the ground, and immediately produced a violent explosion of light.


The true essence exploded, setting off a huge energy impact, light illuminating the surrounding fields, the whole earth was shaking, and huge cobweb-like cracks broke out on the ground, spreading.

Ma Quanzhang's breath disappeared completely.

There was dead silence all around,

Everyone is dumb.

"Hey, this...The Ninety-two Yingyue Palm is over?!"

"That Ye Han just entered the ninety-ninth place on the Billboard, how can his strength be so strong!"

"The Palace of Heavenly Secrets is known to have a glimpse of the secrets, but it can't be counted as the world. In fact, it has not really been played, and it is difficult to distinguish between high and low, not to mention the fighting environment, fighting style restraint, etc., will affect the outcome, plus some people He likes to practice behind closed doors and has never shown his record in the outside world. No matter how strong he is, it is difficult to be included in the ranking list, so the ranking list is not absolute."

"Yes, before that Ye Han was born, didn’t the Yunshui Sect once belonged to Zhang Qingyuan, the most famous genius? A few years ago, there was news of his leapfrog challenge to kill Zhenyuan Jiuzhong. Now several years have passed. Look at the strength of Zhang Qingyuan of the Yunshui Sect as well as being qualified to be on the list."

"You can't say that..."

Just as everyone around was talking,

Ye Han already silently put away all the leftovers of Ma Quanzhang.

Then the figure flashed,

He rushed into the entrance of the Yuantian realm that traverses hundreds of feet in front, like a huge spatial vortex.

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