Yuan Tianjie,

the other side.

In front of the gate of a cave mansion shrouded in golden light, shortly after the end of a great war, the ground was shattered and the spiderweb-like cracks spread, making people look extremely shocking.

Jin Jizong's Tianjiao Lu Longcheng stood on the broken ground and slowly pulled back an arm that had penetrated the man's chest from behind.

In the sound of pouting,

A large amount of blood dripped along his golden-like gold-cast arm, and at the same time the corpse could not support it, and fell softly to the ground.

"Huh, the so-called secret of the Nine Earth Caves and Heavens is nothing more than that!"

In the sneer of disdain, he kicked the secret disciple of Jiudidongtian who was once famous on the ranking list,

The golden light on Lu Longcheng's body slowly dissipated, as the body cast in gold gradually recovered, eventually returning to its usual appearance.

"The young master is powerful, and among the monks of the same generation, naturally no one can beat it. If this list does not include those old guys who have lived in recluse for two or three hundred years, then the young master should be the well-deserved number on the list. one!"

Someone followed suit, flattering and authentic.

"Hahaha! Your kid has eyesight, very good!"

Lu Longcheng patted his entourage on the shoulder and laughed wantonly.

He does have such capital,

As a descendant of a high-ranking real immortal in the Jinji Sect, Lu Longcheng himself was born with a superior origin and his own talents are not low. He has reached the realm of the nine layers of true essence in only a hundred years of cultivation. The true level is only one step away.

The cultivator of the Ninth Layer of True Essence has a life limit of more than three hundred years.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see,

With his talent in Lu Longcheng and the background behind him, it would not be difficult to climb into the cave in the future.

It's really not impossible for them to have a double hole in the Lu Family.

And as the hope of the next generation of the Lu family,

Lu Longcheng's grandfather, it is also the Dongzhen-level power who has devoted a lot of effort to him, from often instructing and preaching himself, to various protective magic treasures and amulet urns.

With such a fairy-level elder supporting him behind his back, Lu Longcheng's combat effectiveness is naturally far more than an ordinary monk of the same rank.

"Hmph, I don't know what Grandpa is thinking about. If it weren't for him to stop, I would have long wanted to be named the so-called Yunshui Sect, and they would be so-called young talents for a while!"

Lu Longcheng sneered, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

He lacks nothing,

But also enjoy the light that has attracted much attention.

For Yunshuizong's fascinating blows, the evaluation in the entire Yuzhou cultivation world and even the genius who weighed on him, has long had the mind to take it off the stage.

Such as Zhang Qingyuan, the three-hundred-year-old most talented genius enchanting evildoer who had leapfrogged and killed the Nine Layers of True Essence before this.

The momentum is bigger than when he was on the Yuzhou rookie list!

Although they have nothing to do with each other, they have never met each other,

But in Lu Longcheng's heart, he was not angry with this kind of guy who suppressed his reputation.

I thought if I met one day,

It must be cut under the horse!

"Don’t worry, Young Master, the same famous and loud Yunshui Zong Ye Han who emerged during this period of time has also entered this Yuantian Realm? If the opponent’s goal is the same as ours, he will naturally encounter it in the near future. When it comes to fighting for this kind of thing, Ye Han is beheading that Ye Han, presumably the ancestor will not say anything."

Hearing that Lu Longcheng's eyes are bright.

He glanced at the clever boy beside him, nodded in approval.

"You kid, not bad!"

"Young Master Xie praised!"

The entourage hurriedly bowed his hands, his face was full of flattering joy.

"Okay, get to work,"

Yuan Tianjie,

the other side.

In front of the gate of a cave mansion shrouded in golden light, shortly after the end of a great war, the ground was shattered and the spiderweb-like cracks spread, making people look extremely shocking.

Jin Jizong's Tianjiao Lu Longcheng stood on the broken ground and slowly pulled back an arm that had penetrated the man's chest from behind.

In the sound of pouting,

A large amount of blood dripped along his golden-like gold-cast arm, and at the same time the corpse could not support it, and fell softly to the ground.

"Huh, the so-called secret of the Nine Earth Caves and Heavens is nothing more than that!"

In the sneer of disdain, he kicked the secret disciple of Jiudidongtian who was once famous on the ranking list,

The golden light on Lu Longcheng's body slowly dissipated, as the body cast in gold gradually recovered, eventually returning to its usual appearance.

"The young master is powerful, and among the monks of the same generation, naturally no one can beat it. If this list does not include those old guys who have lived in recluse for two or three hundred years, then the young master should be the well-deserved number on the list. one!"

Someone followed suit, flattering and authentic.

"Hahaha! Your kid has eyesight, very good!"

Lu Longcheng patted his entourage on the shoulder and laughed wantonly.

He does have such capital,

As a descendant of a high-ranking Dongzhen immortal in the Jinji Sect~www.readwn.com~Lu Longcheng has a superior background and his own talents are not low, and his cultivation has only reached a hundred years, and he has reached the nine layers of true yuan. The realm is only one step away from that hole's true level.

The cultivator of the Ninth Layer of True Essence has a life limit of more than three hundred years.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see,

With his talent in Lu Longcheng and the background behind him, it would not be difficult to climb into the cave in the future.

It's really not impossible for them to have a double hole in the Lu Family.

And as the hope of the next generation of the Lu family,

Lu Longcheng's grandfather, it is also the Dongzhen-level power who has devoted a lot of effort to him, from often instructing and preaching himself, to various protective magic treasures and amulet urns.

With such a fairy-level elder supporting him behind his back, Lu Longcheng's combat effectiveness is naturally far more than an ordinary monk of the same rank.

"Hmph, I don't know what Grandpa is thinking about. If it weren't for him to stop, I would have long wanted to be named the so-called Yunshui Sect, and they would be so-called young talents for a while!"

Lu Longcheng sneered, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

He lacks nothing,

But also enjoy the light that has attracted much attention.

For Yunshuizong's fascinating blows, the evaluation in the entire Yuzhou cultivation world and even the genius who weighed on him, has long had the mind to take it off the stage.

Such as Zhang Qingyuan, the three-hundred-year-old most talented genius enchanting evildoer who had leapfrogged and killed the Nine Layers of True Essence before this.

The momentum is bigger than when he was on the Yuzhou rookie list!

Although they have nothing to do with each other, they have never met each other,

But in Lu Longcheng's heart, he was not angry with this kind of guy who suppressed his reputation.

I thought if I met one day,

It must be cut under the horse!

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