"Heh, it's really a big momentum, it seems that our Daoist Ye Han really has extraordinary means!"

On the top of the mountain in the distance, several eyes silently watched what happened.

As the battle ended,

Ye Han left,

Among them, the figure dressed in white looked at the direction of the entrance, gently slapped the fan in his hand, and uttered a leisurely voice.

"Brother Longcheng, this Ye Han is the most famous new generation of Tianjiao in Yunshuizong recently. You Jinjizong has always used Yunshuizong as your opponent. Didn't you just go down and show it?"

The burly blond figure on the side heard the words indifferently,

There was no slight fluctuation in the golden pupils, and he folded his hands around his chest, and there was a sharp air between the standing body, which was as tall as a spear.

I saw his eyes look indifferently at the direction where Ye Han disappeared, and his voice said faintly:

"Yin Tianjun, I work in Lu Longcheng, and I don't need you to teach."

In words,

Lu Longcheng's words were filled with pride.

"But that's all. If that guy's strength is nothing more than this, then he will definitely die when confronting me! I still have something to do here, so how about letting him go for the time being?"

"He'd better pray not to meet me in the Yuantian Realm, otherwise, hum!"

"That's true. After all, Brother Longcheng is a descendant of a real person, with extraordinary methods, how can ordinary people compare?"

The figure in white was not angry at Lu Longcheng's words, his voice was leisurely and authentic.

"In the hands of Brother Longcheng, the genius junior of the Yunshui Sect is nothing but a top-notch like a pig and a dog."

"Hmph, Yin Tianjun, you don't have to agitate me! In the secret realm, life and death are fateful. If I meet the disciple of the so-called Yunshui Sect, I will kill him in Lu Longcheng to show my reputation as the Jinjizong!"

"I am, Lu Longcheng, not the cowering old men of Zongmen!"

Lu Longcheng sneered, did not speak any more, stepped out, and the figure flew in towards the entrance of the Yuantian Realm.

Several figures appeared behind him,

Follow closely behind.

With the flashing of the golden light and the overwhelming momentum permeating the sky, many people looked up and looked at the sky with amazement.

"Isn't that the 73rd Jinjizong Tianjiao Lu Longcheng on the Billboard! Why did he also appear!"

"Big man, this is really a big man! I heard that Lu Longcheng is a grandson of Jinjizong who is a great grandson of the cave realm. He is highly valued by the fairy of Jinjizong and cultivated vigorously. After Lu Longcheng breaks through, Their Lu family will have a pair of immortals!"

"Unexpectedly, people with such a profound background will appear here, plus the previous chapters of Ye Han and Yingyue Zhangma. It seems that the changes in the Yuantian Realm this time have attracted too many people in the Yuzhou Comprehension Realm. look!"


A crowd of spectators talked a lot, with exclamation voices one after another.

And amidst the many discussions,

Above the mountain, the white-clothed Yin Tianjun waved the fan in his hand, looking at the direction of Lu Longcheng and his party entering the entrance of Yuantian Realm, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, revealing an inexplicable smile.

The figure flashed and disappeared.

If someone is here,

I'm afraid that it won't be also exclaimed, ranking 83rd on the Fengyun list, and Yin Tianjun, the man in white who has disappeared since the sensation of the Yuzhou cultivation world, also appeared here!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the people in the list that reached this day.

before this,

Accompanying the changes in the Yuantian Realm, how many people entered, how many of them were on the Yuzhou Wind and Cloud Ranking, and how many of them were the elders at the pinnacle of the True Yuan Realm who could not be cultivated.


Nobody knows!

As Yin Tianjun left, calm was restored on the top of the mountain, and the mountain breeze whizzed by, and there was no one.

But not long after,

A big tree in the back rippled like water waves, and Zhang Qingyuan's figure suddenly appeared.

"Golden Pole Sect Lulongcheng...and, that Yin Tianjun..."

Looking deeply in the direction where the two of them disappeared, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, and his heart added a bit of heaviness.

People who can be ranked on the top of the list will never be simple characters.

Even Zhang Qingyuan himself,

I dare not say that they can be easily defeated.

And this time the Yuantian Realm change attracted so many people, there must be the existence of higher rankings in the wind and cloud list, as well as some old folks who are not in the wind and cloud list, but are not bad in strength.

"In just a short while, I met four guys on the top rankings. You must be more careful in this line!"

"No matter what happens inside, if there is any strange treasure born, you will come out directly after saving people, and leave this whirlpool first!"

There is a law in the past life,

Wherever the protagonist goes, there is a **** storm.

Since the suspected protagonist named Ye Han appeared here, maybe it would also cause a big change.

He Zhang Qingyuan didn't mean to be involved in this whirlpool.

The best response,

Still have to avoid that guy, avoid these right and wrong.

With a decision in his mind, Zhang Qingyuan's figure disappeared faintly, like ink dripping into the water, it disappeared completely in a sudden.

The whole person turned into an afterimage, like an invisible phantom that crossed the space, and jumped into the Yuantian secret realm next step without anyone noticing.

But the mountain top in the same place restored the calm of the deserted person.

There was no more sound.


at the same time,

Yuan Tianjie.

"Xie Daoyou came to help, um, you are...Senior Brother You Xiaosheng?"

Luckily surviving the previous attack, Zhao Yuanyang, exhausted all over his body, reluctantly stood up, arched his hand at the gentle, jade-like man who suddenly appeared in front of him, his voice a little hesitant.

"Oh, do you recognize me?"

You Xiaosheng who appeared here was a little surprised.

Originally, I looked at these people's inner sect costumes, they should be sect disciples, so they helped ~www.readwn.com~ but they didn't expect the other party to recognize themselves.

"Brother You joked. Senior Brother was the first of the Three Inner Sect Masters at the time, and he was also the leader of the Zongmen Tianjiao in the Inner Sect Competition. Several people like me have also participated in that competition, so I wouldn't recognize it. "

"Junior Brother Zhao Yuanyang, thank you for your help here."

Zhao Yuanyang bowed his hands, thankful and authentic.

"The so-called leader is nothing more than taking advantage of the long time of entering the inner door, and the three outstanding ones in the inner door are just a joke."

You Xiaosheng shook his head.

Didn't care much about this so-called leader Tianjiao.

He knew very well in his heart,

In the Inner Sect Competition that year, although he and Zuo Qingtian ranked above that guy, it was only because he had waited for others to practice in Inner Sect for a long time, so it took advantage.

One day, the guy who always pretends to be ordinary will always climb up and surpass them.

And the facts are also true,

And the time to transcend was much shorter than he imagined.

Even though relying on the inheritance of Skyrim's magical calculations over the years, traveling around to collect resources and working hard to practice hard, they can't keep up with that guy's speed at all.

In more than twenty years, he barely climbed from the peak of the Sixth Layer of True Yuan to the Eighth Layer of True Yuan.

This is already very fast for many people, and is worthy of the name of Tianjiao.

But in front of that guy,

But it's nothing.

When he broke through to the Eighth Layer of True Essence, he had already spread the outrageous record of that guy leapfrogged and killed the Eighth Layer of True Essence.

The reason why he appeared in this Yuantian realm,

Most of it is unwilling,

I hope I can win a trace of luck and change my fate, at least not to be left too far by that person.

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