Some people talk a lot after drinking too much. It is obvious that Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi all belong to the type of talking a lot after drinking.

The few people talked almost everything, from the memory of when they were six or seven years old, they started to learn to read characters together,

Later, when they were eight or nine years old, each of them started to practice with the elders of the family.

Then when they were 15 or 16 years old, several people formed a team to participate in various trials.

In the year of weak crown, several people entered Zuixianlou for the first time.

When the men at the wine table get together, they just talk about dreams, reality, regrets, and beauties.

A few glasses of wine, a few words, the short life is over, I only sigh that time flies, and there are still many dreams, but the only thing that comes true is that we have grown up, but we don't know where our dreams are lost.

According to the current words, the few of them can be regarded as having been in the same window together, carrying a gun, and living a prosperous life together, so the relationship is naturally tight.

"Haha...Qi Yutang! Do you still remember the one from back then?" Zhao Chengzhi asked with drunken eyes and pretending to be mysterious.

"Hi... who is it?" Qi Yutang asked with a hiccup, his face flushed.

"Haha... that person's surname is Sun, how about it? Did you remember anything?" Zhao Chengzhi reminded with a smile.

"What grandson! The king! I forgot it a long time ago, let's continue drinking." Qi Yutang picked up the jug and drank directly, but a familiar and unfamiliar face appeared in his mind.

At that time, several of them were only 15 or 16 years old, the age when they first started to fall in love. Qi Yutang met a woman during a trial. Qi Yutang fell in love with her at first sight, but dared not express his love.

Even if they had contact in the future, they were just friends. Later, everyone grew up and understood many things, but Qi Yutang found that he already had a relationship, and later the other party was already a wife.

But Qi Yutang's regret is still buried in his heart. Once because he slipped up while drinking, Zhao Chengzhi and others took it as a topic of ridicule.

"Haha... I know, that person's name is... Huh? What's his name? Forget it! Don't talk! Come drink!" Yang Yunfei smiled in surprise, and was about to announce the answer, but Qi Yutang, who was drinking alone, had tears in his eyes Tears, had to change the subject.

"Gudong Gudong..." Qi Yutang drank the wine with laughter and tears, but the three words Sun Lifang came to mind.

Just as Yang Yunfei and others were drinking wine

While talking, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Yo! Brothers are so excited! Drinking here in broad daylight!" A long-lost and familiar voice sounded.

Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi all followed the prestige.

I saw a slender figure with a delicate complexion, the corners of the mouth slightly raised, and a cynical smile, an extremely familiar face appeared in front of the three of them.

"Damn..." Qi Yutang showed horror,

"I'm not dazzled, am I?" Zhao Chengzhi rubbed his eyes,

"Lu Chen!" After being briefly shocked, Yang Yunfei revealed surprise.

The three shouted almost at the same time.

"Hehe... Do I look like a ghost?" The person who came was Lu Chen who took the teleportation array from Zhongba City to Shun'an City. As soon as he came back, he used the message Jade Slip left by the previous few people to sense their location. Unexpectedly, several people happened to be together.

When Lu Chen arrived at the position where the information about Jade Slip appeared, what appeared in front of him was a food fairy. After inquiring about the rooms of several people from the shopkeeper, Lu Chen went directly to the door of the private room.

He planned to give them a surprise, but he didn't expect Qi Yutang to think of himself as a ghost.

"Haha... Lu Chen! You're all right? It's really great," Yang Yunfei said with a happy smile, using his true energy to dispel the alcohol.

"Lu Chen! Haha... It's really you. Where have you been during this time? We thought you had fallen." Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang also used their true energy to dispel the alcohol, and laughed.

"It's a pity that Miss Zixuan is missing, otherwise she would be very happy to see you." Qi Yutang said subconsciously, but met Yang Yunfei and Zhao Chengzhi's hostile eyes, and then realized that she had said something wrong.

"What? Zixuan disappeared? When did it happen?" Lu Chen's face suddenly changed when he heard this, the previous joy dissipated instantly and became gloomy.

"Lu Chen!'s like this..." Yang Yunfei hesitated for a while, and blamed himself for telling them all about the time between their return from the endless forest trial and Zixuan's disappearance.

It also includes the establishment of a tomb for Lu Chen.

After listening to Yang Yunfei's explanation, Lu Chen also understood that he had no one to blame, but only himself for not being able to come back in time, which led to the misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry! I was too impatient just now.

Shall I go to where Zixuan works? I want to meet the people she usually comes into contact with. " Lu Chen said in a calm voice.

Yang Yunfei originally wanted to say that he had asked Steward Yang and the others many times about Miss Zixuan's whereabouts, but found nothing, but seeing Lu Chen's determined eyes, Yang Yunfei finally did not say anything.

Immediately, Yang Yunfei brought a few people to the Yang Family Pill Building.

Under Yang Yunfei's introduction, Lu Chen met Guanshi Yang. When Guanshi heard that the man in front of him was Lu Chen, he hesitated to speak.

After several pleadings from Lu Chen, Manager Yang finally told the truth. Because he had promised Zi Xuan to keep the secret for her, when Yang Yunfei asked him about Zi Xuan's whereabouts, Manager Yang didn't say anything.

Now that the bosses are back, Steward Yang has nothing to hide, and he is also very worried about Zixuan's safety.

It turned out that Zixuan was heartbroken after confirming the news of Lu Chen's death, and begged Guanshi Yang to lend her some Spirit Stones, saying that she was going to the Endless Forest to pay homage to Lu Chen's tomb, and then came back.

Guanshi Yang has no children, and he treats Zixuan as his daughter on weekdays, and he can't bear to see her sad and haggard.

He took 80,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones from his life savings and gave them to Zixuan as travel expenses, allowing her to fulfill her wish.

It's just that more than ten days have passed, and Zixuan has not come back. Steward Yang is also worried about Zixuan's safety. Even if Yang Yunfei didn't bring Lu Chen to him, he planned to go to Yang Yunfei to explain the matter clearly.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang! Don't thank me for your kindness. I will go to Zhongba City immediately to have a look." Lu Chen cupped hands respectfully.

"Do you want us to go together?" Yang Yunfei suggested at this moment.

"Yes, if we go together, we can take care of each other." Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang echoed.

"No! I can do it by myself. You can lend me some Spirit Stones first, and I will return them to you when I have them. That's right! Tell me the approximate location of the good things you did." Lu Chen rejected Yang Yunfei and others proposal.

Next, Yang Yunfei pulled Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang to take out all the Spirit Stones at the bottom of the box, and collected some travel expenses for Lu Chen.

"Thank you!" Lu Chen took a storage bag and walked away. He was worried that the longer the time dragged on, the more dangerous Zixuan would become.

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