As if heaven and earth are in the chaos of birth and death, the Five Elements Law of Golden, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth rises from birth and death, giving people an unimaginable feeling of brilliance and magnificence!

Zhang Qingyuan didn't make a move, or in other words, there was no need to make a move at all.

Just unfolding his own Dao law and leaking a breath of the five elements magical powers is already preventing the Yan lunatic from having any resistance will in his heart!

Zhang Qingyuan did not keep his hands to hide,

Zhang Qingyuan knew that the will passed from the other party was that if he was afraid of hitting him and kept his hands hidden, he would be the biggest disrespect for him!

And the will that Yan Kuangzu showed, the kind of arrogance that came from his heart, was not the kind of person who would leak information to the enemy.


Zhang Qingyuan unfolded all the peak power he possessed in front of the Yan lunatics at this moment!

The whole world was in the void at that moment, and a dark abyss with five fingers invisible appeared in front of Yan Fanatic, and in the darkness of that abyss, the terrifying light of the five-element round wheel almost overshadowed all the brilliance!

But fortunately, all these changes in the world only occurred in the world of hundreds of feet around the mountain.

To this day, Zhang Qingyuan has been able to perfectly hide his Dao Fa power, converge the power in a space, and use it to prevent it from leaking out, so there is no change in the mountain top from the outside world.

that moment,

The mountain tops of the entire Yuelian Islands were completely isolated from the heavens and the earth, and they were covered by numerous visions, and the sky on top was calm and calm, as if nothing had happened.

But even so,

That day, the monks in the entire island had a faint premonition of the existence of a devastating force of great fear!

It seems that there is an invisible sharp knife hanging above the head, about to fall,

It makes everyone uneasy and hard to sit down.

On the top of the mountain,

The war between the power gap between the two people that Yan fanatic originally thought could break out did not happen.

It's just the radiating of that power that made him feel powerless like an ant shaking a tree.

In the face of this kind of mighty force, any of my own methods have lost their meaning!

He stood there blankly until a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

When he woke up, he said nothing,

Then turned and left.

Yan madman is gone,

Go cleanly.

The main reason why he escorted Zhang Huaiyu to the Yuelian Islands was to take a look at the current Zhang Qingyuan's strength.


He has already seen it.

The opponent's current strength has already reached a level that he is not qualified to touch at all!

There is no need to stay anymore.

Although he had expected such a result for a long time, Yan Kuangtu left with an unconcealable loss when he left.


It's too big!

In my original imagination, even if I am not an opponent, I can resist at least two or three moves when exhausted!

However, the reality is that the other party just leaked the breath, which made him feel that he couldn't resist it!

Yan fanatic could not help but lose.

Many years ago,

When he was in the outer door, he had already achieved fame and became the most anticipated arrogant man, and Zhang Qingyuan had never heard of the name himself.

The difference between the two is just like the difference between the protagonist of the top star and the ordinary dragon suit.

But soon, the positions of the star protagonist and the dragon fodder were reversed.

In that battle of the Inner Sect Contest, he was defeated by the opponent, and by another person of the same age, a person who was far inferior to him!

And this is just the beginning!

At that time, he was at least fighting back and forth with the opponent.

After the failure, I got up from the abyss and worked hard to practice several times more than before. When I wanted to catch that failure, I found that the other party had far surpassed myself.

Now I can't even see the back!

"However, this is interesting, isn't it?!"

When the fanatic Yan left the Yuelian Islands, he looked back and took a deep look at the island. Although his face was disappointed, the fighting spirit in his eyes did not diminish.

Being in the same era as this kind of person,

Is unfortunate,

Because no matter how hard you work, you can't catch up with such a genius and evildoer.

At the same time, the greatest luck,

Because of his existence, you can let you know how vast the world is, so that you won't be happy and complacent if you get one or two points of achievement, and won't be complacent.

The existence of those evildoers allows you to break through your original limits and reach a higher level!

"My practice is not enough to wait, Zhang Qingyuan, one day, my hall will be defeated by you!"

The fanatic Yan secretly left a vow in his heart,

After that,

Turned and left, disappearing into the distant sky

at the same time,

Mountain tops of the Moon Link Islands.

"Are you gone?"

Perceiving the aura of Yan Kuangchao disappeared, Zhang Qingyuan, who had closed his eyes and turned his back towards the sky, slowly opened his eyes.

"All preparations are over, then, let's start!"

The sharp gaze turned into a substantive blade light, as if from the level of the Void Dao Yun, slashing viciously towards the malicious beheading lingering in the spiritual sense but not dissipating!

This is a confrontation on an invisible and intangible level,

Just like the whole Yuelian Islands, only Zhang Qingyuan could perceive the malice lingering on him.


Only he and that malicious master can perceive this confrontation at the level of Taoism law!

boom! ! !

Within the Spiritual Consciousness Sea, his gaze was wrapped in the dazzling light of the sword, and slashed fiercely on the malice of the emptiness. The malice, like a black monster of hundreds of thousands of meters, was hit hard immediately, setting off a huge aura. Shock!

The entire month is over the islands,

Suddenly the situation changed,

The billowing dark clouds did not know when they appeared in the sky, blocking the sky and casting a dark shadow. The heavy dark clouds were dragged and rotated under an invisible and innocent force, forming a huge sky vortex, dark and heavy. The center, as if swallowing the entire sky!

It makes people feel like looking up at the sky, almost being attracted and swallowed by this terrifying dark cloud vortex!

Just as the sky over the Yuelian Islands changed,

The monks in the entire island had to stop retreating under successive changes, and walked out to stare at the and talked about what happened.

Almost at the same moment,

In Jinjizong,

In a certain golden space, originally sitting on a futon with golden light shining solemnly like a **** and Buddha, Lu Longcheng, who explained the many Taoisms, suddenly felt that something was hit hard.

Quickly sinking into the depths of my mind,

A pair of black eyes, as if seeing through the vacuum and seeing a certain scene.

"What is this, this is a war book?!"

Lu Longcheng's face was stunned for a moment, and then the change in his complexion was unprecedentedly exciting.


At a loss,

Can't believe it,


Finally, there was a grinning and frantic laugh!

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