Qi Mengzhang's brow furrowed when the attack that was already inevitable was resisted.


Without the slightest hesitation, he shot directly, and slapped it out in the direction of the sound source!

Between turning the palms, the majestic golden rays of light gathered, half of the sky was dyed gold, piercing the world with great strength, and the space seemed to be torn and shattered by layers!

The power of terror contains the interweaving of Tao and Dharma, and the sky seems to be torn apart!

No matter who the person is, since it has been blocked, it is the enemy!

Is the enemy,

Kill it first!

Boom! ! !

Amid the huge roar, the sky and the earth shook sharply, the mountains of the earth were torn apart by this terrible energy impact, smoke swept the sky, and huge cracks stretched thousands of feet in the mountains!

The momentum was shocking, and the ground vibrated violently.


This blow,

It's empty!


Wang Yuenian in front of him had disappeared in place at some point.

However, Qi Mengzhang has no time to pay attention to this. At this moment, his mind has been raised to the limit, and his eyes are quickly scanned around the void!

The man has completely lost track.

Who is it, what methods are used, how can the breath disappear completely? !

Didn't feel the breath at all,

Where is the enemy!

For a moment,

Qi Mengzhang was surprised,

At the same time, the vigilance in the mind has been raised to the limit.

I have the ability to cross the ocean and enter this Yuantian realm without knowing it, the other half-step caves may not be impossible!

Only opponents of the same level can have such a method!

At this moment,

Behind Qi Mengzhang, the space suddenly left a gap, and a flash of golden light suddenly shot out like lightning, like a golden energy ray, piercing the space and rushing towards his back!


The sudden attack was hidden in the space, silent.

But at the moment when he jumped out of the void, the terrifying murderous intent was naturally felt by the extremely vigilant Qi Mengzhang.


Qi Mengzhang's body was full of golden light, and his tyrannical aura swept away. The light suddenly solidified, forming a translucent golden screen visible to the naked eye, like a rectangular parallelepiped protecting his whole person inside!

In the light curtain,

A gilt color overflowing with color forms a rune that creeps along a certain mysterious trajectory, like a glass mirror, giving a sense of indestructibility!

Jinjizong is the most powerful sect that specializes in gold for the Yuzhou cultivation world.

The power of gold,

It has excellent performance in both attack and defense.

It is the strongest spear and shield among the five elements!

Qi Mengzhang's golden light indestructible technique contains the Dao he has comprehended, and he is confident that he can resist a surprise attack of the same level. As long as he resists it, then when the time comes...


When the attack behind him came with a wave of the origin of the law, and the very dangerous warning sign came from the space behind him,

Qi Mengzhang looked terrified!

"Spirit weapon!"

Qi Mengzhang uttered a horrified voice, and immediately deflected his figure and was about to avoid it!

With this shielding technique, there is no big problem in the face of bombing at the level of magic weapons.

But if you face the spirit weapon and resist it positively, it is simply looking for death!

A trace of the law of gold fluctuates,

Suddenly it caused the space to crack, with an extremely terrifying piercing power, and instantly pierced the light curtain raised by Qi Mengzhang,

It is a pity that he deflected his body at the very moment.

The golden light just pierced its shoulders, and the golden true essence and blood bloomed.

Qi Mengzhang's shoulder is pierced,

Immediately daring not to be careless, the figure quickly retreated and escaped to a hundred feet away!

And at this time,

The golden light that had hurt him turned into a stream of light, like a trend that quickly whirled back, falling on a young man who walked out of the air reflected in the air not far away!

"This is the use of space, no wonder!"

Seeing the way the young man's figure appeared on the opposite side, Qi Mengzhang's heart followed.

Although he is a real level of half-step hole,

But after all, it hasn't reached that point yet, and it is naturally impossible to perceive it in the face of such methods.

Although this method is powerful,

However, after knowing the details of the opponent, as long as you pay a little attention, the threat level will also be greatly reduced.

After all, Banbudong really can't perceive space, but with the power of the law, it can affect the space and prevent the opponent from entering the space to launch an attack.

And after sensing the breath of the guy opposite,

Qi Mengzhang's heart also dropped, looking at the wound on his shoulder, his face was slightly stunned, and the sight of the young man on the opposite side became cold.

"What a kid, you almost succeeded without knowing it."

"You are proud of hurting the old man with the strength of the late stage nine, but huh, you dare to make a sneak attack and hand over what you injured the old man just now as compensation, otherwise you will undoubtedly die today!"

Qi Mengzhang stood high in the sky, exuding a terrible aura, and his breath shocked and shook like a vast sea.

Set off the atmospheric tide to show his inner anger.

In that cold stare full of murderous intent, at the same time there was greed that could not be concealed!

It's really God's will!

The golden magic weapon just now, although not a real spiritual tool, is definitely a semi-spirit tool with a part of the magical power of the spiritual tool!

Such a treasure,

Naturally, virtuous people live there!

As for the other party,

However, it was only a mere nine-fold late stage, even with some small tricks, it was nothing more than that.

Qi Mengzhang didn't care at all.

"I've heard of Jin Jizong acting despicable and shameless in the past, but today I finally saw ~www.readwn.com~ threatening others with hostages, and only you can do such a thing."

Kenmaru burst out with a dazzling golden light, spinning quickly between his palms, emitting dangerous waves.

Zhang Qingyuan looked directly at the opposite person,

Coldly and authentic:

"It's just coveting my magic weapon. If you want to fight, you can fight, why so much nonsense!"

The person who shot, naturally Zhang Qingyuan is undoubtedly.


He did not arrive at the last moment, but almost arrived with Wang Yuenian and the others.

It's just that he has been playing the mayfly between the world and the earth, hiding in the void, without any leakage of the figure's breath, coupled with the early appearance of Ye Han and others, attracting attention, it is even more difficult to be discovered.

During this time,

He basically understood the cause and effect,

Whether it was this group of people who arrested Liu Zhangyuan, Zhao Yuanyang and others were preparing to use it as a stepping stone to explore the way, or what they did later, Zhang Qingyuan had already sentenced the old undead named Qi Mengzhang and Na Lu Longcheng to death in his heart.

Even if it’s half a step,

so what!

At that time, Liu Zhangyuan had a lot of kindness to himself, and Zhao Yuanyang also helped a lot when he was weak. These people were not dead in front of him, and he was uneasy.

It is precisely because of this that he has been hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to shoot, in order to kill with one blow!


Because he was not a professional assassin, he couldn't find the best time, and because of the long delay, Wang Yuenian was severely defeated and he was about to die here.

As a last resort, Zhang Qingyuan had to show up.

But before that, he first left Kenmaru as a dark hand.

Sure enough, he hurt him in one fell swoop,


But it also made the other party coveted.

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