The Zhang Family in Huainan is gone,

The old patriarch led the main line of the family, the elite of the entire family, a total of 57 people, all of whom died in the middle.

Only Zhang Huaiyu was lucky enough to meet Yan Fanatic and was escorted to Yuelian Islands.

The demise of this group of main family monks can almost declare the demise of the Zhang family.

In fact, the same is true,

The entire mortal class of the Zhang family, the low-level monks and other grassroots have been completely separated, and they were scattered and left to avoid this calamity of genocide.

The main body of combat power has perished, and the grassroots has split into countless pieces and scattered around.

Other families who have fallen into this situation,

The whole family can be said to be dead!

It's just that compared with the other family forces that perished, completely lost, and basically had no chance to resurrect, the Zhang Family was also considered good.

Because the Zhang family still has the great banner of Zhang Qingyuan,

Numerous Zhang family mortals and many low-level cultivators of the Zhang family haven't suffered much damage. The younger generation of the family has escaped Zhang Huaiyu, who is in the True Origin Realm. It is not difficult to regroup and gather Zhang family again after the crisis.


So what?

Dead is dead after all!

Although Zhang Qingyuan himself does not have much sense of belonging to the Zhang family because of the crossing.

But for Zhang family members, he still has a good impression on the whole.

With unity within the family, the main body of the family can also pay the price of life for the survival of the family while enjoying the benefits of the family!

When I just crossed over that year, without the care of the Zhang family itself, Zhang Qingyuan would have no start-up capital. He had the opportunity to go to the Yunshui Sect. In the end, he spent the most dangerous three years outside the sect until he had a certain amount of money. The self-protection ability.

After returning to fame and success later, his family members also gave him good senses.

Especially the old patriarch.

Zhang Qingyuan still remembered the kind and kind face of the other party.

The deaths of these people, the last scenes in Zhang Huaiyu's mouth of rushing to burst open a road, made Zhang Qingyuan undoubtedly crushing a huge boulder in his heart!

Especially when the catastrophe that Zhang Family encountered this time has a great relationship with him!

In fact, Zhang Qingyuan doesn't need too much guilt at all.

Because if it weren't for his existence, the Zhang family would have perished as early as twenty years ago.

For the Zhang family at that time, the enemy of the Eightfold True Element hidden in the dark was definitely an unstoppable disaster!

The existence of Zhang Qingyuan not only saved them from the brink of destruction, but also made the Zhang family prosperous for more than 20 years.

But how can some things in this world be so clearly divided?

The top of the back mountain,

Zhang Qingyuan stood on the cliff with his hands in his hand, looking at the sea of ​​clouds that was constantly rolling and surging ahead, without any expression on his face.


Anyone standing here can feel the substantive oppressive force in the air. The entire space is as thick as water at this moment, and it is visibly distorted by the naked eye.

Under the coercion of that mighty force, which was suppressed by a formidable force, it seemed that the entire mountain was about to collapse!


Sha Sha's footsteps sounded, and a figure was approaching.

Without seeing Zhang Qingyuan's movements, the qi in his body dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

"Friend Taoist Yan, this time, Qing Yuan would like to thank you. If it were not for your righteous action, I am afraid Huaiyu would not be able to come here safely."

"If there is something to be desired in the future, Qingyuan will definitely be willing to hesitate!"

Perceiving the incoming person, Zhang Qingyuan turned around and looked at him solemnly.

"You don't need to thank you. The reason why I made my move is simply because I, as a monk of the Yunshui Sect, can't just sit back and watch others presumptuously within the sect's influence!"

Yan Kuang's voice is arrogant,

There is no plan to accept Zhang Qingyuan's gratitude.

In fact,

The reason why he extended a helping hand was never because he hoped to get Zhang Qingyuan's favor.

For a proud person like him,

No need for anyone to owe him favors!

The fanatic Yan stared at Zhang Qingyuan steadily, and his voice said every word:

"I came here this time to see with my own eyes what kind of strength your strength has reached. If you really want to thank me, then show your strongest strength and let me see with my own eyes the relationship between you and me. gap!"

Between his eyes, the divine light was shining, like the scorching sun!

At the same time, there was a hint of excitement.

At the previous moment,

He had felt the terrible aura that enveloped the sky and made the entire sky droop!

Just a trace of power leaked out,

It all made Yan lunatics feel a kind of fear from the heart!

This is incredible,

The gap among them is getting bigger and bigger, to the point that it is almost impossible to equalize and surpass!

If it is an ordinary person, seeing this scene, I am afraid that he would have been desperate for the opponent he wants to surpass.

But are Yan lunatics ordinary people?

On the contrary, Zhang Qingyuan’s strength has inspired more vigorous fighting spirit in his heart!

The stronger the opponent as the target becomes, the more sense of accomplishment after surpassing the opponent!

Otherwise, what's the point of surpassing the weak?

Only by surpassing the strong can you become stronger!

Throw a fist at the stronger, challenge the stronger,

This is his way of being a fanatic!

bring it on,

Let me see with my own eyes, where is the difference in strength between you and me now!

Feel the force of will.

Zhang Qingyuan was silent for a while,

There was silence all around,

Not knowing how long it took, Zhang Qingyuan slowly said out.

"I understand!"

As his words fell, he didn't see any actions.


The whole world suddenly became quiet, and the world seemed to stop moving at this moment, and the sky and the earth overlapped together!

what happened?

Everything is still, and there is a dead silence between heaven and earth!

Don’t wait for the Yan fanatic’s reaction,

Boom! ! !

The world suddenly came alive again at this The air in the void was stirred, a heavy spatial vortex appeared on the top of the sky, a heavy pitch black like ink, a heavy cloud like a mountain I don't know when it enveloped the entire sky, casting a dark shadow on the world!

Between thoughts,

The astronomical phenomenon has changed!

Yan Kuangzu widened his eyes in horror, and didn't want to miss any scene that happened!

At the end of the dark abyss where five fingers cannot be seen, a round of horror is boundless, like the round wheel of the scorching sun rising in the boundless black sea, slowly rising, casting a terrifying and boundless deterrent to the world!

that moment,

The fanatic Yan seems to have seen the end of the world's Taoism, the world is being reborn and destroyed!

At that moment, Yan Kuangzui only felt like an ant watching the sky, feeling insignificant as dust in the starry sky!

"The sky is falling..."

Yan lunatic whispered involuntarily.

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