Undoubtedly, Zhang Qingyuan, who showed such a powerful strength, received the highest level of reception from the Yue family.

Respectfully greet with the highest courtesy, vacate the house in good condition,

Welcoming the guests with the most valuable status and strength that the Yue family has since come to meet.

The Yue family is not a big family.

They are just a small family strength among the large and small forces on the periphery of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range tens of thousands of miles away.

The highest strength in the entire family realm is just the patriarch in the early stage of Zhenyuan Triple Layer.

Still just broke through,

At this moment, Cao Zicheng, the leader of the black mountain bandits, was crucified to death on the ground. He was on the verge of death and lost consciousness.

So the insight is not high.

They knew that the level of their family was almost the gap between heaven and earth compared to the young big man in front of them!

It's hard to come by!

They couldn't judge the realm of the strength of the young man in front of them.

Some people have speculated that it is a great figure of the Seventh Layer of True Yuan,

Some people even speculate that it may be the pinnacle powerhouse of Izumo Kingdom in the rumored Zhenyuan Nine Layers!

Yunzhou is a remote place,

For those who have lived in this Izumo country for generations, and even few of them have been able to cross the border, the rumored that the imperial family of Izumo has suppressed the fortune of the nine-fold ancestors of Zhenyuan, is already an unattainable power. !

But no matter what the real level of the other party is.

Having seen the power that scared everyone before, and seeing the mighty power that wiped out hundreds of Black Mountain stray bandits overnight, everyone knew that this seemingly weak young man had strength that they could not resist!

Killing them all, in front of this person, I am afraid it is just as easy as pinching a group of ants.

The whole Yue family was like ants in front of this person.

To please,

It can be said that Yue Lingyun, the pearl of the entire Yue family, was sent over as a maid to serve her around.

"Actually, this is not necessary."

In the main hall of the living room, the teacup that the girl who took over the complexion was offered by a somewhat restrained girl.

Looking at the embarrassment on the picturesque, flowery face.

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly.

This is obviously just a young lady who was born to be served by others, the eldest lady whose five fingers are not touched by the sun.

When serving on the left and right, the behavior is obviously unnatural.

"Go and call the current principal of your family, rest assured, I have no malice. The main reason for this trip is to be entrusted by the master to bring his bones back home for burial."

Zhang Qingyuan spoke gently and directly stated his purpose.

if not,

Next, there might be a young girl beside the bed at night.

Zhang Qingyuan is very clear about this.

For the benefit of the family, pay close and win,

Even if you can’t win, at least don’t offend it.

In this case, even the daughter of the patriarch can be sacrificed for the benefit of the family.

"Go ahead, don't worry."

Zhang Qingyuan's voice was gentle, as if with a different kind of power, calming down the nervous Yue Lingyun.


Seeing the girl who was retreating in a cramped figure, Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly without saying anything.


I drank a cup of spiritual tea,

The Grand Elder Yue Family had already taken care of his injuries and walked in through the front door.

At this time, under the efforts of all the people in Yuejia Town, treating the wounded, moving the corpses, and cleaning up the sundries had already begun the work of dealing with the funeral, working in the whole Yuejia Town, which was almost in ruins.

After all, it’s the world of comprehension,

There is extraordinary power.

Therefore, these things that were initially cleaned up did not need to take as much time as in the previous life.

Therefore, during this period of time, it was basically handled in a rush.

Facing the Yue family elder,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't mean to hide it.

He directly explained his intentions, concealing the part where they came from Yuzhou, and explained the rest of the general situation to the elder Yue family.

Probably his master was a member of their Yue family who left 800 years ago. He was taught by the master and accepted his death after being seated. He sent his bones back to be buried in a place in the back mountain. Under a big locust tree!

The big locust tree of 800 years,

Zhang Qingyuan discovered it as soon as he arrived in Yuejia Town.

It was precisely because of this that it was confirmed that this Yue family was the blood relatives of his master Mingshuidao people.

It's just that 800 years have passed, and the blood relationship has already been diluted, I don't know how much it is.

Zhang Qingyuan can vaguely feel,

At the beginning, Master Mingshuidao wanted to be buried here, probably not because of some blood relationship, but because of other reasons unknown to him.

After all, eight hundred years have passed. I am afraid that the degree of blood closeness with these "kinsmen" is far less than the closeness with Zhang Qingyuan and other disciples.

"Ah, this...!"

Hearing what Zhang Qingyuan said, even if the elder of the Yue family was already half-footed into the coffin for a long time.

At this moment, he could not help but opened his mouth wide, and stood still on the spot.

The face is incredible!


You said your master was an ancestor of our Yue family? !

An ancestor of our Yue family made the Dongzhen Wonderland eight hundred years ago, but for some reason he never returned to the clan. Until now, he was sent back by his apprentice when he was sitting in a seat? !

What a joke!

Although their Yue family has passed on for thousands of years~www.readwn.com~, they have always been a small family of small households. The strongest ancestors recorded in the past have not been able to touch the threshold of the late True Yuan realm!

Then you suddenly told me that our little Yue family had such a Dongzhen-level existence that only exists in the legend? !

If it’s not Zhang Qingyuan who appeared in front of him,

If it weren’t for the strength that the opponent showed just now enough to lift their entire Yue family,

The Grand Elder Yue Family said he couldn't yell at him, and then kicked this nonsense guy how far and how far!

"If you don’t believe me, you can check the genealogy. My master’s common name is Yue Qizong. This is what he told me before leaving. I didn’t return home, I lost my trace."

Zhang Qingyuan calmly advised the Yue family elder.

Suspicion is normal.

Thinking about it in another way, if this happened to me, I would feel extremely unbelievable, and I suspected that the person who said this was a liar for the first time.

What's more, if the master has lived in Yuzhou for hundreds of years and cannot return to this matter, he cannot explain in detail to the other party.

"This matter has to do with the ancestors after all, and you are offended!"

The elder of the Yue family first apologized to Zhang Qingyuan, and then hurriedly left to search for the classics of the clan.

The seniors of the Yue family frantically searched for three days and three nights.

Finally found the name of Yue Qizong in a note.

Eight hundred years ago,

There was indeed such a person in the Yue family.


This person is also directly related to the old locust tree of the town clan that is 800 years ago, which is now regarded as a family feng shui tree by the whole Yue family and often worships.

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