Inside the North Hall,

There has been no movement for many days, nor can it take the initiative to transmit, as if the damaged teleportation array suddenly lit up for a while.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure appeared.

The whole hall is still a barren scene.

No one seems to have been here.

Several flashes of Zhang Qingyuan's figure appeared outside the hall.

At this moment, wherever the naked eye can reach,

The entire palace complex collapsed into ruins, a look after a war and a melee, the broken beams and bricks collapsed, and gun smoke rose.

Zhang Qingyuan was not surprised either.

I had expected this a long time ago, but I was fortunate in my heart. Fortunately, the teleportation array in the North Hall had teleportation restrictions, otherwise, I might not be able to accept the inheritance in a stable manner.

In the ruins at this time, there were still many figures digging around.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't look much,

The figure flashed,

Escaped into the space,

Quietly flashing over a distance of tens of feet, a few flashes of fuzzy afterimages disappeared into the distance.

From here to the end,

Even if Zhang Qingyuan's figure passed by the person, it did not attract anyone's attention.

Seeing this scene,

Zhang Qingyuan knew even more about the secret technique of this martial art.

He didn't control the escape light to fly in the sky,

Rather, by displaying the floating world, swaming between the void, the speed is extremely fast.

Although this is not small,

However, in this full rush, Zhang Qingyuan obviously felt that his understanding of this secret technique was improving little by little, so he did not hesitate to use this martial art to drive on.

After all, even though it was expensive, it was nothing to Zhang Qingyuan, whose true essence was far superior to ordinary monks of the same rank in terms of quality and quantity.

He who has practiced the One Yuan Guishui Sutra to the fifth level,

The True Essence continued to last, just like the endless sea, enough to supplement the consumption of the secret technique between the floating world and the earth.

[You have gone through arduous practice, and your proficiency in the secret technique between the floating world and the earth is +1...]

The line of sight swept across the line of handwriting on the proficiency panel.

For a while,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help feeling sorrowful.

Quite a few years,

The point is to rely on the visual improvement of the panel bit by bit, and gradually pass that difficult period, and through the changes of the panel data, various martial arts can be improved and upgraded.

For myself at that time,

The proficiency panel is the biggest golden finger that you can sustain and endure the dullness again and again.

And now,

His ability to reach this point is not unrelated to the merits of the panel.

"Unexpectedly, decades have passed in the blink of an eye, and now I am looking away from the realm of Dongzhen!"

Secretly sighed in his heart.

Shook his head,

Throw away the many thoughts in your heart, press the map in your hand, and fly away in the direction of induction.

He didn't forget,

The main purpose of this trip is to rescue Zhao Yuanyang and the others who are in crisis.

Although the map of the jade plate shows that they are in a large army, it is very likely that they have been out of danger.

But after all, I have to go over and take a look.

"It seems that ten days have passed since I went in and accepted the inheritance. I don't know how Zhao Yuanyang and the others are doing. It should be all right."

Looking at the jade plate map in his hand,

That place where densely packed light spots gather,

Zhang Qingyuan comforted himself authentically in his heart,


Do not know why,

There is always a feeling of anxiety that lingers in my heart.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was letting the space escape more and more and moving forward quickly, couldn't help but frown slightly.


Somewhere in the Yuan Heaven Realm,

A thousand-foot-long high mountain stands between the mountains and is surrounded by layers of mountains, as if forming a natural large array, extracting the heavens and the earth, gathering the earth veins, and gathering all the spiritual energy on that high mountain!

The divine light shrouded,

Spray Xiaguang,

The aura visible to the naked eye turns into a white mist, analyzes the light, and faintly transforms a phantom surrounded by dragons and phoenixes between the mountains. Under the surrounding sunshine, it gives people an incomparably mysterious and mysterious majestic feeling!

At this moment,

A large number of monks who have entered the Yuantian realm are gathering towards the sacred mountain.

The secret hands of outsiders,

Also all guide here.


From this.

"Lu Longcheng, let them go, I just assume that nothing happened!"

Above the mountains,

Wang Yuenian hovered in the air, condescending, staring at the group of people in the distance, his face full of seriousness.

"Brother, I rescued these people from danger on the in return, and then followed me to explore the road ahead for Lu. What's the problem?"

On the other side, Lu Longcheng wrapped his arms around his chest, sneering at Wang Yuenian who was opposite.

Below him,

The group of people was chained in series by a golden chain, locked the true essence, covered in blood and scars, and was forced to walk in a certain direction on foot.

some of,

There are impressive figures of Zhao Yuanyang and other disciples of the Yunshui Sect!

It is precisely because of this,

The moment he saw the clothes on those people, Wang Yuenian stood up.

"So, you don't let it go?!"

Wang Yuenian's eyes suddenly became sharp.


He did not know Zhao Yuanyang and them,

But as a direct disciple of the sect, as a predecessor of a disciple of the inner sect, as the backbone of the sect, Lu Longcheng's move is no better than slaps on the face of Yunshuizong.

It's a naked humiliation!

"Oh, if you want to fight, fight, call you brother, really rub your nose! Let me come and see, what you call the first sect of Yuzhou!"

The majestic essence of Lu Longcheng exploded, and the golden light was like a vast ocean.

There was a burst of light between his eyes, a long roar opened his mouth, the sound of thunder between the sky and the earth, the majestic golden light between the waves converged into a golden dragon of more than ten meters, wrapped in the majestic breath. Kill Wang Yuenian!

Void tremor,

Lu Longcheng Thunder shot, without the slightest scruples!

"Lao Tzu has long seen you as a group only to bully the little Jinjizong and be unhappy,"


There are two hundred words left here, wait a few minutes to finish writing.

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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