Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 102 The Most Aggrieved Way To Die

There are three major regions in Beichen Prefecture: Southern Xinjiang, Central Plains, and Northern Territory.

Some people have counted 580 large and small states in southern Xinjiang, while there are 1,289 states in the Central Plains, and 698 states in the northern region.

From this, it can be roughly inferred that the Beichen continental plate runs from south to north, with the middle part being larger and the two ends being slightly smaller.

When the black lightning arc scattered Lei Aotian's phantom, there was an Immortal Cave on a fairy mountain in Zhongzhou. The Immortal Cave was about the size of a basketball court. There was a spring in the cave, and a lot of Spiritual Qi gushed out of the spring water, and the Spiritual Qi was rich. The degree is so high that it is clearly visible like white mist.

A middle-aged man sat on the lotus position above the spring water, his eyes suddenly opened, a sharp light flashed, and then he frowned slightly,

Immediately after chanting words in his mouth, he quickly formed a seal with both hands, and then pointed with one hand, a blue brilliance shot towards the stone wall in the cave.

The stone wall showed a picture like a projection. In the picture, a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage was collapsing on the ground and looking ahead in horror.

At this time, a beam of true energy hit the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period, and the screen began to become a little unstable.

Immediately after the Foundation Establishment period, the cultivator vomited blood, his face was pale and his body was cracked, his appearance was terrifying, and then the screen suddenly went black.

The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period in this picture is Lu Chen.

"Huh? It's strange that a small Foundation Establishment stage cultivator can resist my attack and destroy my Nascent Soul clone,

But no matter who you are, if you dare to kill my son Lei Aotian, I will crush you to ashes. "Lei Aotian's face was downcast, but his heart was full of anger. Pen Fun Library

Gold Core stage After the Gold Core in cultivator Dantian breaks its shell and becomes a baby, it is the Nascent Soul stage.

In the Nascent Soul stage, the cultivator can use the true essence to copy the Nascent Soul in the body, seal the Nascent Soul clone in Magic Treasures, and then refine it into a Movement Technique treasure.

When the wearer receives fatal damage, the movement technique treasure will automatically break open, releasing the Nascent Soul clone.

Of course, it is impossible for Nascent Soul cultivator to copy Nascent Soul clones without limit. If Nascent Soul clones are duplicated too much, it will affect the breakthrough of cultivator late stage, and even cause the Cultivation Base to drop due to excessive consumption of Nascent Soul power.

So it is not an unusual relationship, almost no Nascent Soul stage cultivator will copy its own Nascent Soul to refine Movement Technique treasures.

Then Lei Aotian disappeared in the Immortal Cave, he is an extremely protective person

, Someone killed his son, how can this be tolerated.

So he sent two capable disciples, with memory crystal balls, to Zhongba City to find the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period, and ordered to see people when they were alive, and corpses when they died.

On the top floor of Feiyudan Pavilion in Zhongba City, which is usually not open to the public, Yan Zixia sat at the table by the window, and the middle-aged female cultivator sat opposite her.

The middle-aged female cultivator is called Wang Xiumei. The Cultivation Base of Dzogchen in the Gold Core period is the Little Sister of Yan Zixia's mother. Because of the hopelessness of breakthrough, she took on the important task of protecting Yan Zixia very early on.

At this moment, Yan Zixia frowned and withdrew Divine Sense from the Jade Slip, a glint of anger flashed in her beautiful eyes.

This Jade Slip was exactly what Hu Shilong arranged for Zheng Guanxi to send someone to Yan Zixia, but Yan Zixia didn't say what was inside.

"Zixia! This Dongfang Yuanhua is really too much. There are still ten days before the pill refining competition with the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. He suddenly broke the contract. Where can we find suitable candidates for the battle in a short time, or we should sue the owner! "Wang Xiumei said angrily.

Dongfang Yuanhua is a ninth-rank alchemist specially invited by Feiyu Chamber of Commerce from Dancheng at a high price. He is known as the Little Alchemy King and is quite famous in the circle of alchemists.

Originally Xiaodan Wang represented the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in the battle, and it can be said that the victory is sure, but who would have thought that at this critical moment, Dongfang Yuanhua suddenly sent a message saying that he had something to do and could not represent the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, and even the liquidated damages and prepaid remuneration were not paid. They returned together.

"Auntie! This matter is obviously operated by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce behind the scenes. Isn't there still ten days left? You must not inform my father, otherwise if uncle and the others find out, there will be more troubles, and I will take care of myself." Find a way to solve it." Yan Zixia said softly, her voice was very pleasant.

"Your solution can't be that kid named Lu Chen. According to the news from various parties, he is indeed a panacea, but he hasn't been certified yet, so we can't be sure what level of panacea he is. ,

Besides, whether he can get out of the endless forest alive is still a matter of opinion. I advise you not to pin your hopes on Lu Chen. "Wang Xiumei said.

Before, Yan Zixia asked her to use the resources of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce to investigate Lu Chen. Although she didn't ask why, she also had her own guesses in her mind.

"Auntie! Don't worry

Bar! I have my own plans, but I hope you can help me pay more attention to Lu Chen's news, after all, there are not many alchemists who can refine special medicine pills. "Yan Zixia smiled like a spring breeze.

Then the two chatted about the acquisition.

In the cultivator signal area during the fusion period of the endless forest, after Tian Dao Mantis killed Tian Wei, he came to Lu Chen's side, and saw a cultivator lying beside him, not dead.

Eyes as big as soup bowls stared at Mr. Lei and turned around. With a height of more than two meters, coupled with sharp front claws like big knives, he looked very bluffing.

Mr. Lei, who was seriously injured, was knocked to the ground by the Nascent Soul clone in the Movement Technique treasure because Lu Chen was protected, so he was able to recover from his injuries.

The conscience of heaven and earth, as long as you give him another cup of tea, he can resume his actions. At that time, he can escape in a flying boat, or turn Lu Chen into ashes to relieve the hatred in his heart. Biqu library

And just as he was trying his best to heal his wounds, Tiandao Mantis came to him, which scared Mr. Lei half to death.

"Hehe...Brother Mantis! There is a cultivator over there, can you go and eat him? Look at my body is burnt, the meat must not taste good." Mr. Lei smiled embarrassingly,

He could see that this Heavenly Knife Praying Mantis had the strength of the Foundation Establishment early stage, and it should have developed spiritual intelligence, able to understand what he said,

As long as I procrastinate for half a moment, I can recover some strength, and then I will even clean up this damn mantis.

Sky Knife Mantis turned to look at Lu Chen who was lying on the ground.

Mr. Lei was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking that his own words had worked, he said even harder: "Heaven... the knife..."

However, before Mr. Lei could finish his words, the Heavenly Knife Mantis who turned around waved his front paw, and a bloodstain appeared on his neck, and the blood couldn't stop flowing out.

Several saber lights flashed again, Mr. Lei's body became several knots, and he could not rest in peace. He probably never dreamed that his majestic late stage cultivator would end up in such an embarrassing way of death.

How did he know that Tiandao Mantis is Lu Chen's younger brother, if you ask his younger brother to kill his boss, isn't that courting death?

Sky Knife Mantis came to Lu Chen's side, unaware that he had inadvertently done Lu Chen a big favor.

Seeing the master with a cracked body and a pale face, the bowl-sized eyes were full of worry.

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