Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 107 Who's Little Fairy

Shun'an City is also a relatively well-known big city in Qujing Prefecture, which is equivalent to a second-tier city.

Because it borders Yulin Prefecture, and Yulin Prefecture is the base camp of Shennongmen, relatively speaking, the economy and trade driven by Medicine Pill are relatively prosperous.

There are many aristocratic families here, and there are people from all walks of life. The families like Qi Yutang, Zhao Chengzhi, and Yang Yunfei are relatively famous in Shun'an City, and they can be regarded as first-class families in the local area.

Zhao Chengzhi's family is mainly engaged in the book Jade Slip, jade mining business, which probably means opening a printing factory.

Qi Yutang's family is mainly engaged in flying Magic Treasures. For example: Flying Sword, flying boat, flying ship, flying windmill, etc.,

Because it is impossible for all cultivators to be able to refine equipment, and his family mainly deals in flying equipment. To put it simply, his family runs a 4S shop in the local area.

On the other hand, Yang Yunfei's family is relatively strong and covers a wide range of industries, but it is mainly engaged in the construction of cultivation cities, and other industries are also involved.

To put it simply, his family is engaged in real estate and has a wide network of contacts, so they have investments in all aspects.

Because of Lu Chen's relationship, Zixuan arranged for her to be received in the Pill Building under Yang Yunfei's family before leaving the Endless Forest.

For more than three months, Zixuan's performance in the Yangjiadan building is also remarkable, because she has strong professional ability, coupled with her innocent and cute personality, she has been recognized by many customers.

"Zixuan! Take a break, you see you have been busy all morning, and now there are no customers, come and sit for a while." Shopkeeper Yang in the shop laughed.

Shopkeeper Yang is a branch of the Yang family. He looks like he is in his fifties or sixties. The Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment late stage is not very qualified. It is also because there is no hope of breakthrough in this life that he came to Danlou to become the shopkeeper.

Because he has no children and no daughters, he has nothing to worry about, and he takes good care of Zixuan on weekdays.

The Dan building in the Yang family is not too big, it is just an ordinary three-story tower. Usually there are only Zixuan and two other female cultivators in the shop, each responsible for one floor.

"Okay! Steward Yang, I'll take a rest after cleaning up here." Zixuan wiped the sweat from her forehead and laughed.

Steward Yang stopped persuading him when he heard the words, turned around with a smile and entered the inner hall, which was equivalent to his office. Zixuan's sex

During this period of time, she could also see that she would not rest until she finished her work, so she didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, two cultivators came to the store, and Zixuan quickly put down the rag in her hand and went to receive customers.

"Welcome! What do the two seniors need?" Zixuan smiled enthusiastically.

"Hehe...we want to buy some healing Medicine Pills! Restoration Pill." One of the cultivators responded politely.

"Okay! senior! I'll go and prepare it for you." Zixuan smiled.

"Senior Brother Zhou! I heard that the endless forest is extremely dangerous. Those of you who can return safely are the sons of the Tianjiao. The future is immeasurable. I am very envious." Another cultivator flattered without leaving a trace.

"It's okay to be dangerous. There were more than two million people when we went there, and less than one million people were able to come back alive!

As for the future! It still depends on the individual's efforts. Junior Brother Wang must participate in the Endless Forest Trial if he has the opportunity in the future, otherwise it will be a personal regret. "Senior Brother Zhou pretended to be calm and said, but his face was filled with proud joy.

"Senior brother Zhou said that the younger brother must follow the example of senior brother Zhou, and I hope that senior brother Zhou will give more advice in the future." That senior brother Wang smiled embarrassingly.

"Senior! Do you think these five bottles of recovery pills are enough?" At this time, Zixuan came over with five jade bottles.

"Well! It's almost there, how many Spirit Stones?" Brother Zhou asked.

"Senior! A total of five middle-grade Spirit Stones." Zixuan said.

Brother Zhou heard the words and searched slowly in the storage bag, but couldn't find it.

"Five mid-grade Spirit Stones, right? Here are the Spirit Stones for you, you give the Medicine Pill to Senior Brother Zhou!" With a thought in his mind, Junior Brother Wang, Divine Sense controlled the five mid-grade Spirit Stones to fly out of the storage bag, and handed To Zixuan.

"Junior Brother Wang! Look at what you are doing, I have already found it." Senior Brother Zhou pretended to be angry, and then took out five middle-grade Spirit Stones from the storage bag, and prepared to hand them to Zixuan.

"Senior Brother Zhou! Put away the Spirit Stones quickly, anyone who pays will be the same." Junior Brother Wang laughed.

"Hehe... you! Really, that's fine! I'll treat you to dinner later, and I've agreed to pay the bill at that time." Senior Brother Zhou took the jade bottle and put it into the storage bag without leaving any traces In, said with a smile.

After the two left, Zixuan originally

The smiling face turned white.

"From the conversation between these two people, we know that the endless forest trial should have ended long ago, but Lu Dage did not come back to find himself.

Was it delayed by something? Or is it that Lu Dage doesn't want himself anymore? Before Lu Dage said that he would come to own after the trial was over,

Or is Lu Dage dead? No, no, no... No, Lu Dage is such a nice person, how could he fall?

correct! I have to go to Yunfei Young Master to find out. "The more Zixuan thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and she looked at the passers-by in Danlou in despair.

tonight! Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang, three cronies, walked out of Shiweixian with their shoulders crossed, and everyone was drunk alone.

At this time! A lone figure stood in front of the three of them.

"Huh? Haha... which little fairy! She was born so beautiful. I said little fairy, why did you block our way?" Qi Yutang smiled drunkenly.

"Yes! Haha... Could it be that you have a crush on some of our brothers? Come on! Tell me! Who among us did you fall in love with? I... I will help you match... ah..." Zhao Chengzhi Screaming like a slaughtered pig,

He was also quite drunk, first he was teasing the woman in front of him, and then Yang Yunfei who was next to him knocked his head hard, the pain was so painful that he was more than half sober.

Turning around and looking at Yang Yunfei angrily, he saw that Yang Yunfei was looking at the woman in front of him solemnly without any drunkenness on his face.

Just now Yang Yunfei was the first to recognize the woman's identity, and immediately used his true energy to drive away the alcohol.

"Three seniors! You are all back, why hasn't Lu Dage come back yet?" Zixuan asked with tears in her eyes, her haggard face making people feel very worried.

"Miss Zixuan!" Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang were startled when they saw the person coming, and they exclaimed almost at the same time.

Since returning from the trial in the endless forest, the few people seldom meet each other because they are worried that Zi Xuan will bump into them and ask them about Lu Chen.

Especially for Zhao Chengzhi, after Lu Chen helped him so much, he didn't even have the courage to face Zixuan.

The three of them did not expect to be caught by Zixuan today.

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