
The white locust tree flowers rustle down.

Zhang Qingyuan stood quietly in place, not knowing how long had passed.

In the end, all the thoughts turned into a long sigh.


Although he is an apprentice of Mingshui Dao people, Zhang Qingyuan doesn't know much about his master.

The other party has taught himself several times, and also passed the line of water movement to himself.

But outside of this,

What kind of person Mingshui Daoist is, what he has done, and what kind of stance exists among Yunshui Sects, Zhang Qingyuan only knew the tip of the iceberg when the other party finally explained the funeral.

As for more, there is no way to know.

As far as Zhang Qingyuan is concerned, Master Mingshui Daoist's body is covered with a layer of mist that makes him unable to see clearly.

For example,

Master Mingshui Daoist ordered him to take his bones home, and then bury them under the old locust tree in the Yue family.

This is enough to reveal a lot of information.

According to him, he has been trapped in the world of Yuzhou for many years since he accidentally lived in Yuzhou ascetic world hundreds of years ago. No matter how hard he tries to find it, he can’t find the way back. This has become his greatest regret in his life. .

Eight hundred years have passed,

With the changes in the world and the vicissitudes of life, how can he be sure that the Yue family still exists, and that the locust tree that he planted with his childhood sweetheart in that place did not die?

The only possibility is that the other party has come back.

Just after Zhang Qingyuan told him the intercontinental teleportation formation in the depths of the deep sea, before the battle against Lutianxu, the Daoist Mingshui had returned!

that period of time,

What did he do in the land of Jiuzhou, why did he not stay at the Yue family but went back to Yuzhou again, and asked Zhang Qingyuan to bring his bones back, and why would he bother to find the one in the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range? The secret realm of the cave sky?

Zhang Qingyuan knew nothing about these questions.


But all the great abilities that have stepped into the realm of Dongzhen have undergone a transformation in their life level, and their life span can reach eight hundred years.

But this is just the beginning.

Because every person who steps into the realm of the cave is a genius of an era, a character who has walked out of his own way.

It is not difficult for this kind of people to create some means of maintaining health and prolonging life, replenishing the vitality of the body, or refining some pill that can provide majestic vitality to themselves, so that they can live for thousands of years casually.

The deeper the cultivation base, the stronger the force that can resist the coming of life and death!

In this context,

Why does Mingshui Daoist have a life span of more than 800 years?

You must know that outside the Yuantian realm back then, Zhang Qingyuan saw with his own eyes that the other party smashed Lu Tianxu through the air with a fist, and easily suppressed it!

This undoubtedly shows its extremely advanced level of cultivation,

Obviously go deeper in the realm of Dongzhen law domain!

Such a character has a life span of just 800 years?

If there is no clue, Zhang Qingyuan would not believe it.

"Finally, dust to dust, dirt to dust, let everything go back with the wind!"

Many doubts and thoughts surged in his mind, and Zhang Qingyuan couldn't get the answer.

I simply don't want to.

Zhang Qingyuan has always believed in a truth, that is, only strength is the greatest confidence you can rely on!

Zhang Qingyuan has always done this mostly.

Compared to investigating the secrets of Master Mingshui Daoist, it is obvious that he has recovered from his injury now, and then it is more urgent to be promoted to Dong!

As long as he is promoted to the realm of Dongzhen Dharma,

So even if there is some secret behind the master, he can rely on his powerful strength and he is not afraid of it.

If it should be buried, let it be buried completely!

Zhang Qingyuan took a complicated look at the small grave in front of him, and worshipped three times.

After that, he didn't stay any longer and turned to leave.


Time flies, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Within these three days, the entire Yue family monk spent in rebuilding with enthusiasm.

Every member of the Yue family has a kind of excitement in their hearts.

This is because they know one thing, that is, their Yue family, who has also appeared in Dongzhen Wonderland!

Although they have now passed away and are buried in the ground, and the ancestor’s will instruct them not to publicize and do things, but to quietly bury them under the old locust tree, and at the same time, this matter can't bring them much. Benefit.

But none of this can stop them from being proud of their hearts!

Just like the world of Zhang Qingyuan’s previous life,

If one's ancestor is a big person and has done something big, then that person will be very proud when he introduces his ancestor to others.

This is undoubtedly extremely important.

Almost in the disaster, it changed the mood of the entire Yue Family monks, and even the other monks in Yue Family Town were also affected, and the reconstruction work began in full swing.

The second is that the young big man who sent the ancestor's bones back did not leave immediately after burying the master, but stayed in Yue's family.

At the same time, seemingly in return, the young big man began to preach to the monks of the Yue family.

A big person is a big person~www.readwn.com~ is not only strong, but also the level of preaching and pointing is not low.

Many monks had an epiphany on the spot, and their strength has improved to the next level!

This is not surprising,

The Yue family is talking about a family that has passed on for thousands of years, but it is nothing more than a small force. Without an orthodox and orderly inheritance system, the family's teaching and growth are naturally not much better.

Zhang Qingyuan's in-depth and simple instructions, as well as the means of operating Zhou Tian Daoyun to reveal the world, undoubtedly made the original Yuejia Town monks suddenly realize that they have broken through and improved one after another under the accumulation of accumulation.

This undoubtedly caused the monks in Yuejia Town to be plunged into joy.

The sorrow in the heart of losing a loved one over Yuejia Town because of this disaster has also been diluted a lot because of this.

Many Yue Family cultivators worked hard in order to be able to get another guidance from that big man.

A few more days passed.

On the Yue Family Square, originally pointed to a Yue Family monk when he was practicing.

Zhang Qingyuan stopped suddenly,

He looked up at the sky outside the courtyard.


Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered in his heart.

In fact, as early as when the bones of Master Mingshuidao were buried under the old locust tree, Zhang Qingyuan had the idea of ​​leaving the Yue family and heading to the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range to find the secret world of the cave.

But just when he was about to leave,

The original practice of Taiyi divine refining technique has been greatly strengthened, and the sixth sense that can be used has issued a warning at this time.

Blindly breaking into the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range blindly with one eye, it is very likely to encounter great danger.

Waiting for a few days at Yue's house,

Things may change, and the difficulty will be reduced a lot!

It was with this thought that Zhang Qingyuan did not leave.

And now,

His hunch is correct,

someone is coming!

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