A scene with great visual impact appeared before everyone's eyes!

Especially the white-clothed man who attacked high above the sky, the sneer on his face at this moment was directly fixed on his face!

Able to take this blow with such a means,

This means, this strength!

In an instant,

The cold sweat drenched his back!

And at the same time,


Zhang Qingyuan below flicked his fingers, and the real yuan ripples visible to the naked eye oscillated.


call out!

That dazzling light spear contained an extremely terrifying light. At this moment, it turned into a beam of light and sprayed out, shooting backwards towards that figure in the sky!

Fast as lightning!

Instantly pierced through the height of thousands of feet, the white figure did not react at all, but was pierced by the light spear through his shoulders, and the whole person's true vitality was dissipated.

There was a boom at the same time,

The golden light exploded and turned into a very strong terrifying impact in the mid-air, as if the space was distorted by the impact and swept all around!

The dazzling light of lightning blooms, accompanied by the impact of tangible and intangible Taoism.

There is no way to resist!

The several figures on the high altitude were immediately knocked into the air, spitting out a large mouthful of blood one after another, like birds with their wings broken, one by one falling from the high altitude.

"Before you shoot, you must at least confirm the difference in strength between each other, do you think so?"

With a fluttering shirt, Zhang Qingyuan pointed a backhand and shot down several figures high above the sky from the sky.

There was no slight change on the surface, and the voice came out faintly.

The cultivator in Qianyun Mountain, the white-clothed man headed by this line of monks, had the highest realm, probably around the early stage of the Ninth Layer of True Yuan.


As early as a few years ago, Zhang Qingyuan, who was able to defeat the real Lutian Ruins in the realm of true essence, had already surpassed the nine levels of true essence!

Especially after that battle, Sanhua condensed, and after several years of difficult battles, the strength has been steadily improved.

If Zhang Qingyuan's injuries are fully recovered at this moment, then in the face of Lu Tianxu that year, he will definitely not be able to kill him at a price of almost the same level of injury!

Even though he was seriously injured now, it was not something a cultivator of the Ninth Layer of the True Origin Realm could handle.

What's more, a month ago, he also obtained a lot of resources from Izumo Kuniyasu.

Even if Izumo country is a small country that cannot be ranked at all in Yunzhou, and its location is extremely remote, the power of one country can provide a lot of good things, some of which are also of great significance to Zhang Qingyuan itself. effect.

Under the circumstances that allowed him to recover part of his injuries and able to use part of his true essence.

Facing the small Nine Layers of True Primordial Realm, it was naturally easy to crush.

"Yes...Yes, you are right..."

Ding Ming, who was standing on the side, swallowed hard, and stammered out.

In the voice, there is no longer the pride of being high.

He didn't know Zhang Qingyuan's strength, nor did he know the realm of the person in front of him.

But being able to defeat the senior brothers on the top with such an easy blow is obviously not comparable to that of the ordinary True Essence Realm.

I'm afraid it's not the existence of Dongzhen level!

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, and the more Ding Ming was thinking, the more fear was in his heart.

"Just understand."

With a smile on Zhang Qingyuan's mouth, he patted him on the shoulder and turned to leave.

In place,

Ding Ming's expression was horrified, his feet were a little soft, and he almost collapsed.

At this time, the figure is already gone.


A disaster that might lead to the extermination of the Yue family was eventually wiped out by Zhang Qingyuan's return.

Everyone in the Yue family began to converge on the bones of the monks who died during the battle.

Clean up the ruins of the trench that traverses the entire street, and at the same time imprison all those enemies who have lost the power to resist, waiting for the one in the family to deal with.


Zhang Qingyuan has no intention of dealing with those people for the time being.

Because he knew that the secret could not be concealed, the Yue family elder directly confessed to Zhang Qingyuan the secret his family had always kept.

turn out to be,

Their ancestors of the Yue family moved to the periphery of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range, not an accident, but a purpose.

