"There seems to be something wrong with this place!"

Successfully left from the trial,

Zhang Qingyuan looked up,

Looking at the gloomy sky above, the sky dimmed under the cover of dark clouds.

The entire sky curtain seemed to be suppressed, giving people a heavy psychological pressure.

This made him frown slightly.

This environment,

It was undoubtedly beyond his expectation.

Originally, based on the information compiled by the monks who had explored the Yuantian realm in the past ten years, the sky of the whole Yuantian realm was not a clear sky, but at least it would not have such a depressed appearance.


Zhang Qingyuan pondered, recalling the events that caused many eyes of the Yuzhou cultivation world to converge here.


When the Yuantian realm suddenly appeared ten years ago, he had never been here to explore, and since then he has stayed in the South China Sea to practice hard. The intelligence in the Yuantian realm was collected from outside.

It is impossible to determine whether this change is good or bad.

But no matter what,

In this way, the information previously collected would be less credible.

"As soon as I entered the door, I went directly into the trial. I haven't heard much about this situation in the information collected!"

Looking at the gloomy world in the distance, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in his heart.

Yuan Tianjie is very big,

The difficulty of finding people here is not easy.

But fortunately, he carried the tokens in Zhao Yuanyang's letter of request for help, and he was able to roughly determine which direction he was in through the tracing technique.

A jade symbol appeared in his hand.

It was the token of Zhao Yuanyang's letter of assistance.

Not long after,

As Zhang Qingyuan used his magic skills, it seemed vaguely to have a sense of some place in the West.

Zhang Qingyuan did not hesitate at all,

After determining the direction, the figure jumped up and turned into a escape light and flew towards the distance.

Disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye

at the same time,

the other side,

"Jie Jie Jie, kid Ye Han, Yun Shui Sect only sent you a hairy kid over such a major event as the Yuantian Realm? It seems that the so-called Yuzhou's first sect is not easy now, even with a few good players. I couldn't get it over!"

In a valley, several black-robed figures stood high in the sky, surrounding Ye Han in the center.

The black-robed man headed among them sneered hoarsely:

"As the saying goes, those who are aware of the current affairs are brilliant, and good birds fold trees and dwell. If you hand over things, why don't you join me today? When the sky falls, there is at least one place to go!"

As the voice fell,

The aura between the several black-robed men is faintly connected, and it seems to form a whole.

The aura pressure pervading the void began to oppress Ye Han.

As if he didn't agree,

The next moment will face a thunderous murderous opportunity.

Facing such a crisis, Ye Han's expression calmly remained unchanged, and he said indifferently:

"If I'm not wrong, you are the remnants of Huangtianjiao, a group of rats hiding in the ditch, what qualifications do you have to attract me to Ye Han? Do you think too much of yourself!"

"Huh! Shame on your face, if that's the case, then die!"

The headed black-robed man had cold eyes when he heard the words, and the murderous intent was empty, and immediately made a decisive move.


The virtual air machine oscillated, and the violent wind suddenly rose, causing the gang wind to scream!

I saw the figure of the black robe figure headed into the sky, a palm shot towards the sky before yesterday, and the mighty blood-colored real essence filled the entire void, like forming a tsunami of blood, surging towards Ye Han. Come!

Almost at the same time,

The black-robed people in the remaining four weeks also started!

The blood-colored light reflected the sky, with a hot high temperature, distorting the air, causing the earth to burn, and then it collapsed under the powerful pressure!

The successive attacks are siege, as if the heaven and the earth are in harmony, blocking every inch of space up, down, left, and right!

The rocky soil layers below shattered, and the valleys collapsed under the strong pressure and gravity!

And being at the center of this attack,

Replaced with any ordinary nine-layer true essence, I am afraid that there is no escape from it!

"Oh, but so!"

Facing this terrifying siege attack, Ye Han sneered.


The powerful and majestic momentum of the middle stage of the Ninth Stage of True Essence unfolded, like a meteorite hitting a calm lake, setting off a stormy sea on the lake, sweeping in all directions!

Just the impact of the momentum caused the attacks of the surrounding black-robed monks to oscillate slightly!

In the vast ocean of true essence tsunami, Ye Han only saw Ye Han's hand. The majestic true essence power escaping around seemed to be gathered under the action of an invisible force, swept like a tornado, and finally condensed into one. Handle the shining bright and compelling long spear of Zhenyuan!

"Long run through the sky!"

With a cold drink,

The arm holding the True Essence spear was hard for a while, and the bright spear burst with light, like a horse training tearing through the sky!


In the huge sound, the earth-shaking explosion exploded, causing the world to tremble, and the energy that destroys the world and the earth blasted away!

It was seen that the sky that was originally shrouded in **** light had already broken through a big hole!

This blow,

Directly tore through the siege of several black-robed men!

"Impossible! You are only in the mid-ninth stage, how can you have such a powerful strength!"

After the spear turned into a Practicing light after defeating the joint siege of several people~www.readwn.com~ The remaining power was still there, and it penetrated the black-robed leader's defense like lightning, penetrated his shoulders, and brought blood. Splash!

The headed man in black was injured. Seeing this scene,


Although he is not a strong person on the list, he is also a mid-term existence of nine kinds.

Coupled with a few of the subordinates in the early stage,

Using the total secret technique in the teaching together, even the cultivators of the late stage nine can contend!

Why was he defeated by a trick in front of this kid? !

"What's impossible?"

Ye Han stepped on the void, looking down at the leader of the black robe.

"A group of **** who rely on heaven, material and earth treasures to forcibly lift up, also delusional to compete with me who walked through repairing step by step?"

"What's more, in the same rank, Ye Han is invincible!"

Ye Han's figure is condescending,

Looking at the enemy's eyes with a sneer,

All proud!

"go to hell!"

Ye Han's figure stood high in the sky, and the tyrannical real yuan erupted like a volcano, producing a visible impact sweeping across the sky, only to see him slapped it with a palm in the sky, and the majestic real yuan swept into a big hand of several feet of real yuan. , Blatantly rolled down in the direction of the leader of the black robe!

The airflow between heaven and earth,

Are all motivated at this moment.

At the same time, a huge invisible pressure was generated, making the leader of the black robe almost unable to move!

"Wait, spare my life, this world is about to change, I know a lot!"

The black robe leader's complexion changed wildly,

Begging for mercy out loud.

"No need!"

The answer to him was a cold voice.


The loud rumbling sound and the shock energy from the explosion drowned everything.

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