
I don't know how far away the mountain top is, the golden light surging and shaking like waves, like waves of light reflected in bursts of light.

The majestic Lu family ancestor, perceiving the trembling and chaotic world shrouded in smoke and dust in the distance, the aura that still exists, can't help showing a look of astonishment.

How can this be? !

Even though that kid's breath has become a lot weaker, he is indeed alive!

A True Element Realm ant that can be pinched to death at will,

Under the mighty attack of his dignified legal domain, he actually survived? !

For a while,

The movements of the ancestors of the Lu family were stagnant there, and his face had not fluctuated for many years, and he was also amazed.

Although his shot was made temporarily when he saw Zhang Qingyuan appeared.

After all, his power as the realm of Dongzhen, although he has seen the potential of the opponent through Lu Longcheng, he personally attacked a real yuan ant by sneak attack.

That would be too much price drop.

Since he was promoted to the realm of Dongzhen, the ancestors of the Lu family still paid much attention to their own identity.

So this shot was only a whim.

It is not a long-planned full attack.

But even so,

The power of Dongzhen Law Domain series will not change after all!

That was a real blow of the real level of strength, and that kid was able to survive!

At this moment,

The ancestors of the Lu family suddenly had a dangerous idea for no reason, and the cold killing intent came out, like another shot, killing this terrible kid here!

But before he could move,

"Lu Tianxu, you are looking for death!"

A thunderous voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, and suddenly passed through the thousand-mile sky, resounding in the ears of the ancestors of the Lu family.

At the same moment,

Boom! ! !

A terrifying aura descended into the world like a big day, burning the mountains and boiling the sea, and the spirit was earth-shattering!

The world with a radius of thousands of miles was crushed by this terrifying air machine!

At this moment,

The sense of danger and fear that hadn't been seen for many years suddenly enveloped the ancestors of the Lu family.

"not good!"

The pupils of the ancestors of the Lu family shrank sharply,

I saw a blast of energy that pierced the sky and the earth, sharp and unmatched, shooting at the bullfight, splitting the sky in an instant, leaving an abyss in the sky that traverses the entire sky, turning it into a mighty and boundless sword Qi Changhe killed him from above the nine heavens!

At this moment,

Lu Tianxu, the ancestor of the Lu family, felt a crisis of death under this terrifying Tianhe sword aura!

Immediately without reservation, the golden Taoism appeared like substance, and the hundreds of meters of void that enveloped the mountain peak showed a distorted state in the air.

From a distance, it looks like a golden scorching sun!


The void trembled, and golden ripples appeared, and it seemed as if there was a brilliant divine light and divine wheel that rose up, emerging from the heavens and the earth, rising like a meteor, shining infinite rays of light into the nine heavens and ten earths!

Just a blink of an eye,

The sword qi that pierced through the sky, and the river of sword qi that pierced the nine heavens, slashed the heavy qi, and collided with the rising golden round wheel!


At that moment,

The entire sky seems to have lost its color, and the world has become black and white!

A piece of dead silence,

Not only the sound, but even the colors are swallowed!

The terrifying powers of Taoism collided with each other and annihilated each other, causing that piece of heaven and earth to collapse, and there was no light and shadow!

Like a huge black hole,

Swallowed all the brilliance of the world,


Horror is boundless!

On the top of the mountain, there was a crackling sound, and the law domain of Lu Tianxu that covered the entire mountain instantly collapsed and broke, and the power of gold turned into thousands of points of fluorescence and spread in all directions!

The whole mountain is like a brilliant rain.

Then the disciples behind him were in a vast expanse, as if they had encountered the shocking gaze of the soul,

Lu Tianxu, the ancestor of the Lu family, waved his sleeves.



I don't know how far away the mountain top is, the golden light surging and shaking like waves, like waves of light reflected in bursts of light.

The majestic Lu family ancestor, perceiving the trembling and chaotic world shrouded in smoke and dust in the distance, the aura that still exists, can't help showing a look of astonishment.

How can this be? !

Even though that kid's breath has become a lot weaker, he is indeed alive!

A True Element Realm ant that can be pinched to death at will,

Under the mighty attack of his dignified legal domain, he actually survived? !

For a while,

The movements of the ancestors of the Lu family were stagnant there, and his face had not fluctuated for many years, and he was also amazed.

Although his shot was made temporarily when he saw Zhang Qingyuan appeared.

After all, his power as the realm of Dongzhen, although he has seen the potential of the opponent through Lu Longcheng, he personally attacked a real yuan ant by sneak attack.

That would be too much price drop.

Since he was promoted to the realm of Dongzhen, the ancestors of the Lu family still paid much attention to their own identity.

So this shot was only a whim.

It is not a long-planned full attack.

But even so,

The power of Dongzhen Law Domain series will not change after all!

That was a real blow of the real level of strength, and that kid was able to survive!

At this moment,

The ancestors of the Lu family suddenly had a dangerous idea~www.readwn.com~ An icy killing intent came out, just like another shot, killing this terrifying kid here!

But before he could move,

"Lu Tianxu, you are looking for death!"

A thunderous voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, and suddenly passed through the thousand-mile sky, resounding in the ears of the ancestors of the Lu family.

At the same moment,

Boom! ! !

A terrifying aura descended into the world like a big day, burning the mountains and boiling the sea, and the spirit was earth-shattering!

The world with a radius of thousands of miles was crushed by this terrifying air machine!

At this moment,

The sense of danger and fear that hadn't been seen for many years suddenly enveloped the ancestors of the Lu family.

"not good!"

The pupils of the ancestors of the Lu family shrank sharply,

I saw a blast of energy that pierced the sky and the earth, sharp and unmatched, shooting at the bullfight, splitting the sky in an instant, leaving an abyss in the sky that traverses the entire sky, turning it into a mighty and boundless sword Qi Changhe killed him from above the nine heavens!

At this moment,

Lu Tianxu, the ancestor of the Lu family, felt a crisis of death under this terrifying Tianhe sword aura!

Immediately without reservation, the golden Taoism appeared like substance, and the hundreds of meters of void that enveloped the mountain peak showed a distorted state in the air.

From a distance, it looks like a golden scorching sun!


The void trembled, and golden ripples appeared, and it seemed as if there was a brilliant divine light and divine wheel that rose up, emerging from the heavens and the earth, rising like a meteor, shining infinite rays of light into the nine heavens and ten earths!

Just a blink of an eye,

The sword qi that pierced through the sky, and the river of sword qi that pierced the nine heavens, slashed the heavy qi, and collided with the rising golden round wheel!

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