Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 112 The Broken Necklace

Outside Zhongba City, at the border of the endless forest, the cultivators who were watching melons began to leave one after another. They already understood the general things.

It was nothing more than changing some previously established rules because of a certain person's relationship. At first, everyone was a little bit aggrieved, but after talking about it, there was no result, so it was bearish.

Instead of talking about other people's stories here, it is better to work hard to improve yourself, and strive to let others talk about own legends one day.

Besides, it has been more than half a day, and without the cultivator coming out of the endless forest, I can't just look up at the sky here all the time.

"How many cultivators have come back?" General Long Chenglong came to the temporary registration office with an ugly expression on his face.

The crowd of cultivators who were onlookers had already left, but they were still standing there stupidly. Those who should have waited had not appeared so far, and those who should not have waited had probably returned if they were right.

"General! According to statistics, a total of 1,281 cultivators came back, including 28 cultivators during the Foundation Establishment period, and 128 cultivators during the fusion period..." The cultivator in charge of registration got up and registered The result read.

"Okay! Alright! Just tell me if there is a cultivator named Lei Junjie fused with late stage." Long Cheng waved his hand impatiently and interrupted the cultivator who was reporting.

"Uh... General Qi! All the cultivators who came back have checked the information jade cards, and there is no cultivator named Lei Junjie who merged with the late stage." The cultivator replied loudly.

"Bastard! How could it not be? Did you neglect your duties and make a mistake? Or did you miss it?" Long Cheng roared with a dark face when he heard the words.

"Okay! General Long, don't blame them. I just received a message from the command center that the purple dots did disappear at the border of the endless forest.

It means that Lei Junjie has come back, and now his name is not on the registration information, I guess there must be something else wrong, let's go back first and discuss it again! "An old man came out to make a rescue at this time.

Hearing this, Long Cheng couldn't say anything more, so everyone went back in a mighty manner.

In the Teleportation Hall of Zhongba City, after a golden brilliance flashed, Lu Chen's figure appeared in the Teleportation Hall.

Because he was concerned about Zixuan's safety, he got the news from Steward Yang that Zixuan might go to Lu Chen's tomb, and Lu Chen didn't dare to delay her.

She decided to take a look outside the city first.

Thinking of Zixuan, a beautiful female cultivator at the seventh level of Qi refining, suddenly appearing in this borderland, Lu Chen felt a little headache thinking about it, and he could only silently pray that she would be safe.

According to the approximate direction provided by Yang Yunfei, Lu Chen used Divine Sense to quickly find a tomb on the edge of the endless forest.

When he stood in front of the tomb and saw the words on the tombstone: "Tomb of Rogue Cultivators Lu Chen", Lu Chen had a strange expression on his face.

Then I saw some spiritual fruits and spirit wine placed in front of the tombstone. The soil on the ground had been smoothed out, and some of the soil still showed small nipple spots after water droplets fell. Biqu library

Seeing this, Lu Chen's heart was blocked, and he saw a slender figure kneeling in front of the tombstone crying sadly in his eyes, tears dripping down and forming countless mud spots.

"Hey... Zixuan, why are you bothering?" Lu Chen murmured, feeling very depressed.

Knowing that the extension of the Divine Sense should not have any effect, but Lu Chen still took chances and extended the Divine Sense to the maximum extent.

At this moment, Lu Chen is already the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment late stage. His real essence is as strong as the fusion middle stage, and his Divine Sense is comparable to the fusion late stage. With various means, he can basically kill people by leaps and bounds.

With the continuous extension of Divine Sense, everything within a six-kilometer radius can be seen.

At this time, Lu Chen's eyes were fixed. He found a broken necklace lying flat on the grass about five kilometers away from here in the direction of Zhongba City.

Although the material of the necklace is very ordinary, even the pendant is just ordinary jade, the only difference is that a Divine Sense mark of Lu Chen is sealed in the pendant.

With a sound of "Boom...", the tombstone was smashed into pieces by Lu Chen's palm, and the stone chips flew all over the place. The next second, Lu Chen threw the Magical Item sword, and the sword flew towards the place where the necklace fell. place.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lu Chen picked up the broken necklace on the grass, and his heart fell to the bottom.

He is very familiar with this necklace. At that time, Lu Chen took the necklace left by Zixuan's ancestors. Before setting off for the endless forest trial, he bought another necklace and sealed a Divine Sense mark for Zixuan. Xuan.

"Damn it! Zixuan must have had an accident on the way back," Lu Chen said angrily while looking in the direction of Zhongba City with the broken necklace in his hand.

Lu Chen thought of many possibilities, and the greatest possibility should be

It's dental.

At the beginning, Yaxing was also called "Huanghang", which means cooperation, introduction, buyers and sellers reach a deal, and earn commissions from it, which is a bit similar to modern intermediaries.

But they have a business that is overwhelming, that is, to capture cultivators with low Cultivation Base and no background, both men and women,

Young and beautiful nuns are sold to brothels, or sold to other cultivators as Human Cauldron or playthings.

Male cultivators are sold to aristocratic families or Sect as slaves to mine or serve as coolies.

This kind of behavior makes the cultivators in the world hate the dental industry, but the dental industry often has a deep and intricate background, and no one cares about it.

What's more, it's a world of comprehension where low-level cultivators are inferior to dogs, and human lives are worthless.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Lu Chen still intends to go to the dental clinic to have a look. After all, there is a direction to look for, and I hope everything can be done in time.

After many inquiries, Lu Chen came to the south area of ​​Zhongba City. It is said that there is the largest dental market in the area.

It is said that it is a market, but it is actually a wide street. There are many buildings on both sides of the street, most of which are tower-shaped buildings, with two or three floors low and five or six floors high.

There is an endless stream of cultivators coming and going every day. As soon as Lu Chen walked to the entrance of the street, the noisy and noisy voices inside could be clearly heard, and it was very lively.

At this time, a cultivator from the Foundation Establishment early stage came to talk to me.

"Hehe... hello senior! Which type of female cultivator do you want to buy? Our family is from seven to eight years old, and up to fifty or sixty years old. The Cultivation Base has everything from Qi refining stage to Gold Core stage. Don't want me to show you to my house?" The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment early stage smiled respectfully.

When Lu Chen heard that his forehead was covered with black lines, he scolded these people in his heart for being beasts, even children and the elderly.

"Well! Lead the way!" Lu Chen said lightly, thinking in his heart, anyway, he is not familiar with this place, so let's go and have a look first.

"Okay senior! You can just call me Xiaoliu, please come with me." The cultivator at the Foundation Establishment early stage greeted Lu Chen more enthusiastically when he saw the business coming.

There are dozens of dental shops, large and small, in the entire Yahang Street, and their location is not very good, so Xiao Liu was sent to the street to actively attract customers.

Lu Chen followed Xiao Liu into the tooth shop market, what he saw made him frown, and an unknown fire surged in his heart, and he looked at everything in front of him furiously.

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