Their family itself has a lot to do with Zhang Sanchen, the owner of the mysterious cave in the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range!

About a thousand years ago, one of the ancestors of their Yue family was an ordinary deacon in the Lushan Sanren Zhang Sanchen Taoist Mansion.

Before the death of Lushan and the destruction of Lushan Taoism, their ancestors temporarily left Lushan Taoism because of family affairs, and thus happened to escape the huge disaster that ushered in shortly thereafter.

And because their ancestor was only one of the inconspicuous monks among the hundreds of thousands of Lushan Taoism, no one paid attention to these little people, but in the end they were lucky to survive the disaster.


This is nothing at all.

Because the little people who escaped like their ancestors are not many in Lushan Taoism, but they are definitely not there.

However, their ancestors of the Yue family kept in their hands a jade bracelet token that was given to the younger son by the scattered people in Lushan back then!

That is a token related to the secret realm of the cave that was based on the foundation of the sect announced by the scattered people of Lushan back then!

"According to the records of our ancestors, when the youngest son of Lushan Sanren was only eight years old, he was at a lively age, and he was in harmony with the descendants of his descendants, regardless of relatives and estrangements."

"For this reason, this token accidentally fell into the hands of the ancestors."

In the Yue family secret room,

The elder of the Yue family slowly revealed the secret a thousand years ago, and then took out a jade bracelet that was kept by the family for many years, and only the core few people knew about it, and handed it to Zhang Qingyuan.

It turned out that the son of the ancestor of the Yue family was about the same age as the young son of the Lushan Sanren, and he happened to be one of the best to play with the young Lushan Sanren.

At that time, the sect was established by the scattered people of Lushan, and they refined the token of the secret world of the cave as the foundation of the sect and gave it to the favorite young son to play. Anyway, even if it was lost, no one would dare to greet him.

As the first person in the North Mountain Region, Lushan Sanren naturally had the confidence not to be afraid of things flowing to the outside world.

Then because the children couldn’t distinguish the importance~www.readwn.com~ The young son of Lushan scattered people threw it to the son of the ancestor Yue after he was not interested in playing around. However, he did not expect the ancestor of the Yue family to take his son back to pay homage to the deceased mother. Without going back to the huge Lushan Taoist government, it was wiped out.

This jade bracelet token fell into the hands of the ancestors of the Yue family.

For the next hundred years,

The ancestor of the Yue family was also loyal. After learning the importance of this jade bracelet, he hid him and kept secretly searching for the blood of the descendants of Lushan, hoping to return the property to the original owner.

It's just that after many years of inquiries, it is rumored that the blood of the former master has been cut off.

I have no choice but to give up.

In the end, the ancestor of the Yue family moved the family to the outskirts of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range according to the road map in the jade bracelet, and fell behind.

Maybe in history,

Someone once thought of entering the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range and using this jade bracelet token to open the secret realm of the cave.

Only relying on the strength of their Yue family to face the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range where the Eight or Nine Layers of True Essence Monster Beasts are rampant, they can only sigh with excitement.

"The things that your ancestors have passed on for many years, just leave it to me, are you willing?"

Zhang Qingyuan grasped the jade bracelet sent by the elder of the Yue family, and suddenly remembered the information revealed by the monks of Qianyun Mountain when he was near the secret realm of the cave before, and he knew the information in his mind, so he asked the elder of the Yue family below.

"Hey, there is nothing unwilling to be reconciled. This thing actually does not belong to the people of the Yue family like me. For thousands of years, I have waited without the strength to open it, which proves that I have no destiny to wait for the Yue family."

"What's more, now that the news has leaked out, the people of Qianyun Mountain have fumbled here, and then continue to stay in their hands. It is just a disaster of genocide. It is better to hand it over to the car, in order to protect my Yue family and continue to survive."

Upon hearing this, the elder Yue family also sighed helplessly.

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