Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 113: Too Much Tooth

On both sides of the street, men and women were separated on the left and right in front of each tower gate, and a group of cultivators were sitting in each circle. Each cultivator's ankles were tied by an iron chain, their eyes were dim, and they sat on the ground in a very slumped manner.

All the male cultivators were bare-chested, some were skinny, some were covered in scars, and some were even scary.

Most of the female cultivators' clothes are still intact, but there are also some female cultivators whose clothes are full of blood, are in tatters, naked, and have bruises on their faces, obviously suffering from indescribable experiences.

There is no Spirit Power fluctuation between breaths, obviously these cultivators have been blocked by Cultivation Base.

All these cultivators have a wooden plaque in front of them, on which the cultivator's age, Cultivation Base level, Spiritual Roots attribute, and price will be marked.

If it is a female cultivator, it will also specifically mark whether it is a virgin.

With these labels, buyers of cultivators can immediately know the specific information of each cultivator as long as they scan Divine Sense, making it easier for them to choose.

When buying and selling, buyers will check their physical condition like checking livestock to see their real condition,

Is it consistent with the description on the label, and is it worth the price on the label.

Even buyers will observe closely, open their mouths, eyelids, and look at every part of their bodies.

Lu Chen suppressed the anger in his heart, and even if there was no matter about Zixuan, he secretly swore in his heart that when he had enough power, he would kill the teeth shop of Cultivation World with his own hands.

"Hehe...senior! These are samples displayed by various dental stores. In fact, the real good products are all inside the dental stores."

Seeing that Lu Chen frowned slightly, Xiao Liu thought that he didn't like these things, so he reminded with a smile, because there was a similar cultivator in front of his house.

"Why hasn't your dental clinic arrived yet? You can't be lying to me, are you?" Lu Chen's face was a little displeased. He had been following this guy for a while, but he hadn't arrived yet.

"Senior, don't be angry, how dare I lie to you! Don't you think this is the end?" Xiao Liu pointed to a three-story tower in front of him in fear.

"En! Let's have a look first," Lu Chen said flatly.

Xiao Liu first brought Lu Chen to the first floor. Apart from the main hall on the first floor, there was a large hall on each side.

The room has a space formation inside, otherwise it looks like a small room, but the interior space is as spacious as a basketball court.

Men and women were held in the same room. There were more than 200 male cultivators and more than 100 female cultivators. The environment was simply dirty and messy.

Especially the male cultivator's room had a strong pungent smell, and Lu Chen almost vomited on the spot.

There are obviously more male cultivators than female cultivators, and the condition is the same as that of the previous cultivators on the street. Everyone is piled together like dead fish, ignoring the arrival of buyers, and they are obviously numb.

Seeing this, Lu Chen shook his head slightly, but did not express his intention to buy it.

"Hehe...does the senior want to buy a male cultivator or a female cultivator? If you don't like these things, I will take you to the second floor to have a look! The quality of the second floor is better." He said with a smile.

"Let's look at the female cultivator first!" Lu Chen said flatly.

There are also two rooms on the second floor, but the overall environment is much better than that on the first floor, at least the smell of sweat is gone.

The total number of people in each room is one-third less than that on the first floor. Lu Chen Divine Sense quickly checked, but did not find Zixuan. Although such a result had been expected in his heart, he was still a little disappointed.

"Hehe... senior! Are you still not interested in these? I don't know which type you like senior, so I can recommend it for you.

We have here: Loli, Onee-san, wife, Little Sister flower, twins, buttocks, buttocks... and many other types for you to choose from.

If you don't like our family, I can take you to other houses to see, and you will be satisfied. Seeing Lu Chen's disappointed expression, Xiao Liu continued to introduce enthusiastically.

"Sorry! I just want to find someone I can fall in love with, so..." Lu Chen didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but it clearly meant that he was dissatisfied.

"Hehe... senior! It's okay, I'll take you to the house next door, maybe he has the type you like." Although Xiao Liu felt a little regretful that he couldn't make a deal with Lu Chen, such things happen from time to time , he is not surprised.

Then Xiao Liu took Lu Chen to the dental shop next door, because if the deal was made, Xiao Liu could also get a good referral fee.

Of course, the extra introduction fee,

In the end, Lu Chen still paid for it.

The basic situation of the second dental shop is similar to that of Xiaoliu's. The only difference is the difference in the number of people.

Turning around in a circle, Lu Chen still couldn't find Zi Xuan, so he asked Xiao Liu if he could take him to the next one.

"Okay! senior! I'll take you there right away. The goods between our dental stores can actually be exchanged, so you can choose with confidence! I don't believe that there is nothing you like in the entire dental store." Xiao Xiao Six always maintained a professional smile.

After Lu Chen and Xiao Liu came out of the third dental shop, Xiao Liu took Lu Chen to the fourth one.

After Xiao Liu introduced Lu Chen to the shopkeeper of the fourth shop, he went out for a while and said he would be back in a while.

So this time, the shopkeeper of the fourth dental shop personally led Lu Chen to select the female cultivator.

Tianyuan Pavilion Zhongba City branch, the main hall is in Guanxi, because some time ago, the crown prince Hu Shilong came to Zhongba City, I don’t know what method he used, he succeeded in currying favor with the prince Hu Shilong,

I went to Qianling Prefecture with Hu Shilong, and my future future is absolutely immeasurable.

After going to Zhenguanxi, the position of the hall master of the Zhongba City branch hall was naturally held by the deputy hall master Bai Sheng.

Bai Sheng never dreamed that one day he would be the hall master, and this happiness seemed to come too suddenly.

As soon as Bai Sheng took office, the black and white figures in the entire Zhongba City sent people to congratulate him and gave him congratulatory gifts.

This made Bai Sheng feel that he still has a lot of face to be the head of the hall. That night he counted the congratulatory gifts he got,

There are not too many kinds of genius treasures, and there are countless mid-grade Spirit Stones. This makes Bai Sheng feel the benefits of power,

At the same time, I also envy Zhen Guanxi who can get the love of the prince Hu Shilong, and the future is bound to flourish.

Bai Sheng believes that Zhenguanxi is able to have today because he knows how to judge the situation,

It is better to be a dog in the court than to be free and free among the people.

Bai Sheng is very clear that if some things are only done by oneself, it is estimated that it will be like this for a lifetime.

So Bai Sheng also wanted to find a capable person to curry favor with, and let the other party lead him to a higher level.

At this time, Xiao Liu from Yaxing came to find Bai Sheng.

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