Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 101 Are You Playing Thunder? I Can Do It Too

The change in Lu Chen's aura made Mr. Lei, who is integrated into the late stage, look sideways at him. It is very strange that he can exude such a powerful aura even though he is only a cultivator at the Foundation Establishment stage.

"Hmph! Playing tricks." The fusion early stage cultivator saw that Lu Chen didn't even take out his weapon, but made a strange gesture in front of his chest, and said disdainfully.

Lu Chen saw that the distance was almost the same, he showed a mysterious smile, and his first move was a big move.

"Om..." Suddenly, a sky-shattering hum sounded.

The cultivator who merged with the late stage focused his eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Tian Wei! Hurry up and retreat! That kid is weird."

I saw the brilliance of Lu Chen's right palm flickering, and his true essence instantly condensed into a huge palm print like substance. With the momentum of destroying everything, he slapped the cultivator named Tian Wei like a mosquito.

" is it possible?" Tian Wei said in horror, he didn't expect Lu Chen's methods to be so terrifying that he didn't even have a chance to dodge.

"Boom..." Tian Wei was captured by Lu Chen's Buddha Palm, and flew upside down in an instant, his face was pale and he vomited blood, his whole body was broken, even Dantian was smashed to pieces, and fell to the ground in a cloud of dust. Wasted people.

All this happened almost instantly, and it was too late for Mr. Lei to save Tian Wei.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so vicious. He is the Young Master of Zhongzhou Tian's family. Do you know that you caused a big disaster?" Mr. Lei said coldly,

He suspected that Lu Chen had hidden the Cultivation Base, otherwise, how could a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period have such powerful means, and even if the true essence is not as strong as his own, it is not much different.

For a while, he didn't intend to continue to entangle with Lu Chen. He was also worried that the two were of equal strength, and if they fought for a short time, they would not be able to kill each other, which would delay the time to go back.

The Tian family and the Lei family have been friends for generations, so although there is a gap between the two in terms of Cultivation Base, they still have a good relationship. This time they came out to try to form a team, and the Tian family asked him to take care of Tian Wei. I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Lu Chen looked at Mr. Lei coldly. Since he made a move, he had no intention of letting him go. With a thought, Yu Jian charged directly at Mr. Lei.

"Hmph! Why do you still want to keep me?" Mr. Lei saw Lu Chen rushing towards him, disdainful and angry. If the tiger doesn't show his power, does he really think he is a sick cat?

Immediately, he took out a sledgehammer, which was not as long as his shoulders, slightly larger at both ends, and slightly smaller in the middle.


Heh... your hammer is a bit like Zhong Wuyan's sledgehammer," Lu Chen raised his hand to strike with a Buddha Palm without stopping at all, and the huge palm print opened the way.

Lu Chen took out the Lingbao mace, poured his true essence into it, and quickly condensed a huge mace light and shadow, hitting Mr. Lei from top to bottom like a substance.

"Hmph! It's just a small trick," Mr. Lei had been prepared for a long time. First, Yujian quickly avoided the huge palm print of true essence. The true essence was poured into the sledgehammer. Seeing Lu Chen was waving. Biqu library

"Kach..." Every time he swung the sledgehammer, a blue lightning arc as thick as a water pipe would be generated from the sledgehammer. The speed was so fast that several lightning arcs hit the flying Lu Chen in the blink of an eye.

"Ah..." Lu Chen who was hit yelled, not because he was injured, but because he was suddenly frightened by the blue lightning arc.

Seeing Lu Chen screaming, Mr. Lei increased his true energy proudly, and kept waving his Magic Treasures sledgehammer, hitting Lu Chen's body with countless blue lightning arcs for free.

Lu Chen, who was standing in the air with Yu Jian, came back to his senses and used the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue. The black thunder beads in Dantian emitted a faint halo, absorbing these blue lightning arcs.

But Lu Chen found that the black thunder beads didn't seem to like the thunder elements in these blue lightning arcs, and stopped absorbing them after a while.

At this time, Mr. Lei seemed to have noticed something was wrong. The kid on the opposite side screamed at the beginning, but then there was no movement. Instead, he closed his eyes with an expression of enjoyment, so he stopped his hands and continued to attack.

"Hehe...why don't you play thunder anymore?" Lu Chen opened his eyes and looked at Mr. Lei with a smile.

At this moment, except for the fact that Lu Chen's hair stood up high due to the electric shock, the aura on his body has not weakened.

"Are you okay? How is this possible? Even if the Gold Core early stage cultivator is hit by lightning arcs so many times, it is impossible for it to be safe and sound." Seeing this, Mr. Lei said in horror.

"Hehe... Do you like playing with thunder? I will too, and I will let you taste the feeling of being struck by lightning." After Lu Chen finished speaking, his expression froze, and his right index finger pointed out with a thought.

"Crack..." A black arc of lightning the thickness of a water pipe strangely appeared above Mr. Lei out of thin air, and it was so fast that it directly struck the top of Mr. Lei's head.

"Ah..." Mr. Lei screamed, his whole body was scorched instantly, as if he was dug out of a fire pit

Like a sweet potato, black and tender on the outside, scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, it fell with a sledgehammer and a long sword at a high speed.

"Haha... I didn't expect this black lightning arc to be so powerful. I have tried my best to control the size of the lightning arc. Otherwise, if I release a thigh-thin thunder arc, I guess this thunder boy will be wiped out." Lu Chen said pleasantly.

Lu Chen released the Heavenly Saber Mantis and asked him to get rid of that Tian Wei, while Yu Jian came to the place where Mr. Lei fell.

It should be said that Mr. Lei was also fatal, and he survived falling from such a high place. Lu Chen raised his head and saw the cloth strips on the branches, and had a guess in his heart.

Mr. Lei watched in horror as Lu Chen approached but couldn't move. He really regretted coming to trouble Lu Chen, and he never even dreamed that one day he would be struck like this by lightning.

Although Mr. Lei looked miserable, Lu Chen didn't show any compassion. If it wasn't because of his strength, he would probably be the one lying on the ground.

Lu Chen threw a fireball technique to send Mr. Lei to get a lunch box. When the fireball approached Mr. Lei, a sudden change occurred.

A dazzling golden light suddenly radiated from Mr. Lei's chest, and the fireball caused by the golden light disappeared instantly, followed by a powerful momentum spreading out.

Lu Chen couldn't breathe under the pressure of this breath. Lu Chen hurriedly used the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to resist, but his heart was sweet, and he was backlashed. He spurted a mouthful of blood and collapsed on the ground, looking at Mr. Lei in horror. The golden light on the chest.

At this time, a phantom emerged from Mr. Lei's chest, the phantom was a middle-aged male cultivator.

Lu Chen deduced from the opponent's aura that this phantom is at least a Cultivation Base above the Nascent Soul stage,

It should be Mr. Lei's movement technique treasure, which will be automatically activated when he feels life-threatening. Lu Chen has also heard of this kind of movement technique treasure, but he just remembered it now.

"Hmph! Kid! If you dare to kill my son of Lei Aotian, go to hell!" the phantom said angrily, and raised his hand to strike Lu Chen with a beam of true energy.

"Crack..." Almost at the same moment when the phantom raised his hand, several thigh-thick black lightning arcs appeared out of thin air and struck towards the phantom. The phantom faded instantly and then slowly dissipated with a horrified expression.

"Boy! You..." Xu Ying disappeared before he finished speaking.

Almost at the same moment, the real yuan shot out by phantom also hit Lu Chen's body.

"Pfft..." Lu Chen spat out a mouthful of blood again, his face was pale, and he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

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