Outside Yuejia Town,

A flash of light fell, turning into a figure standing on the ruins of the city wall.

If Zhang Qingyuan is here,

Then you will find that the person here is really the Lord Changshan of the Chang Family Escort who has met before and has filled a part of the Taiyi Refining Art from his hands!

"Friend Yue Dao, but what happened?"

Looking at the town full of broken walls in front of him, Chang Shan was a bit at a loss.

In front of him was the elder Yue family who had received news a long time ago and came to greet him.

"Oh, it's unlucky to say. Not long ago, the famous Black Mountain Rogue in Lu County appeared nearby for some reason. I waited for Yuejia Town to become his target, and this disaster was totally unsuccessful."

The Grand Elder Yue Family sighed, his face also showed sorrow.

This is a disaster.

No matter what, this time can be said to be a disaster from heaven, and their entire Yue family suffered heavy losses in this disaster.

Even if the young big man arrives,

Let the family see the opportunity to rise,

But the person who died is dead after all,

Relatives who have been buried can no longer survive.

"It seems that Chang Mou came at an untimely time, so I asked Daoist Yue to mourn."

"It's already passed, it's nothing, and this time I waited for the Yue family to be a blessing in disguise."

Elder Yue Family also squeezed out a smile on his face.

"Oh, I don't know what the happy event is, can you take the liberty to ask?"

"Ha, there is nothing to conceal. This time the Black Mountain gangsters are attacking, the strength of those bandits is not something that I can handle with the Yue family. Fortunately, at the time of the crisis, a great figure once taught by one of my Yue family’s ancestors arrived. Helped to wipe out the Black Mountain stray bandits, and at the same time, the big man stayed in my Yue family for a while, giving a lot of pointers to the younger generations in the family..."

The Grand Elder Yue Family didn't conceal it, except for the fact that his ancestor was a great power of the Dongzhen series, he gave a rough overview of the situation.

The Changjia Escort Agency established by Changshan has a lot of fame throughout Lu County, and naturally has a lot of dealings with large and small family forces in the county.

But the Yue family is different,

When Changshan was weak, he forged a deep friendship with the elders of the Yue family who was traveling.

Over the years, Chang Shan became the grandfather of the Chang family Escort, and the Yue family elder also became the Yue family elder, and the relationship between the two has never been broken.

It can be said to be unpredictable.

The reason why Chang Shan appeared here this time is because after completing the dart trip of the Zhao family firm, he went to Wuyang County and made a turn to visit the Yue family, preparing to determine the marriage between the two of them for the family descendants. thing.

The visit in person this time is a good way to go.

At the same time, it is also the urgency caused by a bad feeling!

As a person who has lived for almost two hundred years and climbed up from a farmer, after most of his life's ups and downs, Chang Shan has instinctively noticed that the atmosphere of the cultivation world in Izumo has been wrong in this recent period of time.

That's wrong!

All kinds of struggles, one after another, continue.

The intelligence information collected from the Escort channel, coupled with his personal experience during this trip, made Chang Shan even more aware of this.

So Chang Shan felt,

Their Changjia Escort needs an ally to strengthen their ability to fight this possible storm!

"Oh, there is such a thing? I wonder if I would take the liberty to visit it?"

Chang Shan's eyes lit up.

The stronger the Yue family's strength and the greater the backstage, the greater the benefits they will get after their marriage. After all, those who can sweep the entire Black Mountain gangsters, looking at the entire Izumo Nation, are definitely powerful and powerful!

"Uh, this matter..."

Elder Yue Family hesitated.

If it was something else, he agreed and agreed, but who knows if the big man will disturb the other party because of these trivial matters, which will cause bad things to happen?

But at this moment,

An indifferent voice rang in Elder Yue's ear.

"Bring him here."

The voice is very familiar, and he has already known who the owner of the voice is through the past few days.

But also because of this,

The elder Yue family couldn't help but feel a burst of horror in his heart.

You must know that there is still five or six miles away from the Yue Family's resident, but that one seems to know everything that happened in this place, and at the same time, he was able to pass the sound into his ears!

This kind of strength ~www.readwn.com~ is really unfathomable!

The Grand Elder Yue Family didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly introduced Chang Shan over.

The attitude of the other party also made Chang Shan a little at a loss.

But when he came to the back mountain of the Yue family and saw a certain figure, he was a little surprised and a little clear.

"Friend Chang, I haven't seen you for half a month, but it's okay?"

Zhang Qingyuan smiled and greeted the "acquaintances" in front of him.

"Thank you Zunjia for your concern. It's okay lately. I would like to thank Zunjia for helping me. Otherwise, Changshan is afraid that his foundation will not be lost and he will die in the middle."

Chang Shan was flattered, and quickly replied respectfully.

Others might ignore him because of the young face of the other person, but when I walked for a while, I saw Chang Shan, who shot the other person, but I don't think that this is really just an ordinary young man!

"this is......"

Looking at the two people who were familiar with each other, the elder Yue family looked surprised.

"Not long ago, I waited for a walk with my colleagues, and on the way, I took a shot to help Fellow Chang Daoist to get rid of some flies."

Zhang Qingyuan explained a few words.

Then his eyes turned to Changshan.

The strengthened instinct told him that in front of Chang Shan, there seemed to be clues to what he wanted!

"I don't know if Daoist Chang is here this time, but what's the important thing?"

"Ashamed of this..."

Chang Shan first gestured towards Zhang Qingyuan and the Yue family elder on the side, with a look of shame on his face, and then whispered what he had discovered recently.

Izumo country,

It may be messy!

A few years ago, a major event seemed to have happened in Izumo country, which caused turmoil in the practice world of Izumo country.


There are three hundred words left here.

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