In the clear mysterious sound, the inextricable Dao Yun descended from the sky like a heavenly river, and descended between the whole world and the earth.

The invisible force spread and opened, and it was as if a huge void vortex appeared in the void.

The true energy ball that was condensed and dropped by the monk called Ding Ming was then torn apart by an invisible force. Accompanied by the distortion of the space vortex, the escaping energy was actually swallowed by Shengsheng!


In the midair, a violent gust of wind swept across the entire world.

Everyone in Yuejia Town below felt an extremely strong sense of shock.

However, the shocking energy ball on the top, after all, disappeared into nothingness!

Did not produce any effect!


At this moment, everyone in Yuejia Town had a huge joy of escaping from death!

at the same time,

Hearing that familiar voice, the position of strength in the Yue family was not low, and when he came into contact with some secret Yue family members in the family, his face was even more excited.


At this moment, the elder Yue family who was struggling with his hands and feet was holding his neck high, his face also showed excitement!

Like the savior coming!

This is not surprising, they have all met that person personally, had contact with each other, and knew that Zhang Yuan, who claimed to be an ancestor disciple, had a realm level that they could not imagine!

However, on the other side, Ding Ming and other people suddenly felt a panic in their hearts!

"Who is there to pretend to be a god, get out of me!"

Ding Ming frowned.

He shouted loudly, and the sound resounded like thunder.

As a disciple of Qianyun Mountain, he who has not low knowledge does not believe that this small family in a remote area in the mountains really has some strong people behind it!

If there were such a strong person, the winter secret realm deep in the Monster Beast Mountain Range would have been occupied by them long ago, and as to hide it until now, indifferent to the secret realm of the cave? !


In this northern mountain region, what kind of big tree is comparable to Qianyun Mountain?

So even though I feel the danger,

But it still scolded unceremoniously.

"Anger hurts the liver, young people are so angry, but it's easy to die!"

The dull voice, no joy or anger can be heard, just like the sound of a clear spring.


There was a visible movement in the surrounding space. A jade-white palm seemed to protrude from the void, grabbing Ding Ming's arm, pressing it down slowly, and slowly releasing the Grand Elder Yue Family. Come down.

And at the same time,

I don't know when,

A figure appeared beside him silently.

No sign,

It suddenly appeared there!

At this moment,

In Ding Ming's heart, a storm surged suddenly, and boundless fear surged!

Not only because of the figure that suddenly appeared next to him, but if the other party wanted to, he might be able to insert his palm into his heart silently.

Even more because of this moment,

The moment his arm was caught, he was shocked to realize that he could not mobilize any trace of true essence!

The true vitality in the body seemed to be sealed at this moment!

Stabbing him to death is like losing all his power and becoming a mortal!

"Who is your excellency? In Xia Nai is a disciple of the real sect of Qianyun Mountain Beishan, please don't make mistakes!"

Although the forehead is covered with cold sweat, even though life and death are controlled by human hands.

But the arrogance in Ding Ming's words remained unabated.

As a disciple of the first sect in the North Mountain Region, he naturally has such arrogance.

Even a cultivator of the half-step Dongzhen level did not dare to easily stroke Qianyunshan's tiger's whiskers.

In the past, anyone who had been to any place in the North Mountain Region would be flattered by various local monks.

This experience naturally cultivated the arrogance of the monk Qianyunshan from the heart.

"Heh, Qianyun Mountain can't control Zhang."

A faint smile appeared on Zhang Qingyuan's face.

I just didn’t wait for him to say anything,


Above the sky, the majestic Zhenyuan oscillates, and there is thunder and lightning bursting through the sky, forming a sharp light spear that is several feet long on the sky!

Almost in an instant, the light spear tore through the sky, swept down with a strong wind of unparalleled spiritual power, and pierced towards Zhang Qingyuan's head!

at the same time,

The eyes of Dingming's senior above the sky became cold, and a cold smile flashed across his mouth.

The bright light gushes down and the space seems to be penetrated at this moment!

Almost like teleportation,

It appeared on Zhang Qingyuan's head in an instant!

If this attack hits, Zhang Qingyuan is afraid that even with thousands of methods, his head will inevitably explode like a watermelon!

have to say,

Ding Ming’s senior brother chose the timing very keenly, and it happened when Zhang Qingyuan and Na Dingming were talking. If it was an ordinary cultivator of the Ninth Layer of True Essence Realm here, he wouldn’t be able to kill him. Crushed on the spot!

But unfortunately He met Zhang Qingyuan!

Not to mention that Zhang Qingyuan's divine consciousness has already enveloped the entire world, the monks below the realm of Dongzhen want to be able to successfully attack him, the probability is not much higher than one in ten thousand!

Even if his eyes were completely blinded, he could even foresee the danger from behind!

With the deepening of the cultivation of the fragment of the Taiyi Refining Art from Chang Shan, Zhang Qingyuan's sixth sense foresight ability has become more powerful!

As early as a few days ago,

When he went to explore the situation of the Qianyun Mountain monks around the secret realm of the cave, his foreknowledge was vaguely aware of the potentially fatal danger of the road ahead, so he decisively left the Red Flame Tianlin Snake as a trap in advance, and finally when he escaped. In turn, the forces of the realm of Qianyun Cave were brought together.

This is the effect of that shard of Taiyi Refining Techniques to strengthen the sixth sense!

Even the existence of Dongzhen level can predict the danger in advance outside the scope of the divine consciousness!

compare to,

This attack by Brother Ding Ming is a fart!

Almost at the moment when the light spear that was several feet long fell, Zhang Qingyuan slowly raised his hand and stretched out two fingers, as if fast and slow, time seemed to have changed, suddenly a clip!

The light spear, which is several feet long, emits a dazzling light, and it stops alive!

With two fingers, he actually caught the terrifying true essence light spear that fell like a lightning bombardment, enough to wipe a small mountain from the world!

Around the entire body of the light spear, the dazzling lightning lightning tore through the void, bursting with dazzling light, with it as the center, oppressing the almost substantial wind, and rushing in all directions!

But even with such a terrifying power, it is still frozen in place,

As if the space is frozen,

It's hard to make progress!


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