Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 2 Chapter 883: Have to move forward

As the younger brother of Mingshui Dao people,

Mingxin Taoists are closer to Zhang Qingyuan than other people in the Yunshui Sect.

He sees the talent of the other party.

I don't want Zhang Qingyuan to die before he grows up.

After the imposing confrontation that day forced Lu Tianxu back, the Taoist Mingxin also paid attention to Zhang Qingyuan.

So after Zhang Qingyuan left off the outlying islands, he was already aware of it.

It's just that Mingxin Taoist initially thought that the other party wanted to vent the anger in his heart, so he didn't care too much.

Until Zhang Qingyuan became more and more vigorous step by step, and was ready to step out of the South China Sea boundary and leave the area of ​​influence of the Zongmen,

Taoist Mingshui suddenly woke up and roughly guessed Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts. He appeared quickly with a bad heart, resisted on the road ahead, and prepared to stop him.

In his opinion,

The current Zhang Qingyuan went to find that guy in Lu Tianxu, he was looking for death!

It was a waste of his talent.

Can we still go to die.

It's just that Zhang Qingyuan obviously doesn't think so.

"Predecessors had taken so many actions to force the Lu Tianxu back, Qing Yuan thanked him in advance."

Zhang Qingyuan didn't respond to the meaning of the people in Ming Shui Dao, but thanked him.

When Lu Tianxu struck that day, and the huge maliciousness enveloped him, Zhang Qingyuan also sensed another qi to oppose it, and finally forced it back.

The person who shot secretly was obviously the Taoist with a clear heart in front of him.

For Zhang Qingyuan, this can almost be regarded as a life-saving grace.

Otherwise, when Lu Tianxu strikes at that time, it is extremely possible that he will be killed on the spot!

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan is undoubtedly grateful for the Mingxin Taoist in front of him.

In the face of Zhang Qingyuan’s hand-to-hand thank you,

The Taoist Mingxin didn't escape,

At the same time frown slightly.

Because judging from the meaning of this kid's words, there is no doubt that there is no intention to retreat, as if he doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back.

He looked directly at Zhang Qingyuan:

"Do you really want to go on playing like this?"

Zhang Qingyuan did not answer.

Silence has shown its meaning.

The reason why he chose to prepare to do it was not just because of the blood feud of the Zhang family.

To put it ugly, although the death of the old patriarch and other family elders made him sad, if he were to deal with a person who had no chance of winning because of this, Zhang Qingyuan would only judge the situation, suppress the hatred, and wait until he succumbed. When the supernatural power is completed, then go out and take revenge.

Only by surviving can you be qualified to talk about revenge.

This truth,

Zhang Qingyuan is the most clear.


Lu Tianxu old dog is different.

When he was at the exit of the Yuantian Realm that day, he had received a blow from the opponent at a distance, knowing the general level of the enemy's strength.

And now,

With the completion of the Five Elements Taoism, the power of this Taoism was somewhat beyond Zhang Qingyuan’s expectations. Using the power of the Five Elements Taoism, his own combat power was increased by ten more than when he had not yet understood the Five Elements Taoism. Times more!

It's not in vain that Zhang Qingyuan spent such a great effort to pass this ancient way of direct access to the avenue!

If it weren't for the proficiency panel and the developed Dayan technique to open, there would be no door to get out of the Five Elements Avenue. Even with the golden finger to open, it would eventually take decades.

But it corresponds to the difficulty of cultivation,

The power he possessed after cultivation was extremely terrifying, and Zhang Qingyuan already had the strength to compete against Lu Tianxu!

This is extremely important,

It means that Zhang Qingyuan is already qualified to stand in front of Lu Tianxu's old dog, and will not be bombarded to the scum on the spot, and will be killed in seconds without any means.

The increase of the Five Elements Taoism is almost ten times more than that of increase,

The monks who can contend against the realm of the realm of Dongzhen are already enough!


The cultivation of the five elements' magical powers gave Zhang Qingyuan the means to kill the monks in the realm of the realm of the cave!

The two hole cards contained in this are exactly the basis for Zhang Qingyuan to contend against Lu Tianxu!

The legendary cave realm great power, for Zhang Qingyuan, who now understands the Five Elements Avenue, is no longer an unattainable realm!

"Sorry, Senior Mingxin, this junior has a reason to go this time."

Zhang Qingyuan's tone was calm, and his gaze towards Mingxin Taoist was full of determination.

Now he has the qualifications to contend and even kill the hole.

Even now, facing the Taoist Mingxin, Zhang Qingyuan doesn't have the insignificant feeling of ants watching the sky in the past!


The reason why he left at all costs, except for his confidence in the strength he had prepared for a long time,

Even more because,

This time he really had a reason to have to go.

In addition to background, aura, chance and perseverance, a practitioner wants to be promoted to Dongzhen, and there is another extremely important thing, that is, the courage to go forward!

The leaping of the realm of Dongzhen is full of dangers and obstacles, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger of death.

Only the courage that is not afraid of life and death can defeat this haunting demons!

With the higher the cultivation base, the things that Zhang Qingyuan can see are bigger.

The purpose of the old dog in Lu Tianxu was probably not just to vent his anger.

I'm afraid from the beginning,

The conspiracy has fallen on oneself!

The so-called husband fighters have courage, time and time again, and time and time again.

The old dog Lu Tianxu seemed to leave, but in fact it had already set Zhang Qingyuan into play.

If this time avoiding again,

The courage in his chest has been repeatedly cut, I am afraid that it will be difficult to become Dongzhen in the future, and that old dog will become the most terrifying heart demon on Zhang Qingyuan's promotion to Dongzhen!

He already understood the calculations implicit in it,

This is an unsolvable serial murder machine,

For the future path,

Zhang Qingyuan can be said to have to move forward!

Just these,

I don't need to talk to Mingxin Taoist for the time being.

"very good!"

Facing Zhang Qingyuan’s ignorance of good and evil, Taoist Mingxin also raised a trace of I don’t appreciate it for your good.

Really think you are the reincarnation of the Water Sword Immortal, is it true that you can cut the hole with the true essence? !

"Since you have that confidence, then this seat will not prevent you from taking revenge, but before that, you must pass this seat first, and let the two of them personally test whether you are really qualified to face the cave!"

"If you can't save it, then go back to the cave and retreat, and wait until the cave realm comes out again!"

Rumble! ! !

Accompanied by the anger of Taoist Mingxin, the entire sky suddenly changed. The cloudless sky suddenly flashed with thunder, and the dark clouds that covered the sky did not know when it had appeared on the nine sky, covering all the sky. Leave a gloomy darkness in the world!

It’s just the emission of Qi,

It leads to changes in the astronomical phenomenon, and the power is terrifying!

at that moment,

Zhang Qingyuan is just like a flat boat in the storm.

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