After the efforts of everyone in the Yue family, finally found an ancient note in the family's archives, which recorded a past event.

This is a tragedy.

More than 800 years ago, there was a pair of childhood sweethearts in the Yue family.

one day,

The two children planted a small locust tree seedling together in front of the yard.

The little boy said to the little girl, when the locust tree grows and blooms, then he will marry her into the door.

The parents of the two families laughed loudly, and followed the conversation with Qin Jin's favor.

More than ten years later, one month before the marriage,

The boy went out and went into the mountains to find materials for Dingyan Dan as a gift for his fiancee’s newlyweds.

The girl was full of expectation, waiting at home for the boy's return, eager to see through.

But the boy was gone, and he has never been seen since.

The boy did not come back.

People say that the boy is dead, dead in the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

Girl doesn't believe it,

Every day is still full of expectations, but the number of times I go to the front yard to water the trees has become more frequent.

No response for one year, no response for two years...ten years...

The parents of the two families are also old, and gradually gave up, letting the girl marry a good family.

The girl still shook her head and said nothing.

Just quietly taking care of the locust tree in the front yard.

As spring passes and autumn comes, the locust tree in the front yard does not know how many deciduous leaves or new shoots have grown.

The little locust tree grows into a big locust tree,

The slim girl has also become an old lady.

After all, the girl couldn't wait for the day when the locust tree blossomed, she died of old age and was buried under the locust tree.

The world is changeable, the vicissitudes of life,

Weeds grew and withered, houses collapsed and rebuilt, and the front yard gradually became a back mountain.

Only the old locust tree grows quietly and gradually turns into a towering tree, like a huge canopy, even if you are ten miles away, you can see the verdant canopy.

Only years passed,

As spring passes and autumn comes, year after year, the old locust tree has not bloomed once, but there is no sign of withering.

The magic of the locust tree was gradually discovered by the people of the Yue family,

So the relics left over from the ancestors have gradually become the family feng shui tree worshipped by the Yue family, and they have gradually become a symbol of the Yue family by accepting family worship every year.

Until today.


Dozens of people embrace the thick old locust tree, and the deep ravines and folds on the dark bark are the traces left by the wind and rain.

Zhang Qingyuan stood in front of the big tree and sighed silently.

The air was blowing by the breeze, the leaves made a rattling sound, and the colorful light and shadow of the sunlight shining on the ground through the gaps in the leaves continued to flow.

Zhang Qingyuan stood silently under the tree,

An unspeakable melancholy arose in my heart.

The name of Nanhai in the story is Yue Qizong, and it is also the common name of Mingshui Dao people.

This story,

It was a ancestor of the Yue family who felt that this story was recorded in a handwritten note.

Thousands of years passed,

The Yue family had gone through ups and downs, and that manuscript was finally submerged in many classics, and it was only found out by the elders of the Yue family until today.

Time is right,

The name matches,

Then there is nothing to say.

In fact, even if there is no such ancient scripture as evidence, most of the Yue family members would not have much doubt about the existence of this matter.

Because with Zhang Qingyuan’s powerful strength, it was enough to easily destroy their entire Yue family.

In front of such a big man,

What do they have for the little Yue family to be worth making?


No benefit is worth coveting.

The only possibility is that this is a fact.

With the handwriting as evidence, it was learned that there was a legendary Dongzhen immortal on his own ancestor. The whole Yue family was sad and excited, and finally there was a wave of loss and faint expectation.

It can be said to be mixed with five flavors.

The sorrow is because today’s sudden misfortune has caused the entire Yuejia Town to be almost destroyed, and the Internet is so heavy that almost every family wears filial piety.

The excitement is because there was a Dongzhen immortal once appeared on my ancestor, which is obviously something to be extremely proud of.

Only at the same time, such a big figure who was able to suppress the entire Izumo country and dozens of countries around him, standing high above the top of the cloud, was already a fairy when they knew it, and what was brought back was just a dead bone.

This is uncomfortable,

It was originally possible to fly yellow and soar, but I didn't expect it to be just empty joy in the end.


That ancestor also had such a terrifying disciple, and he specially asked him to send his bones back, so that at least he could have a relationship with the young big man in front of him.

Even if it can't be used as a backing, a little guidance on the children of the family is already a very big gain.

This is also the faint expectation in the hearts of the Yue family.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't care much about the complicated thoughts of the Yue family.

Not to mention other things, even if it is his master Mingshuidao, he is separated from everyone in the Yue family by 800 years, and his blood relationship is already so weak that he doesn't know where it is.

Master Mingshuidao people don't care, why do you care?

In contrast, Zhang Qingyuan is more concerned about his own master Mingshuidao.

He personally dug a dirt pit under the old locust tree, buried the bones of the Mingshui Daoist, and set up a small grave. Then the wood business environment scattered and the vegetation grew in spring, covering the fresh soil. Go down.

Zhang Qingyuan bent down and uprooted the grass one by one.

Until half an hour later,

Just stood up,

Silent for a long time,

He let out a long sigh.

"Master, I have already taken you back to the Jiuzhou Continent according to your wishes, and brought you back to the Yue family for burial under the old locust tree, so you can go with confidence."

He stared at the tomb blankly.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Simple, simple, and not preaching, all these are the orders of Mingshuidao people before they die.

Zhang Qingyuan complied.

Sometimes Zhang Qingyuan would think that if the master did this, maybe he just wanted to stay quietly with his mother hundreds of years ago.

You cannot be the same in your life, and you should be in the same point when you die.

Recalling the story of the old locust tree, and remembering that Master had always wanted to return to his hometown, Zhang Qingyuan somehow felt a touch of love.


The breeze blows,

In mid-air, there were snow-white blossoming locust tree flowers rustling down.

Zhang Qingyuan looked up,

I suddenly found out,

This old locust tree that has been lush green for 800 years, among the dense branches, white locust tree flowers are blooming freely, clusters and clusters full of hundreds of feet of locust tree branches!

It's like a spring breeze coming all night,

Old locust tree,


Hundreds of flowers all around fell one after another, falling on Zhang Qingyuan, covering all the ground and the newly erected grave.

Zhang Qingyuan stood silently under the old locust tree,

No sound,

For a long time.

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