The void collapsed, and terrifying power came, causing Zhang Qingyuan to plunge into the abyss!

Faced with a sneak attack by a powerful Dongzhen, Zhang Qingyuan was also caught in the most threatening place in his life!


Learn the secret technique of the mayfly between heaven and earth, and the power of oneself in which the spirit, qi and spirit are almost merged into one.

It made him discover the source of the danger at the moment of the sneak attack.

And he didn't tremble under the aura of Dongzhen's mighty power level, staying in a daze, losing his resistance.


This blow was not the result of the long-planned Lu Family ancestor, but the moment he saw Zhang Qingyuan's appearance, he suddenly had an impulse in his heart, a temporary intention, and wanted to kill him before this. !

These many prerequisites have brought Zhang Qingyuan a ray of life to resist!

Whoosh whoosh!

Streams of light soared into the sky, exuding strong fluctuations, but they are more than twenty kinds of magic weapons!

These are either obtained from the black market and used to wash away the blood of one's life, or they are the spoils obtained from various opponents during the career of these years.

Harvest again and again, the more you accumulate, the more you accumulate.

Up to some middle-level sects, the magic weapon that can be obtained is not even as much as Zhang Qingyuan alone!

All are thrown out at this moment!

The light reflected in the sky, and the various magic weapons each exudes powerful aura fluctuations.

The people who had originally viewed this place were all in a daze.

A hole-zhen-level mighty attacking a descendant of the real-element realm was originally shocking.

The True Primal Realm kid who was attacked and killed was not shivering and stagnating in place. The powerful people who had been paying attention to this side had some appreciation, but they also sighed.

It’s just that what they didn’t expect was,

Facing the mortal situation, the true element realm kid did not escape, but threw out a piece of magic weapon!

What is this for?

Whether it was the sudden attack and killing of the ancestors of the Lu family, or the response of the little devil named Zhang Qingyuan,

It all brought countless question marks to the minds of all those who noticed this scene.

So many magic weapons,

Very rich!

But does that kid think that by stacking a few more magic weapons, he can withstand the disparity between Zhenyuan and Dongzhen like the sky?

At this moment, all the powerful people who saw this scene had such a doubt in their hearts.

But obviously,

Zhang Qingyuan would naturally not have such naive ideas.

A magic weapon, for the improvement of the monk's strength, can let him kill the same level of self who does not have the magic weapon.

This increase in strength is not weak for the monks.

But if you think that the more magic weapons, the stronger the accumulation of strength, and even that as long as the magic weapons are enough, you can raise your strength to the point where you can compare to the realm of Dongzhen. That is a joke!

After all, the magic weapon is not an attribute in the game.

Able to achieve invincibility through continuous accumulation.

Others who don’t have so many magic weapons may have such illusions,

But he has accumulated more and more magic weapons, and at the same time has the ability to challenge beyond the level, Zhang Qingyuan, who knows the power of the realm of the cave, will never have such a naive idea!

The real function of these magic weapons is another aspect!


Pieces of magic weapons turned into streamers and flew over the sky. Zhang Qingyuan pinched out a magic seal among the sparkling flints. Among the magic weapons, the left hand was triggered, and the twenty-odd magic weapons instantly detonated!

These magic weapons themselves were sacrificed by Zhang Qingyuan using a special method to quickly explode in times of crisis.

For this reason, he also referred to the high-level techniques of spelling talisman in the spelling talisman to inspire more than one talisman, improved it, and used it on these magic weapons!

This is the magic weapon he created to explode,

It is also a means that can temporarily resist the power of the ancestors of the Lu family who has been attacked and killed in the blink of an eye!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The force of horror exploded one after another, shattering the vacuum of large tracts, and the venting energy tore apart the invisible chaotic abyss.

The horrible energy is superimposed on each other,

The change in quantity has produced a qualitative change!

In an instant,

That fastened virtual sky, the vast Dao Fa power that enveloped every inch of the space was disturbed by this purely destructive force, and the impact of the swelling and crushing vacuum even made the falling emptiness hand stagnant for a moment!

And this stagnation in the blink of an eye,

It is exactly what Zhang Qingyuan needs!


The four powers of earth, fire, wind, and water are converging, causing the vacuum to vibrate violently. The majestic power emerges from the void, but the exudation of the aura causes the heaven and earth aura to be violent like tides, converging into a twinkling glow of golden light that illuminates the heaven and the earth. The big hand that merged the "swastika" characters slammed into the attack from the attack!

Rumble! ! !

The violent collision caused the world to tremble constantly.

The earth wailed, the rocks collapsed within a radius of tens of miles, and the violent and boundless energy suddenly rushed in all directions!

Zhang Qingyuan’s hastily and desperately blasted out the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and the power of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the Yuantian Secret Realm, which has been displayed for a long time, is much less The power is not as powerful as the latter. One part.

The stalemate of a few breaths, the blazing electric light burst into the sky, and the sound seemed to be destroyed in the smashed vacuum. The big hand that reflected the word "swastika" was shattered by the larger hand that covered the sky, and the remaining power was still moving towards Zhang Qingyuan caught it!


Zhang Qingyuan spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper, his breath was weak, and he was already hit hard!

"This is the power of Dongzhen Law Domain!"

The crisis is looming, Zhang Qingyuan has his eyes to show the full potential of his body and resist this blow.

On the contrary, it brought him a lot of insights about Taoism, which made the road ahead of him more clear!

But now is not the time to experience this harvest.

After Zhang Qingyuan's two-fold resistance, the big hand that covered the sky that crossed the boundary still remained unabated, rolling towards him, and the power in it was still enough to kill him on the spot!


The previous magic weapon exploded and the confrontation with the Buddha in the palm of the hand had a strong impact that had already tore through the connotation of Taoism that blocked the solidified vacuum. The "prison cage" intertwined and blocked by the laws has already collapsed, and naturally there is no need to confront this remnant face-to-face. the power of.

The space of Zhang Qingyuan's body was reflected, and the mayfly world that was already condensed was displayed, and the whole person appeared after a hundred zhang like a teleport, almost passing by the remaining power!


The surviving Dongzhen Dao method converged on the big hands of the wind and clouds, bombarding the earth, and the whole earth was collapsing for a long time into a bottomless abyss.

A huge crack in the dark that you can't see your fingers,

Instantly rumbling and tearing on the ground, running through dozens of miles of mountains, endless smoke and dust rising into the sky!

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