A terrifying offensive, wrapped in a shocking aura and oppression, the void is trembling in layers!

Even if the main target of this attack was not him, Wang Yuenian felt suffocated at this moment!


Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Qingyuan shook the void with a palm, and the invisible force sent Wang Yuenian away temporarily.

at the same time,

Both hands are pointed to form a sword, and the sword pill is drawn to rotate rapidly between them, exuding waves that make people fearful.

The majestic True Yuan power oscillation swept across, making the surrounding space seem to be distorted.

next moment,

Zhang Qingyuan pointed out,


The red flame burned out of thin air, and the sword pill in his hand burst into bright light instantly, burning like a raging flame, rising like a torrent, turning into a pillar of flame that penetrates the sky and the earth, crashing toward the oncoming majestic. Jin Guang hit it!

Boom! ! !

The violent collision erupted instantly!

The violent shock wave raged on, and the mountains with a radius of several hundred meters collapsed, the rocks broke, and the smoke rose up!

Above the sky, a bright light burst,

There is a burst of energy to vent the impact, and the space seems to collapse and shatter!

At the moment when two terrifying attacks collided, the golden light almost drowned out the red flames with the momentum of thunder initiation, destroying them as if they were rotten.

However, after the majestic flame swept through the center of the sword maru was extinguished by the energy light, another force was born from it, and another force was superimposed under the same force, and the strong pressure caused this force to merge together. , A more terrifying force broke out!

In an instant, it was like a burst of stars!

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying power that broke out, in turn, defeated the majestic golden light gathered by Taoism!


Under the frontal confrontation, his own means were defeated in turn, Qi Mengzhang's figure was repelled a few steps, and his face was full of disbelief!

How can this be? !

The half-step hole really hit with all its strength, and was unexpectedly hit by the younger generation of the late nine-fold real yuan,

A head-on defeat? !

"Nothing is impossible."

One move defeated Qi Mengzhang's attack, and Zhang Qingyuan's expression was calm and there was not much change.

It's three stacks of waves covering the sea!

This palm technique that Zhang Qingyuan learned many years ago has already reached its perfection after decades of practice. Various concepts have already been integrated in the heart, and even not limited to the style of moves, it is turned into a variety of attack methods at will!

This blow,

Replacing the power of the vast sea with the power of starting a prairie prairie, merging into the triple sword power, replacing the power of the triple grip, resulting in even more terrifying means, making the world tremble!


This is also one of the gains he received from the inheritance of the Five Elements School.

The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth grow and restrain each other.

The profound meaning and all the truth in it are all in the performance of the powerful figure in the inheritance stele that day!

It’s just an extension of the idea,

It is enough for Zhang Qingyuan to overcome gold with fire and destroy the momentum of gold with fire!

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan will not explain the principle.

"You pick me up too!"

Zhang Qingyuan stepped into the air step by step, stepping on the void, and the space turned into a substantial ladder, sending out a crisp voice.

next moment,

The whole person suddenly disappeared and appeared above the sky like a teleport. The sword pill not far away also turned into a stream of light, and returned to his palm in an instant, changing into a long sword that escaped with terrifying power. .

Zhang Qingyuan is holding a long sword, and the temperature of his body rises rapidly at this moment. As his true essence escapes, half of the sky is stained with a red color, as if burning.

Thousands of sparks quickly gathered on the sword's edge, and then a sword swung down toward the sky!

Xuan-level martial arts·Xinghuo Liao for nine days!

At that time, Zhang Qingyuan obtained it from the secret realm in Sanchuan County and from the Burning Heaven Sword Yan’s inanimate life many years ago.

As he was promoted to the late stage of the Ninth Stage, the spirit and energy in his body gathered together, and finally reached the threshold to successfully cultivate him and fully display his power!


Endless sparks converge, and the entire sky is burning at this moment, turning into a sea of ​​red flames!

In the sea of ​​flames, if a bright sword light descended from the sky, the sky exploded, creating a mighty, reckless and majestic aura, tearing and burning the entire sky void, shattering everything!

The dazzling light surpasses nine days like a strong sun!

The crowds of passers-by gathered here in the distance all felt a kind of panic-stricken crisis in their hearts, looking up at the bright red sunlight pouring down like the sun.

Can not help but open his mouth wide, unable to say a word.

Xuanxian martial arts,


"Damn it! This kid!!!"

The passers-by who watched around felt extremely terrible oppression. Faced with this sword, even if the half-step hole with the cultivation base above everyone on the scene was really Qi Mengzhang, they also felt a sense of crisis of death!

Can't escape!

That incredibly hot, as if the sharp sword light that burned everything out of the sky and the earth had already reached before him, and the brainless escape was just looking for death!

In Qi Mengzhang's eyes, a fierce aura flashed.


In the next moment, the majestic true essence rose from the whole body, and the golden light was like a thousand feet of wolf smoke hitting the void, and a terrible coercion enveloped it, causing the surrounding space to shake!

"The golden bell jar of the immortal python!"


Qi Mengzhang closed his palms together, and the surrounding golden true essence rushed like a torrent, collapsed suddenly, faintly turned into a giant python, and swooped down, encircling him in circles!

Along with the giant pythons surrounding ~www.readwn.com~ vaguely, a golden bell the size of a hill is formed!

Simple and solemn,

Give people a hard feeling that is indestructible and indestructible!

All this may sound long, but in fact it is just the work of electric light and flint.

At the moment the immortal python golden bell was formed, the overwhelming flame sword aura had already crashed down!


The crisp bell rang, resounding through the world!

But the sound only swayed for a moment, and then the mighty sword power suddenly erupted, like a huge pillar of flame that penetrated through the world, instantly drowning the entire Black Python Golden Bell and its sound!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The impact of the explosion at this moment is almost impossible to describe in words. In the bright and dazzling light, the entire world is shaking violently. With Qi Mengzhang as the center, the earth mountain range collapses and disappears in an instant, and the hot flames heat the surrounding edges. The soil and rocks melt instantly!

Immediately afterwards, violent shock waves raged away, and the earth tore through cracks ranging from one to hundreds of thousands of meters in the violent vibration, extending to the abyss of invisible cracks, and countless gravel soil rustling toward. The bottom fell down!

In this terrible natural disaster that seems to destroy the world,

Everyone around was horrified and then retreated.

Even if his chest was filled with anger, Lu Longcheng, who was about to kill Ye Han on the spot, was no exception.

Before the more terrifying impact came, he retreated to the distance in amazement.

At this moment,

Wang Yuenian turned into a flash of lightning and flew out of the hidden place,

The majestic Zhenyuan quickly rolled, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Jinjizong cultivator to escape chaos and engulfing the captured Yunshui cultivators, flew in the direction of Ye Han, and quickly escaped with him..... .

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