Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 109 Extreme Formation Genius

This made the high-level officials of the seven sects very happy. Some people speculate that this special spar is very likely to be a fairy crystal, and what is contained in it is not spiritual Qi but Immortal Qi. Otherwise, how could there be such a strong spiritual Qi? , of course this is just speculation.

What if it could absorb the Immortal Qi in the fairy crystal? Does that mean that he is expected to break through and become a fairy?

However, after various attempts were made by the top leaders of the seven sects, they were disappointed to find that the so-called Immortal Qi in this special spar could not be absorbed by the cultivator at all.

This also broke their dream of becoming immortals, and later this special spar was listed as one of the top secrets of the seven sects.

Mr. An is a well-known seventh-rank magician in Beichen Prefecture, and also the chief technology engineer of the formation signal tower.

Once Mr. An had the opportunity to come into contact with this special spar. On a whim, he used this spar in formation to try to see if it could be used as a power source for formation.

After experimenting, he found that formation can use the Spiritual Qi in the spar and it is easier to use than the top-quality Spirit Stones.

Later, he proposed to use this spar as the main power source of the formation signal tower. After trying it, the effect was surprisingly good. Of course, this is also a top secret, and he declared that he still used the top-quality Spirit Stones.

Soon after, Mr. An went through layers of defense formations and came to the command center on the first floor, because only from here can he enter the top floor, and other places are protected by strong defense formations and attack formations.

"Hehe... Mr. An! You are here. This incident is a bit weird. The formation signal tower is in a closed state, but the signal transmitter is running automatically." Long Cheng eagerly talked about the current situation.

"Let's have a look first!" Mr. An frowned slightly. When he received the message that the formation signal tower was automatically activated, he didn't believe it at first, but he rushed over in shock after repeated confirmation.

You must know that the core formation of the entire formation signal tower was arranged by him, especially the signal launcher, which added multiple defensive formations.

Every time he opened it, he had to personally go into battle, otherwise, if he wanted to activate the formation signal tower, it would be as difficult as opening the vault door of a Swiss bank.

Only a more powerful formation master than him can break his formation and activate the formation signal tower, but is this possible?

There are hundreds of people in the entire formation signal tower, and there are dozens of cultivators in the Expanding Aperture period alone. Ordinary cultivators can't break in at all.

And the news he received was that no one was found

What a suspicious cultivator, that is to say, the formation signal tower is really activated by itself, which is very strange.

On the top floor of the formation signal tower, there are only two people, Mr. An and General Long.

Mr. An is indeed a professional, and he saw the clue at a glance. At first, he was still frowning, as if he was thinking about something, but suddenly his eyes lit up again, showing a joyful expression.

"Old An! How's it going? What's wrong?" Long Cheng asked after seeing Elder An looking at him for a long time with a strange expression on his expression.

"Haha...that's wonderful! Hmm! It's really wonderful. I never imagined that there is such a cultivator with a formation talent in this world. This old man must find him out and accept him as his personal disciple, haha..." Mr. An seemed to realize that Like the New World, he smiled happily.

"Old An, what do you mean?" Long Cheng was puzzled in the second battle when he heard the words, what did all this have to do with it, and why did it have anything to do with your apprenticeship?

"Hehe... Don't worry, General Long, let me explain to you in detail." Mr. An stroked his beard and told his discovery.

With his professional level, he found that the entire formation signal tower was not operating, but was receiving some kind of signal, which was different from but similar to the frequency he set.

To put it simply, although the entire formation signal tower is closed, it is still in a standby state. Ordinary people only know that the formation signal tower is the main equipment for transmitting signals.

But he didn't know that things were mutual, Mr. An could tell at a glance that there was a cultivator using his signal transmitting device to receive signals in reverse.

According to Mr. An's speculation, there should be a cultivator, because he failed to return within the stipulated time, and was living in the endless forest. He happened to know formation, so he used the existing foundation of the information jade card to change the formation inside. , so as to achieve the effect of transmitting signals.

Of course, Mr. An still had many details that he couldn't think through for a while, but it didn't affect his evaluation of this cultivator's genius move.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but the difficulty is conceivable, so this cultivator is definitely a top genius among the geniuses he has seen,

So much so that he wants to find this cultivator and train him, maybe the future of formation in Beichen Prefecture depends on him.

Long Cheng stared at the boss, he was confused, but he finally understood one sentence, there is a talented formation teacher living in the endless forest, and this old An seems to be very kind to him.

"Oh! Then I

How should we deal with this matter? "Long Cheng asked doubtfully.

"Hehe... Now that we have discovered this genius cultivator, of course we must find a way to find him, otherwise it will be a huge loss for Formation." After speaking, Mr. An's whole body suddenly changed, and his eyes burst out with passion. .

I saw his hands keep making seals, and several blue brilliance shot to all the formations on the top floor, and the entire formation signal tower was fully operational.

Then the two of them came to the command center in a flash. At this time, all the formation screens in the command center had already been turned on.

Thousands of red dots were displayed on the big screen, which meant that more than a thousand cultivators were lost in the endless forest because they failed to return in time.

At first, these red dots were moving irregularly, and then they seemed to have discovered something. One after another, the red dots began to move towards the formation signal tower, and then more and more red dots began to join the returning team.

In fact, this is also the case. Many cultivators have been living in the endless forest due to various reasons. When the formation signal tower restarted, the information jade cards in the hands of the cultivators had hints, so they all seized this opportunity and rushed back desperately.

"Old An! Look!" Long Cheng pointed at the big screen and exclaimed, because he didn't expect so many people to be living in the endless forest. At the same time, he also found that among the more than a thousand red dots, there was an extremely abrupt one. Purple polka dots.

"Hehe...that's right! It's the purple dot. It seems that the old man's expectation is right. Come here! Find out the identity information of this information jade card and give it to me immediately." Mr. An naturally understood what Long Cheng meant,

But the rules are the rules, so who can blame the other thousand cultivators for not adhering to the time, what he cares about is the formation genius with purple dots.

"Yes!" A cultivator replied in front of the small screen in the command center.

Not long after, that cultivator handed in a Jade Slip to Elder An.

"Hehe... Number 74110, Lei Junjie! He is actually a child of the Lei family in Zhongzhou." Veteran An injected Divine Sense into Jade Slip and murmured with a smile.

Lu Chen didn't know that the act of owning not only attracted An Lao's attention, but also indirectly rescued more than a thousand wandering cultivators,

At this moment, he is driving the flying boat through the signal area during the Foundation Establishment period, and he believes that he will be able to return to Western Tibet in a short time.

Xizang is also called because of the endless forest:

"Buried in Xizhou"

So far, the endless forest trial has come to a successful conclusion.

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