
Tens of miles away, over the vast sea, Zhang Qingyuan, who stepped on the void, suddenly stopped.

Turned and looked behind him,


There seemed to be a familiar breath of Ruoyouruowu, but it soon disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly and shook his head.

Did not stay any longer, turned and left.

Maybe I felt wrong.

Since I told him about the intercontinental teleportation formation, the master has disappeared, and it is very likely that he has returned to the land of Jiuzhou through the teleportation formation.

It is unlikely to be here.

Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward step by step, and every step he stepped on, the void made a trembling sound of gold and iron strikes, and the void was rippling visible to the naked eye, like blossoming lotus flowers.

But if someone watched it seriously,

Then you will find that the ripples caused by stepping into the void in the next step are slightly smaller than the ripples caused by the previous step.

at the same time,

Step by step, the accumulated strength and momentum are also slowly decreasing!

But this does not mean that there is a problem with the power he has.

On the contrary, it was because he got a lot of gains and improved performance after fighting against Taoist Mingxin!

Faced with the realm of the realm of Dongzhen's powerful legal domain power, and after cutting out that sword, the Mingxin Taoist's legal domain power was torn apart, this battle experience made Zhang Qingyuan's understanding of Taoism undoubtedly further.

This time the conflict, although only a single blow,

But what is contained in it is no less than a battle against a real powerhouse in the realm of the real hole realm!

Whether it’s the explosion of momentum,

It was the law domain power that the Taoist Mingxin exerted with all his strength, or the sword that cut across the sky at that moment, it undoubtedly brought great lessons for Zhang Qingyuan!

Also from this,

Zhang Qingyuan learned a lot from it, and his understanding of the cave realm and the application of Taoism went to a higher level, and he was able to begin to gather the leaked power back into his body!

With his continuous absorption of the gains from this battle, Zhang Qingyuan's strength will undoubtedly rise to the next level.

This undoubtedly gave him more confidence in the upcoming battle with Lu Tianxu!

"The energy raised by this step-by-step road may be condensed in the body with the Five Elements Tao law as a constraint, just like the sword-drawing technique of the year, and it can accumulate this breath in the battle with the enemy. It bursts out and produces the greatest degree of power!"

Zhang Qingyuan, who continued to move forward step by step, felt as calm as water in his heart, and a thought suddenly flashed in his heart.


As Zhang Qingyuan walked out step by step, his soaring aura began to weaken gradually, and was converged into the body little by little. The terrifying aura was suppressed and entered the body, and continued little by little. Strengthen, accumulate terrible power, waiting for the moment of eruption!

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes are bright,

Step by step disappear into the sky

Just when Zhang Qingyuan accumulated momentum step by step and prepared to leave the Yunshuizong's sphere of influence and head to Tianfeng.

At this moment,

The Yuzhou Comprehension Realm was peaceful on the surface, but in some places it was undercurrents.

Zhang Qingyuan's "War Book" is a confrontation through a malicious confrontation that spans most of Yuzhou.

Therefore, on the surface, the vast number of monks in the cultivation world of Yuzhou naturally didn't know anything about it.

But there are some exceptions,

Those are those cave real powers that have something to do with Lu Tianxu and were invited by him personally, as well as the cultivation forces that can be influenced by their subordinates.

Because of the movements of the ancestors on top, the monks behind these people know something more or less.

Many of them sneered and mocked that the little devil named Zhang Qingyuan was arrogant and arrogant. In addition to waiting for a good show, some of the remaining bold people also gave birth to different minds.

"I don't believe that Qingyuan is as powerful as the rumors! What is the difficulty of cutting the hole with the true essence, as long as there is the means that the hole is capable of staying, and can kill a half-step hole really strong?"

At a certain gathering, someone slapped the table and made a loud noise, speaking loudly.

"That's right! How could the gap between the true primordial realms be so big!"

"In my opinion ~www.readwn.com~ that Zhang Qingyuan may have good talents, but it is more of the so-called "genius" specially created by Yun Shuizong to attract the attention of Yuzhou monks, otherwise the time for practice However, in only a few decades, how can one maintain a powerful opponent's means of spells and martial arts at the same time when the cultivation level has been improved so fast?!"

"Everything is the conspiracy of the Yunshui Sect. The Dongzheng power in the sect specifically provides him with the means to allow him to quickly improve his cultivation base while maintaining a strong combat power, and thus ranks first on the Billboard. In order to promote the prestige of Yunshuizong!"

Someone responded and vowed to confirm the authenticity.

What he said,

It is not without reason.

In fact, Zhenyuan killed Banbu Dongzhen in history.

As long as a Dongzhen is willing to pay, attaching his means to any real origin realm, he can kill Dongzhen by half a step!

This is the difference between the real power of Dongzhen and Half-step Dongzhen!

But in the Yuan Tianjie that day, Zhang Qingyuan used all the eyes to kill Qi Mengzhang, the real powerhouse of the half-step hole. In their eyes, it is almost impossible for a certain hole real power to remain in them. The means on him!

This is also the reason why a group of them gathered here.

at the same time,

This gave them an adventurous mind.

The hole in Qingyuan's body is so powerful that it can be used once or twice, can it be used five times and six times?

This kind of method that the true power of the hole can leave is generally a one-time consumable, and at the same time it consumes a lot of true essence for the true essence realm cultivator.

If there are enough of them to participate in the attack together, as long as the means that the other party's body can leave behind are exhausted, it will be his death!

Is it possible that a mere devil of a younger generation can turn the sky upside down? !


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