Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 106 The Difficulty Of Formation

In the world of golden beads, Lu Chen Lotus Position sits under the bitter bamboo. The breath from the bitter bamboo can make Lu Chen calm down quickly,

It can also make his mind clear, so that he can better comprehend the way of formation.

Lu Chen injected Divine Sense into Jade Slip, and the opening chapter is the four characters "Ten Thousand Arrays Illustrated Book".

Taking a quick look at the densely packed text, as if there was no end to it, Lu Chen felt his scalp tingling after a few breaths. The content inside was really overwhelming and difficult to understand.

Lu Chen smiled bitterly, and began to operate the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to comprehend its content.

The "Ten Thousand Arrays Illustrated Book" not only contains the basic theoretical knowledge and principles of forming formations, but also the names and functions of more than 10,000 formations, as well as the layout methods and materials needed for refining formation flags.

Among them, there are a lot of pictures and texts, which introduce countless materials in detail.

What's interesting is that Lu Chen discovered that when he was in Zizhu Mountain, he cut down a large piece of purple bamboo because he liked it, and it turned out to be the top material for refining the array flag.

The materials for refining the banner are divided into: spirit level, top level, immortal level, god level, and each level is divided into first rank to ninth rank.

And those purple bamboos are actually the top sixth rank materials, so rare that Lu Chen wanted to go back and chop up all the purple bamboos.

"It's a good thing I cut a large piece of it back then, otherwise I would have lost a lot of money." Lu Chen thought to himself.

With the operation of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and the effect of bitter bamboo, Lu Chen gradually had his own understanding of the originally obscure content.

I remember listening to Zao Wou-ki's talk about formation in the Magic Array. At that time, Lu Chen felt like he was listening to a scripture, and he used his own feeling of learning geometry as a metaphor.

But when Lu Chen used Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to further comprehend the way of formation, Lu Chen felt that the original analogy was a bit inappropriate.

The way of formation is much more difficult than geometry, and it is more appropriate to use advanced mathematics as a metaphor, especially some formations are as complex as arcane arts, and the dense runes are dazzling at first glance. Biqu library

The complicated point of the way of formation is that all things in the world are born and restrained by each other, Yin & Yang Five Elements reverses the universe, with objects as reality and qi as emptiness, heaven and earth are boundless, formations are ever-changing,

Big palm Universe Star, magnificent and vast,

Small and controllable, floating in a cloud of dust, insignificant and imperceptible...

To put it simply, in some way

As a medium, the energy in Spiritual Qi and the energy in materials can be arranged and combined in a variety of reasonable ways, so as to exert greater power and effect.

For example, for the same formation flag, you have set up a defensive formation, but the formation master only needs to change the position of the formation flag, and your defensive formation will become an attack formation.

If it is bigger, the formation can control the entire Universe Star, and if it is smaller, the formation can control the dust particles.

When Lu Chen was desperately learning the way of formation under the bitter bamboo.

Five people, Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, Qi Yutang, Zhang Haoyang, and Wang Jingxuan, gathered here in front of a small hill bordering on the border of the Endless Forest in Western Tibet. Everyone had a heavy expression on their faces.

I saw Qi Yutang kept making seals with his hands, muttering something in his mouth, and then with a consonant finger, a golden brilliance shot to the ground, and a cloud of dust rose from the ground.

After the dust dissipated, a one-meter-square pit appeared on the ground.

Zhao Chengzhi bought a cultivator costume, folded it neatly and put it in the pit, then nodded to Qi Yutang.

Qi Yutang cast a spell again to fill up the pit, and then built a grave.

The stone tablet prepared in advance was placed, and six large characters were engraved on the stone tablet: "Tomb of Rogue Cultivators Lu Chen.".

After doing these things, several people mourned for a while, and then began to part ways.

Naturally, Wang Jingxuan and Zhang Haoyang returned to Longquan City in Capital Prefecture, while Yang Yunfei and others returned to Shun'an City in Yulin Prefecture.

For them, the trip to the endless forest is basically over.

But then there was a very serious problem that gave Yang Yunfei a headache.

"Hehe...Brother Yunfei! What are you thinking about? So preoccupied? We have already arrived in Shun'an City." Zhao Chengzhi patted Yang Yunfei on the shoulder and smiled.

Several people took the teleportation array to the teleportation Great Hall of Shun'an City, but Yang Yunfei stood there in a daze, with a strange expression on his face, and Qi Yutang also stared at Yang Yunfei suspiciously.

"Miss Zixuan is still working in our family's Danlou. Now that Lu Chen has left, how should I tell her about this?" Yang Yunfei frowned slightly and asked in embarrassment.

"Ah? This... This is indeed a problem, why don't you meet her first, and wait for a while." Zhao Chengzhi also felt very embarrassed when he heard this.

"I think it's better to tell Miss Zixuan directly, he will know about this matter sooner or later,

It's better to say it directly than to hide it. "Qi Yutang expressed his own opinion.

"Hey... I'll try to avoid her first! Let's go!" Yang Yunfei sighed and walked out of the formation hall first.

"Then tonight, do you want to celebrate?" Qi Yutang called out. They had said before that they would have a good get-together and drink some spirit wine or something.

"Still getting together! How can Yang Yunfei still be in this mood now, let's go! Let's go home first." Zhao Chengzhi gave Qi Yutang a contemptuous look, and then chased after Yang Yunfei. Qi Yutang shook his head and followed suit.

In the world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen is still immersed in the ocean of formation knowledge, his expression is sometimes dignified, sometimes confused, and sometimes enlightened.

The "Ten Thousand Arrays Illustrated Book" records more than 10,000 formations with rich pictures and texts, and it is impossible for Lu Chen to learn all the formation arrangements immediately.

At present, he focuses on basic theoretical knowledge, and then specializes in some formation signals.

Under the effect of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen's formation level improved by leaps and bounds.

The formation signal tower is equivalent to a large signal transmitter, and the information jade card is similar to a signal receiver, that is, a radar.

Of course, the signal receiver in the hands of the cultivator is unilateral, receiving signals.

Lu Chen remembers that there is a radar that can receive signals unilaterally, and can also emit signals of different frequencies.

According to this idea, Lu Chen only needs to add some formation of transmitting signals on the basis of the original,

With the help of the original receiving formation device in the information jade card, it is possible to contact the formation signal tower in reverse, which should be feasible in theory.

Under the bitter bamboo, Lu Chen took out Ding Buhui's information jade tablet, because Lu Chen can now see that the formation in the fusion period cultivator's information jade tablet is much more complicated than the own information jade tablet.

Lu Chen started to analyze the information jade card in his hand using the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and deciphered the formation in it according to his existing knowledge of formation.

When I encountered something I didn't understand, I took out the "Ten Thousand Arrays Illustrated Book" for reference.

Chaos Dao Sheng Jue once again demonstrates its powerful functions.

Heaven pays off. With Lu Chen's continuous efforts, Lu Chen finally has some clues. The next step is to refine the array flag, try to change the formation in the information jade card, and send the signal to contact the formation signal tower.

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