Not everyone is sensible, and not everyone can admit that others are better than themselves.

Even though Zhang Qingyuan's reputation has become so great over the years,

Especially after the Battle of Yuantian Realm, he became the first in the Yuzhou Wind and Cloud Ranking.

But there are still certain people who are disdainful of this.

This is because,

The speed of Zhang Qingyuan’s advancement is beyond their imagination and understanding.

So young, no matter how strong, where can it be?

Naturally someone wants to come forward to weigh his weight.

not to mention,

They exist in themselves, backed by the shadow of the big tree of the real ancestor behind them, and attached to the great power of the ancestors behind them. If they can help the ancestors solve problems, they will be appreciated by the ancestors, whether in the family. Still others will be able to get great benefits!

The benefits of this are enough for them to take risks!

In the previous incident of the Huainan Zhang Family being destroyed, these people were the ones who contacted the desperadoes in the three-regardless zone.

As the absolute core,

The ancestors of the Lu family basically expressed such a meaning. The huge family power population under his command would naturally take the initiative to solicit things.

Thousands of miles away from Tianfeng,

More than a dozen figures stand on the top of the mountain, with a majestic breath and wanton escape.

Every now and then someone flies back and forth,

Report Zhang Qingyuan's location to them.

"It's finally here. I thought that kid had retreated. I didn't expect that he would come to his death calmly in the end. This kind of courage is really awesome!"

Someone speaks authentically,

There was admiration in the words, but there was ridicule in the tone, and the black spot that slowly appeared in the distant sky was placed with a sneer.

"This guy is really going to face the ancestor. If it fails, is there really any way to fight the ancestor?"

Someone spoke hesitantly.

"Huh, there are people who are afraid of a guy who is famous for boasting, and a junior who is perfect in true essence. Even if he has a good cultivation level, how many ways can he really confront the enemy?!"

"You are afraid and just wait here, and I will go over and tear off the veil of the kid who is strong and dry!"

The person who spoke first sneered.

The whole person turned into a streamer and flew out. After a dozen breaths, he leaped over ten miles and appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan, who was advancing silently.

"Zhang Qingyuan, you..."

The man was aloft, with a strong momentum all over his body, as if he wanted to say something.

But he hasn't finished speaking yet,

A ray of light suddenly tore through the void like lightning and swept across, the person's voice was especially in the air, and the whole body exploded into a cloud of blood and dissipated in the air!

"Damn it!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The rest of the monks who came with him were furious when they saw this scene.

"This must be Dong Zhen's powerful method. There is no doubt that we will shoot together and see how many methods of Dong Zhen's big man can use!"

Someone shouted loudly and shot them directly. The spear swept across and made a whining sound. The large golden light seemed to be a galloping army!

Seeing this scene, the cultivators who had been hesitant in the rear did not hesitate anymore, and they shot one after another and followed closely!

Boom boom boom!

Large bursts of light shot, a series of powerful attacks of more than nine layers of true essence shocked a large area of ​​void, and the terrifying force rushed towards Zhang Qingyuan!

If you can kill this person, you will surely be able to rise in the eyes of the ancestors!

This generous reward is enough!

The aura of more than ten masters with eight layers and nine layers of true essence almost gathered into one, and the shocking waves of true essence almost tore the sky to pieces!

However, in the face of such a killer move by the monks of the same rank,

Zhang Qingyuan's footsteps were still unhurried, and he didn't look at him, as if nothing could affect him.

In the face of these more than ten Dao powers that are enough to destroy the mountains and break the mountains,

The expression on Zhang Qingyuan's face did not change the slightest, and he even regarded it as if nothing was left. He just stretched out a palm innocently, and peeked out into the void.

that moment,

Between the five fingers, it seems that there is a confluence of the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and it eventually expands rapidly in everyone's eyes, as if a big hand covering the sky and the sun has come to the world!

The space trembles and trembles violently under this mighty force.


The space seemed to be shattered like a mirror, even with more than ten attacks that were enough to break the mountains and rivers into pieces.

Then the terrifying force engulfed the fragments of the space, and the aftermath of the attacks, like an out of control torrent, crashed toward everyone.

In the horrified gaze of everyone, they swept away in an instant!

The power of space like the vast sea, everyone could not resist, it was crushed into minced meat in the high altitude in an instant, and blood-colored flowers exploded in the entire sky, and then the sky seemed to be sprinkled. The rain of blood swept the sky in the torrent of water!

Zhang Qingyuan was full of energy like an ordinary person, walking step by step towards the place where he met Tianfeng.

From this to the end, he didn't take another look at the attacker who was easily dusted by himself!

Since this journey,

There were not a few people who attacked him.

Some are for and some are for certain benefits, and the closer to the Tianfeng Peak, the more monks of the Lu Family or Jinjizong will increase.

And they all held great malice towards him. Basically, they rushed up when he saw his figure arrive, and wanted to kill himself. Of course, the final consequences can be imagined.

This road is a **** road for thousands of miles!

Since the other party had already done it first, Zhang Qingyuan would naturally not mind giving them a ride for those who did not recognize the gap.

Immediately slapped another wave of people to die, Zhang Qingyuan's figure did not stop at all, and continued to walk in the direction of Tianfeng.

Step by step,

As accurate as a measurement!

And in this process, the scenes of **** fighting, also let Zhang Qingyuan's own background steadily climb!


Soon after Zhang Qingyuan disappeared,

The void moved for a while, and then two lights and shadows appeared, standing side by side,

Looking at the direction of Zhang Qingyuan's departure.

"There are too many flies. It may take a lot of energy before reaching the Jietian Peak. Do you want to help catch it?"

One of the light and shadow asked the light and shadow beside him.

"No, these people are not completely able to only add a little trouble, and they can't affect the kid, let alone you didn't feel it along the way? This kid is not easy!"

"Essence and energy consumption have not recovered quickly, and these people died in his hands one by one. This **** road has actually made his foundation more solid!"

While speaking, an inexplicable color appeared on the other face.

"It's a pity, how did such a good seedling end up in the hands of that guy Mingshui..."

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