Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 110 Reality And Rules

Outside Zhongba City, Mr. An and General Long Chenglong led some of the cultivators stationed in the formation signal tower, about a hundred people, to the edge of the endless forest, ready to welcome the formation genius in their minds .

The restart of the formation signal tower, Mr. An had already reported the reason to the top of the Seven Sects before departure.

After listening to what had happened, the senior executives of the seven major sects also saw the potential of the formation genius with the help of Mr. An.

He specially sent Long Cheng to lead a group of cultivators to meet him, and told him to treat that formation genius well.

The Bailaihao people were very powerful, which naturally attracted the attention of many cultivators outside Zhongba City, and everyone speculated about what happened.

It didn't take long for many cultivators to gather at the edge of the endless forest.

Interested people even discovered that the formation signal tower had been turned on again, which had never happened in hundreds of years, so more and more people came to watch.

"Hmph! I'll just say it! The rules are only made for ordinary cultivators like us, but for those cultivators with strength and background, the rules are just a piece of paper." Among the cultivators watching, a cultivator was indignant Not fair.

"Brother! Why did you say that?" As soon as the cultivator finished speaking, a cultivator next to him asked him.

"Am I wrong? In previous years, have you heard that the formation signal tower was activated after the end of the endless forest trial? And those people are obviously the garrison cultivators guarding the signal tower. Isn't that obvious enough?" The cultivator Affirmative way in front of the finger.

"Brother, do you mean that they are waiting for someone? And that person didn't come back on time, so you specially turned on the formation signal tower for him?" asked the cultivator next to him, suddenly enlightened.

"For sure, I guess that wandering cultivator must have an unusual background, maybe he is a senior junior from the Seven Schools, that's why I lament that rules are always used to restrain ordinary people." The cultivator vowed authentically.

In fact, not only these two cultivators are discussing, but the cultivators onlookers are whispering among each other, there are various versions,

Some people even said that among the seven sects, there are high-level illegitimate children who have not yet come out, and other unrealistic scandals.

"Look! Someone

coming! At this time, a cultivator in the crowd exclaimed, and then everyone looked in the direction of the endless forest.

I saw a large group of people flying with swords, or flying through the air, most of them were fusion stage cultivators and Gold Core stage cultivators, and occasionally there were Foundation Establishment stage cultivators and Yuanying stage cultivators.

It is the disciples of the Qi refining period who have not used the Movement Technique. It can be seen that the least powerful people are often the most rule-abiding.

At this time, Long Cheng ordered his subordinates to inform the cultivators who came back to come here to do a registration. The registration was just a simple check of their identity information. They were mainly looking for Lei Junjie with the number 74110.

When Lu Chen saw the land, he had already taken the Zizhu Tianguo into the Golden Pearl World, and replaced the flying boat with a Magical Item long sword,

At this time, he found that there were many cultivators passing him from Yujian or Takong in the endless forest. The speed was so fast that almost only a streamer could be seen.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are there so many high rank cultivators flying from the depths of the endless forest? Could it be that they also cracked the information jade token like themselves? Or is the formation signal tower reopened?" Yu Jianfei Lu Chen murmured.

In order to confirm the conjecture in his heart, he took out the own information jade card, and Divine Sense checked that there were indeed two red dots.

This made Lu Chen feel speechless for a while, if he had known that the formation signal tower would be turned on again, why did he put in so much effort.

But he didn't know that the formation signal tower was turned on because of him.

When Lu Chen Yujian flew to the edge of the endless forest, he saw many cultivators standing on the grassland looking in the direction of own, Lu Chen suddenly felt flattered.

Looking around behind me, it seems that there is no other cultivator except myself, and I don't know whether to continue moving forward or fly away in another direction.

At this time, a scolding sound came.

"What are you looking at? Go over there to register. Seriously, a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period dared not abide by the time rules. This time it's your luck. The signal tower is turned on again, otherwise you don't know how you died." It is a cultivator of Gold Core early stage.

"Okay! senior!" Lu Chen said respectfully.

When Lu Chen was registering, Mr. An also took a look at Lu Chen, seeing that he was just a small cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, and then looked away.

almost every

He would take a look at every registered cultivator in advance, and more than 500 cultivators had returned, but Lei Junjie still did not appear.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" Elder An said self-consciously.

"Hehe...Don't worry, Mr. An, isn't it only halfway back? Maybe Lei Junjie went deeper, and it's normal to come back later." Long Cheng comforted with a smile.

"Hehe... that's right, it seems that I was too impatient." Mr. An blamed himself with a smile.

After Lu Chen registered, he was not embarrassed by anyone, and he was not interested in joining the crowd of onlookers, becoming a melon eater, and he didn't even bother to ask why they were here.

After delaying for so long, it is estimated that Yang Yunfei and the others thought that he had fallen.

If Zixuan knew the news of her demise, would he or she be sad, would she be sad? Lu Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth when he thought of this.

When I left, I said that I would go to Shun'an City to pick up Zixuan as soon as I came back, so Lu Chen had to hurry to Shun'an City in Qujing Prefecture.

Because there were no Spirit Stones, Lu Chen sold some resources on purpose, and obtained more than 30,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones. These Spirit Stones were used to pay for the teleportation array.

Zixuan gave Lu Chen the feeling of being innocent and well-behaved, a bit like the little girl next door. This type of girl is generally gentle and considerate, so Lu Chen still has a good impression of Zixuan.

In addition, because of Zixuan's relationship, he got the top ten Spiritual Roots Bitter Bamboo, so that Lu Chen felt that he owed Zixuan very much, and made up his mind to make up for her in the future.

In Qujing Prefecture and Shun'an City, Yang Yunfei has been in a bad mood for the past few days. Zixuan's disappearance made Yang Yunfei feel very guilty.

But he searched almost the entire Shun'an City and found no trace of Zixuan, which made him feel like he had failed Lu Chen's entrustment.

So this evening Yang Yunfei took Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi out for a drink to relieve boredom. Of course, the place was Shiweixian under the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, and he ordered a private room on the second floor.

Before the dishes were ready, Yang Yunfei started to drink on his own. Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang didn't stop him. They knew that Yang Yunfei was sad because he didn't find Miss Zixuan recently.

As brothers sometimes don't need too many words, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang also picked up the flagon and drank.

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