Among the mountains and mountains, the battlefield situation is unpredictable.

Zhang Qingyuan, who suddenly plunged into the battlefield, naturally attracted the attention of people around him.

In particular, as soon as he appeared, he injured the half-step hole that was above the real yuan.

No one on the scene can perceive that magical means.

Then the means shown,

It is also extremely good.

"Who is that person?"

Around the battlefield, there are always brave or confident monks with trump cards who have not escaped, confident and not afraid of the methods of Jin Jizong and others, have been standing nearby to watch the battle.

At this moment, seeing the strange young man breaking in to disturb the situation, he couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Qingyuan’s reputation is not small,

Over the years of succession of records and being ranked first in the Yuzhou rookie list, although he is not willing to be so prosperous, he will eventually leave a lot of impressions in the hearts of people who have heard of these things.

It's just that because of his low profile, many people have heard of his name, but not many people really know it.

Of course,

In the world of Zhang Qing's pre-Yuan Yuan, netizens on the Internet were capable of supernatural powers, omnipotence, and omniscience.

The passers-by in the realm of comprehension also have people who know astronomy and geography.

"That seems to be the new generation of Tianjiao of the Yunshui Sect, Zhang Qingyuan, who is number one on the Yuzhou rookie list!"

A passerby replied, but hesitated between words.

Not very sure.

"Five years ago, it was reported that he leapfrogged and challenged and killed the nine-fold real yuan in the late stage of the eight-fold real yuan in the South China Sea, but how can it be reached the late nine-fold in just a few years?"

Facing the real enemy Qi Mengzhang in Banbudong, Zhang Qingyuan naturally did not hide the slightest, nor did he disguise anymore, revealing his original face.

At the same time, the breath unfolds as much as possible, clearly sensing the people around him.

But it is precisely because of this,

People who recognize him don't even have much confidence in themselves.

From the eighth stage of Zhenyuan to the nineteenth stage of Zhenyuan, it has crossed the entire realm of the first stage, and it is also the first stage of promotion in the late stage of Zhenyuan. It only took five years?

Although Zhang Qingyuan’s name for his extremely fast cultivating genius has long been circulated,

But this is incredible!

"No, you have admitted the wrong person? How is this kind of speed of practice possible!"

"It shouldn't be. Twenty years ago, a certain family also went to the Yunshui Sect to watch the Inner Gate Competition. At that time, he felt that the guy was not a thing in the pool, and his memory was quite deep."

"Hey, if that's the case, it's really terrifying. I'm afraid that the rare Narcissus fairy more than 300 years ago could not match this person in terms of cultivation speed!"

Someone took a breath.

Not only shocked the speed of Zhang Qingyuan's practice, but also shocked his own strength!

The hand shown just now has already shown that the opponent's true strength is no longer below the nine-fold perfection.

This is definitely not the strength that can be possessed by using a medicine pill or a treasure of heaven and material to force a breakthrough!

At this moment, the fluctuations of the sound transmission of the divine mind suddenly all calmed down.

A dead silence.

Everyone could not help being shocked and speechless.

"This kind of talent is indeed enchanting, but the brain is not very good, putting himself in danger, and then the Qi Mengzhang of Jinjizong may have to kill the kid no matter how high the price is."

After a long time, someone shook his head,

The words uttered a bit sourly.

"Zhenyuan Jiuzhong and Banbu Dongzhen, these are two completely different thresholds. Does he think he is that peerless enchanting water sword fairy who is rare in thousands of years?"

This statement also makes sense.

Regardless of Zhang Qingyuan's previous performance, the strength of the half-step Dongzhen Realm is obvious to all present.

The Nine-fold Consummation Wang Yuenian, who was extremely powerful at the same level, was defeated only by a few tricks.

Various gaps,

It is conceivable.

"Yes, in the Jinjizong style of acting, that Zhang Qingyuan is dangerous. You must know that the water sword immortal Qi Yiming back then..."

Someone whispered, staring at the direction of the battlefield.

Everyone around was silent,

Most of them agree with this in their hearts.


"Junior Brother Qingyuan, why are you here!"

at this time,

Taken away from the battlefield by Zhang Qingyuan, Wang Yuenian, who was standing behind him at this moment, had survived the catastrophe. Until then, he reacted and recognized the person in front of him, his complexion suddenly changed.

Hurriedly stepped forward and whispered:

"Leave quickly, leave the matter here to Senior Brother..."

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking yet,

Zhang Qingyuan stretched out his hand to interrupt him.

"Senior brother, don't worry, since the junior brother has appeared, he naturally knows that he won't come out for death in vain."

"What's more, there are the teachers and brothers who were friends in this room. How can Qingyuan be the kind of ungrateful and ungrateful person."

"Trust me!"

Zhang Qingyuan said firmly.

At the same time, the lips moved slightly, and a sound of divine thoughts mingled in them, and entered Wang Yuenian's ears.

When Wang Yuenian heard the words, his expression was struggling.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded affirmatively.

"Fine, in that case, just do what you said, Junior Brother Qingyuan, if the situation is not right, you immediately flee Leave us alone!"

Wang Yuenian looked directly into Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, solemnly and authentically.

Perhaps the premonition that I had flashed before I was dying was not wrong, and the little junior brother in front of me was probably the one who could truly inherit the line of Master!

Never die here!

He already has plans to dedicate himself to it at this moment.


Zhang Qingyuan nodded towards him.

The exchange between the two was long, but it was actually only a quarter of an hour's effort.


Just this point of communication skills, the opposite Jin Jizong Qi Mengzhang is not going to provide it to both parties.


The monstrous golden wave was surging, and suddenly erupted, a large swath of golden light swept across, tearing the atmosphere of the space, and swept in the direction of Zhang Qingyuan!

"It turned out to be a new generation of geniuses from the Yunshui School. If you are given a period of practice and set foot on the path of Dongzheng, I am afraid I will not be your opponent, but unfortunately, you will stop here today!"

Sound like thunder,

Accompanied by the vast golden light, it resounded through the world.

this moment,

The murderous intent in Qi Mengzhang's heart has been raised to an unprecedented level!

The verbal routines of the people around him naturally failed to escape his perception, and that is why he also knew more clearly that the evil spirits of the people in front of him were terrifying!

This kid surnamed Zhang,

The threat is even far above that Wang Yuenian!

Whether it is for the benefit of the sect or personal personal grievances, this kid must die here!


The vast golden light of true essence smashed the vacuum, and the sharp energy tore through a passage of hundreds of meters, leaving a long trace along the way, vowing to crush the person in front of you!

Almost condensed into a substantive killing intent, shocking Xu Tian!

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