The action of Mingxin Taoist was not because Zhang Qingyuan disobeyed his will or had any hatred.

It's just like the parents wanting to make trouble in the face of disobedient children, and take a lesson.

So Mingxin Taoist didn't have any killing intent.

But even so,

The power of the Dongzhen Dharma realm, the power of the Taoist law escaped, affecting the land within a radius of ten miles, making the heavenly aura chaotic like tides, and the entire sky was turned into a dark cloud cover due to the change in his mood, and the entire sky was covered. Is being obscured!

The power of the hole is so terrible!

With such a change in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan, who was in the midst of a storm and tsunami, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In this realm of cultivation path, the Dongzhen realm seems to be only the third realm. If the realm set in the previous life cultivation is used, it seems that it is only the level of the golden core.

But if you really think that way, it would be a big mistake!

Because this realm of the cave is already the culmination of this world, the end of the road to the realm of cultivation, the monk who enters this realm is already a supreme immortal in the realm of cultivation, and is crowned with the name of mighty, immortal, and real person!

Not to mention other things,

Just in terms of combat power comparison, the Seventh Layer of True Essence is no less inferior to the description of the golden core state in cultivation. The Nine Layers of True Essence has reached the level of combat power at the Nascent Soul level. !

There seems to be only one realm in the true essence realm,

But the combat power between the nine levels of realm is very different!

If it is split according to the level of the realm stage, the entire nine-fold realm of the true essence realm can be divided into five or six realm levels.

The path of the True Origin Realm is essentially a path for mortals to ascend to immortals!

Dong Zhen,

It is the apex on this road!

The so-called Dongzhen,

If the hole is true, the monks who have come to this point have already begun to clearly understand the principles of this world, cultivated into the law domain, and become a world of their own.

Within the envelope of the law domain, the strong of the real world is the omnipotent fairy god!

"When I was in the Lingyuan Realm, I used to look up at the sky and envied the fact that the True Primal Realm could fly into the sky, so in order to be able to advance to the True Primal Realm, I continued to work hard to cultivate and survived many obstacles, and finally broke the barrier."

"For now, I also envy Dongzhen's great power to control the world and the power above it. If I want to see the top power in this world, no one wants to stop me!"

Whether it is the Lutian Ruins,

Whether it was the Mingxin Taoist in front of him, or the catastrophe that he would encounter on the road to Dongzhen, he would break open with a sword!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Zhang Qingyuan's opened eyes, the dazzling divine light in his pupils, with the momentum accumulated step by step, exploded and penetrated the entire sky!

Oh oh oh!

The wind and clouds surging between the sky and the earth, ushered in the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling,

Immediately afterwards, a bright and boundless sword light seemed to emerge from the emptiness of the chaos outside the sky, reflecting the world's laws and principles, sweeping across the sky, as if cutting off the avenue!

In an instant, the power of Taoist Mingxin was cut and torn apart by that sword light!


In the clear sound of swords, the bright streamer of the rising sun, exuding a terrifying aura that makes the world boil!

The gloomy sky, which was shrouded in unknowingly heavy dark clouds, was cut open by Wushuang's sword at this moment.

The terrifying cracks that are thousands of meters long appeared on the thick dark clouds that seemed to cover the entire world!

The whole sky,

At this moment, a huge crack was cut open!


In the void,

The figure of Mingxin Taoist involuntarily backed away half a step, and his face couldn't help showing shock!

Originally, he planned to release the power and energy of the Dongzhen law domain, to teach the boy who does not know the height of the sky, and let him see what despair is, so that he can go back on his own initiative and not go to die.

Therefore, the law domain that Mingshui Daoist released at that moment was truly going all out!

But at this moment,

His law domain was broken!

Moreover, it was a little devil in the True Element Realm who broke through!

Even if he has no intention of killing,

But at that moment, the power of the law domain was really the power of the Dongzheng series that he had exerted with all his strength, how could it be cut and torn apart by a real-element-level imp? !

How can this be!

At that moment,

The eyes of Mingxin Taoists are full of incredible!

Looking ahead, Zhang Qingyuan was floating in the void, his whole body rising sharply into the sky, the powerful aura even made the surrounding air burst into waves that were visible to the naked eye, as if it were a substantial tsunami, with extremely firm gazes.

The mind of the Mingxin Taoist suddenly trance.

At that moment,

He seemed to see the sword holding the sword standing proudly in front of them more than three hundred years ago, and the sword came out to cover the sky, giving them the stalwart figure that was cut open by their boundless desperate hands covering the sky!

"Brother Qi..."

The Taoist Mingxin looked in a trance,


The scenes that have happened in my eyes are constantly blowing, the setting sun is red as blood, the afterglow of the setting sun pulls the shadow that resists in front of them, and the air current of the vast sea hits, like a golden storm, wave after wave. .....

I don't know how long it took,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure has long since disappeared as the sea waves hit the sky.

In the same place, only the figure of Taoist Mingxin was suspended in the air, sinking into the memory, and the energy of the whole body was completely dissipated, just like an ordinary person.

"Brother, why are you stopping me?"

Taoist Mingxin wakes up from the memory, with a trace of sorrow between his brows, looking at the empty void in front of him,

Suddenly asked aloud.

The void beside him suddenly surged like a wave, and an old light and shadow appeared.

Surprisingly, it is Zhang Qingyuan's cheap master, Mingshuidao.

The people of Mingshui Dao at this time,

His face was a little radiant, and his complexion seemed to be much better compared to a year ago.

But if someone who is proficient in the number of plum blossoms and can see a popular number is here, you can see that the aura that represents it is already polluted by dense black such as ink, revealing an unknown aura. , Is coming to an end!

This is the flashback before dying!

"It's not me who stopped you, but you."

The Mingshui Daoist stood with his hand holding his hand, standing beside the Mingxin Daoist, his eyes were silently looking into the distance.

That is the direction in which Zhang Qingyuan left.

"After all, you still haven't gotten out of that Taoist does not answer,

Quietly right.

"Since you have embarked on this path, if you want to achieve something, you must pass this threshold by yourself. If you want to come to the blood of the realm of the realm, it is enough to become a sacrifice on this path."

"Senior brother, are you not afraid that he won't be able to save it, and you will die halfway?"

Taoist Mingxin suddenly asked.

"I'm afraid, so I am here. If he fails, at least we can save his life!"

There was another long silence.

The air is silent,

There is only the sound of water hula la la under my feet.

"Brother, how much time do you have?"

The Taoist Mingxin suddenly said again.

"Three months, but it's enough..."

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