As the two giants at the top of the Jade Island cultivation world, Jinjizong and Yunshuizong are the reasons for the entanglement between each other. Few people know.

But the confrontation between each other continued all the way.

From time to time, there were conflicts between the disciples of Jinjizong and Yunshuizong.

In the meantime, Yunshuizong was the well-deserved overlord of the Jade Island cultivation world. Although Jinjizong was qualified as a challenger, his true strength was still quite different after all.

It is also because of this that in the past conflicts between the disciples of the sect, most of the disciples of the Jinjizong ended in a disadvantage.


One aspect of the style of the Jinjizong sect is recognized by the monks in Yuzhou, that is, the monks in this sect act domineering, and at the same time do things that do not care about the opinions of the outside world, which is even more shameless in the eyes of some people.

For example, it strictly guards against its own inheritance. Sometimes, in order to confirm whether its own inheritance is leaked, and in vain of the owner’s wishes, he directly breaks into the Tibetan scripture pavilion within the small force Xiaozongmen in other places in Yuzhou, who specializes in the power of gold. The core inheritance of its power is used to determine whether its own inheritance is leaked.

In the Jade Island cultivation world, the monks of other powers who majored in the Jinxing Group have declined, and many of them are due to the Jinjizong.

To suppress people with power is their specialty.

For example, Yaowanggu was attacked by mysterious forces a few years ago and was destroyed overnight.

The monks of Jinjizong openly declared that the **** wood seal passed down from generation to generation held by the city Yaowanggu is their property. Hunt down.

Under this kind of style, the moral level of the Jinjizong monks can be imagined.

In the conflict with the disciples of Yunshuizong,

Their disciples will not be too stingy to bully the little ones, or even be proud of them.

Decades ago,

At that time, Wang Yuenian was just an ordinary inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect. When he met a direct disciple of the Jinji Sect, he suffered a big loss.

At that time,

He didn't expect at all that the opponent, a master of the nine-layer real yuan, would do something about himself with a little transparency of the four-layer real yuan!

Now this scene,

How similar is it to everything you have experienced back then? !

Only Jin Jizong, a group of guys who don't want to face at all, would do such a thing!


Enveloping the sky of anger, Wang Yuenian's true essence nine-fold power that was already close to perfection burst out. The vast power made the air in front of it seem to be distorted, and the terrible power bombarded the rushing golden dragon!


When the two collided, an astonishing True Yuan shock was swept away!

At this moment,

With the two as the center, the mountains within a radius of one hundred meters below seemed to have encountered extremely strong gravity pressure at this moment, and suddenly collapsed, forming a huge pothole!

At the same time, if there is a real shock wave sweeping in all directions.

The trees in the surrounding mountains were blocked by the shock wave and their branches and leaves merged into the storm, forming a mighty torrent that rushed towards the surroundings.

Everyone around who had originally watched the battle had to be horrified and then retreated, embarrassed to avoid the terrible impact!

"It's terrible strength. These two people seem to be young, but they are far from the outside world even if they are the supreme elders of some medium sect forces!"

"This is normal again. If I am not mistaken, one party is famous and ranked thirty-eighth on the Billboard. It is said that Wang Yuenian, the progeny of the Yunshui Sect, is really only one step away from the half-step hole! Another person, It is also the Golden Dragon City of the Jinjizong who has a remarkable reputation and is known as half the saint son of the Jinjizong!"

"The strength of these two people is probably the pinnacle of the Yuzhou True Essence Realm!"

There were onlookers around, shocked.

And at this time,

Just as the passers-by watched and talked,

In the mid-air, the energy of the explosion turned into a devastating storm raging. The hateful Wang Yuenian pressed Lu Longcheng downwind with a palm. Under the majestic power, the opponent only felt as if there was an overwhelming power coming, making him The true essence is destroyed like a ruin!

The golden dragon of true essence displayed in mid-air was blasted away, Lu Longcheng's figure involuntarily retreated, and his face turned pale at the same time.

"Hmph, you Jin Jizong's trash, what else can you do besides bullying the small with the big ones?!"

Wang Yuenian's sneer ridicule came in the air.

After all, the gap between the nine-fold perfection of Zhenyuan and the late stage of the nine-fold is still not small.

A palm easily suppressed the opponent's martial arts,

Wang Yuenian won the power and did not forgive people. He did not retreat but advanced. He stepped forward. The majestic true essence gathered on his body. Around him, it seemed to set off a wave-like tide of true essence. The whisper!

Raise your hand, make a fist,

Blasted out with a punch,

The dazzling light burst out with the power like a meteorite, and with the power to dump mountains and rivers, it broke through the void, and blasted towards Lu Longcheng fiercely!

"Damn it!"

Lu Longcheng's complexion was extremely ugly, and the extremely bright golden light lingered around his body, turning into a thick light shield and barely resisting it in front of him.

He couldn't dodge, so he could only forcefully take this punch!

But the problem is,

The cultivation realm itself is going to be weaker ~ Facing Wang Yuenian's full blow with anger, how could he easily resist it? !

The monstrous fist swept across the void,

With a click, the shield mask was directly blasted through with a punch.

Accompanied by a muffled bang,

The golden flesh exploded, exposing the white bones, and the blood exploded in midair.

The whole figure flew out like a cannonball, and slammed into the distant mountains with a bang, smashing the whole hill down!

"Little Lord!"


Not far behind, the disciples of the Jinjizong who came with Lu Longcheng were shocked, and one after another they swung their tyrannical true essence, used powerful means to cross the sky, and Qi Qi moved towards Wang Yuenian's direction to besiege!

"Damn, shameless Jinjizong bastard, let's all help!"

Wang Yuenian is not just a person.

People who belong to the Yunshui Sect, seeing that the monks of the same sect have ended up like this, everyone in the Yunshui Sect who followed is very worried. At this moment, seeing those people of the Jinjizong do not talk about the siege of martial arts, how can it be I could stand it, and jumped up one after another, and greeted the Jinjizong monk on the opposite side!

Boom boom boom!

The melee broke out, and the successive collisions produced explosive shocks, turning this mountain into a fierce battlefield!


In the melee,

Ye Han didn't rush up with him.

Instead, looking at the melee that suddenly broke out in front of him, his brows were slightly frowned, and a kind of anxiety suddenly rose in his heart.

In front of the Jinjizong, one party was retreating steadily,

Relying on Wang Yuenian’s nine-fold perfection realm, the situation on the battlefield is almost one-sided.


Is it really that easy?

There was a deep vigilance in Ye Han's heart.

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